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Old 2012-02-21, 09:34 PM   [Ignore Me] #301
Re: PlanetSide 2 Will Be Region Locked (WTF Sony)

I have no idea how you can come into a 21 page thread of people angry about being split up from their friends and then say "I don't get it, what are you guys so upset about? Outsourcing?"

Planetside 1 outfits are not the only people being split up by this move. Gaming is wonderfully global and brings tons of different cultures together. I live in Australia. I have friends in Canada, the US, the UK and the rest of Europe. We play a lot of games together and in almost every case, ping is only as much of a problem as you let it be, especially considering if we all meet on a US server the farthest of us are hitting 210ms at most.

Not having friends from overseas and not understanding the angry response to this move on a personal level is one thing, but straight up ignoring the pages and pages of people saying exactly why they are angry is straight up retarded.
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Old 2012-02-21, 09:35 PM   [Ignore Me] #302
Lieutenant Colonel
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Re: PlanetSide 2 Will Be Region Locked (WTF Sony)

I wish I could say I was surprised.

I'm not. Infact, I'm pretty sure I said something like this would happen.

I'm reminded quite vividly by reading the official forums reply thread with what happened with BFRS: The community raged because of it, then split and shattered. Sony did jack all about it.

Good luck getting this reversed, as I doubt it will happen. The track record speaks for itself, Sony rarely if ever backpeddals or reverses these things.

Last edited by p0intman; 2012-02-21 at 09:38 PM.
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Old 2012-02-21, 09:42 PM   [Ignore Me] #303
Re: PlanetSide 2 Will Be Region Locked (WTF Sony)

Well colour me surprised.
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Old 2012-02-21, 09:44 PM   [Ignore Me] #304
Lieutenant Colonel
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Re: PlanetSide 2 Will Be Region Locked (WTF Sony)

This is something SOE needs to fix ASAP. The longer they let this fester the worse its going to get. There is absolutely no need for it. I know some outfit mates that are good friends that will not be able to play with us. I think this is complete BS. Fix it SOE and show us you are a changed company and not just reverting back to your old ways.

Last edited by Hmr85; 2012-02-21 at 09:45 PM.
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Old 2012-02-21, 09:49 PM   [Ignore Me] #305
Re: PlanetSide 2 Will Be Region Locked (WTF Sony)

Originally Posted by VioletZero View Post
Well, I know it was only implied but I basically said that Europeans hate my guts for being American. In every MMO I've ever played where Europeans and Americans played together, Europeans couldn't go two minutes without starting a flame war over how terrible Americans are.

Though, this does raise the question: Why even have EU servers at all? Save money and have a larger community. As WoW proves, larger community means that you're more likely to get more players.
1. You played with asshole europeans then, or you take criticism far too seriously. I've never experienced or even heard of people talking like this.

2. Wow has servers everywhere. Some are region locked. Blizzard is extremely bad about this, pointlessly region locking both SC2 and D3(But they kindly allow you to purchase another client to get back the functionality you used to have in D2/SC:BW/WC3/etc ).

3. Its an issue because it is pointless, and serves no purpose other than to get rid of functionality we used to expect in games, for no reason other than they expect to profit more somehow. IF they just did this for PS2, I could maybe sorta but not really buy an excuse about pings(but not really since I'm pretty sure they'll let people in alaska and hawaii play on east coast servers). But they are doing this to almost every SOE game, none of which, other than PS2, is really affect by pings to a great degree(and have been functioning just fine as they are for years).
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Old 2012-02-21, 09:50 PM   [Ignore Me] #306
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Re: PlanetSide 2 Will Be Region Locked (WTF Sony)

While this isn't the end of the world, I do have to ask: If SOE doesn't care about its playerbase then why even get EU servers at all? Just funnel everyone into U.S. servers who cares about latency right?

Region locking in general is something that's always bugged me. Does anyone actually know why region locking exists in the first place? Because I don't. Even if you don't care about your playerbase like people here imply, that doesn't account for why they even bother region locking.
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Old 2012-02-21, 09:53 PM   [Ignore Me] #307
Re: PlanetSide 2 Will Be Region Locked (WTF Sony)

Originally Posted by The Admiral View Post
The ping argument is dross, anyone who plays on DSL is going to have a 150+ ping that is worse than someone in Europe with cable, should we put them on a separate lag server as well?
Ping is based mainly on location not connection speed.
I had dsl when I played on gemini and had 30ms ping.
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Old 2012-02-21, 09:55 PM   [Ignore Me] #308
Corax's Avatar
Re: PlanetSide 2 Will Be Region Locked (WTF Sony)

Planetside was saved by bringing all the servers and the people together, and created the platform for actually allowing Planetside 2 to be made. If you split the people, you kill your game. Create more servers, as the need arises. Not the other way around.

__________________________________________________ ______________________

After having read through this entire thread. Ive come away with a few feelings on this that I am inclined to share both as a fan of PS 1 and a Fan of the coming PS2.

To RadarX, and SOE by an large.

When Planetside was first created, we all know the story of how it was far ahead of its time. And the truth is that it was. It was limited by bandwith, and numerous other problems of the times. By the truth is that still at that early age we were locking out more then 1 continents at a time. During these "Golden Years" we had exactly what PS2 is wanting to have. Massive battles. Massive hour, day long battles where fortunes swung one way or another. Where players like myself still have those "You had to be there moments". (Mine involved a Last Stand at a CC in my Splattercannon, and literal horde of VS softies rushing me)

But threw various issues, the populations started to dwindle. A lot of people lay the blame at SOE Executive descions, and through a general feeling of abandonment of the game. As the populations started to collapse, SOE was forced to merge our servers. (I came from Johari.) Pretty soon we were all forced together on 1 server. The very last of a dieing games community was banded together.

