So? Most missiles in the game have some kind of guidance...
No, check that, *ALL* missiles have guidance. Period. It is what defines them as a missile instead of a rocket.
And no, missiles should not be auto-hit. That is illogical to the point of stupidity. Would you, as a military planner put forth an expensive unit (and it's pilot/crew) into harm's way when you knew for certain that any dumbass could faultlessly shoot it down? If missiles auto-hit, aircraft wouldn't even exist; the resources would be spent elsewhere. Also, by extension, if a missile could hit an aircraft faultlessly, then they would hit ground vehicles too, and probably MAX's, and heck, why not infantry? Lets turn the whole game into never-miss missile duels where the only "skill" in the game comes from whoever can get the most numbers for the longest time until your opposition gets bored and logs out.
Then of course, there is the whole issue of FUN...where is the fun in being a pilot if anyone can kill you with no chance of failure, and where you have no ability to prevent it or fight back? Answer: There isn't any. Consequence: Nobody would be a pilot. Have fun walking.