Originally Posted by capiqu
So lets say that Indar is the Tr home cont and Amerish is the NC home cont. If Nexus has links to Amerish and Indar than the fights on Nexus will be mostly Tr vs NC. That is unless the VS come up with such an overwhelming force that they can hold both, their home cont link warpgate as well as all links to the Nexus warpgate on either Amerish or Indar.
but it does look shit if you battle on amerisch and indar and then you get to a battleisland which is covered with ice and snow. shouldnt be the battle island enviroment appropriete to the continents? i mean if you have links to esamir then the nexus BI makes sense, cause esxamir is snowy. The other 2 battleisland enviroment should be similar to the one which the link is connected. you know what i mean?