Tobias's Tips On Getting Laid:
1) Dont ever never ever get "fresh" or indicate that you really want to get laid to a girl, or you wont. Girls like sex as much as guys, but if they know you want it real bad and you have never done it with said girl, then your not gonna get it. And when they first ask if you wanna refuse, say you might want to latter, but not now (unless of course its like a one night stand, then get the giggy on)
2)when around the girl, spend money freely. Money is like viagra to girls, it makes them horny.
3) Get a cute pet, small dogs and cats work. The smaller the better.
4) dress in stuff that has not been outa fashion longer then you have been alive.
5)Dont tell girls how many times you have laid other girls. Lie, because, believe it or not, girls like guys who have not had sex with every female creature on the planet other then themselves. If they cant prove it (this is good for those teens) lie and say your a virgin, girls think this is cute. Heh.
6) I cant think of anymore right now.
7) oh one more: Girls who just broke up with jocks are easy prey, point out how that jock was unsisitive to her feelings, unlike, of course, you. Then buy her something nice, so she see's money and gets horny.
8)If your girl friends drunk the first time she wants to bang you, she doesnt. So dont bang her. But latter tell her you did not because she was drunk, and you did not want to take advantage of her, you wanted it to be special. This will get you on the path to getting laid many times.
9) oks im really out of them now.