And it was that very thing that saved a game that should have, for all intents and purposes, died. As numerous other posters have stated, the mergers of all the servers into one single fanbase, one single community, has created something that SOE could never have predicted. It created a game, that finally met up with the the original goal of Planetside. To create a world where people of all stripes from all across the world played in a persistent, 24/7 world. Where everything they did actually mattered. Each kill, each rez, each gal drop, each back hacker. It all finally lived up to the goal of Planetside.

This community and gamebase kept an outdated, old, run down, and beat up game alive. And from that we, and I say we because the comuntiy became an integral part of this game at that point, created the stage that would give SOE the chance to bring out a game that could truly revolutionize the genre of MMO and FPS.

If it were not for the loyalty, commitment and love for Planetside by its community, would SOE ever have Greenlighted Planetside 2? In my opinion, no, it would not have. This dedicated community (all of PS players and outfits, PSU, everything), kept this game, this idea going for 8 years now. 8 Years, of people subscribing, logging in, fighting over the same patches of land day in, day out. They have formed bonds that stretch into the real world and actually affect real lives.

This is not a plea, or me begging. What I want to do is to show you that you have access to an opportunity that only a few other games have. (Eve being one of them). Instead of separating and dividing this playerbase. Instead of forcing decisions to chose between outfits and low pings. Give us and yourself the best of both worlds.
Use this deal with ProSieben to drive forward the technology to enable all players from around the world to connect and play with an understandable amount of ping. Im not asking for miracles, but make it so we have the OPTION to choose to play together regardless of location or region. You have the opportunity once again to do something truly groundbreaking with Planetside 2.

This post is in response to the idea that players might be forced to separate.

All I ask is to at least give the playerbase the option to choose to play together. Drive the technology forwards to make it happen.

Planetside proved that a united and unified playerbase will not only keep money flowing to SOE, on a game, that had been left to die, but also create the opportunity to launch and create a game that truly brings devs and players together.

From the get go, Planetside 2 has kept the playerbase in the loop. I ask you now to see the benefits of keeping us together, or to give the choice to be able to play with our across seas friends.

Heck, use beta to prove which is better. See where the stats lie on where people log into. The server with low-lag and less people. Or the server with a ton more people and higher lag. The technology is out there to satisfy both sides.

I do hope that in the coming future, SOE will see the need to offer the choiceto keep the playerbase together.

On a side note, there is nothing like hearing an aussie and a german dude cussing at the same VS/TR baddie that happened to catch them off guard.

Thank you for taking the time to read this,
7+ Year Vet
Planetside fan for life.

PS: If you split the people, you kill your game. Create more servers, as the need arises. Not the other way around.

Planetside was saved by bringing all the servers and the people together, and created the platform for actually allowing Planetside 2 to be made. If you split the people, you kill your game. Create more servers, as the need arises. Not the other way around.
Corax is offline  
Old 2012-02-21, 09:55 PM   [Ignore Me] #309
Re: PlanetSide 2 Will Be Region Locked (WTF Sony)

Throwing another voice saying: "This is a terrible idea." onto the pile.

Not only do I need to worry about my old euro mates not being able to play with me, but I've met a few more since I unsubbed that I've been extremely excited about introducing to PS2. I know that should this policy go into affect as-is written, I will be helping as many of them play on the US servers as I can by any means I can. Likewise, I will certainly look for a means to get myself a EU account so I can play on their servers. Regardless of SOE's wishes.

Segregated servers are a horrid idea, worse than invasive DRM and agressive anti-cheat programs. (ACII and Spore... the most pirated games of their times! Punkbuster, disable it or you get booted every five minutes with a dual-core system!) No amount of money or advertising is worth splitting your existing and future communities like that.
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Old 2012-02-21, 10:07 PM   [Ignore Me] #310
Sergeant Major
Re: PlanetSide 2 Will Be Region Locked (WTF Sony)

Sony Buisness Management Peoples,

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Old 2012-02-21, 10:07 PM   [Ignore Me] #311
Zulthus's Avatar
Re: PlanetSide 2 Will Be Region Locked (WTF Sony)

Originally Posted by IDukeNukeml View Post

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Old 2012-02-21, 10:19 PM   [Ignore Me] #312
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Re: PlanetSide 2 Will Be Region Locked (WTF Sony)

Ooh, you sure can
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Old 2012-02-21, 10:21 PM   [Ignore Me] #313
First Sergeant
Re: PlanetSide 2 Will Be Region Locked (WTF Sony)

RadarX / Matt / Tray /

I know you guys are the creators and are merely passing the word so I would like to add my voice to the already growing list of dissidents...but before I begin, I would like to take this opportunity to thank you guys, the developers (the guys and gals making such a badass game for us) for even bothering with our collective outrage.

I work for a pretty decent size corporation so I understand that getting one department or business unit to talk to the other (much less provide one with negative feedback from an outside source) can sometimes take divine intervention to get anything accomplished. So again, thank you all for caring.

There are several posts in this thread (corax and Nephilimuk to name a couple) that resonate with how I feel. It's not about ping or having the utmost optimum performance possible for our bandwidth; Many of us, myself included, have forged great friendships with individuals in other countries. As I mentioned in a previous thread, I haven't bought a gaming magazine in almost a decade. However because of the PS2 article in the April PC Gamer, I bought 2 copies (for myself and Mustardseed). I would like to quote an excerpt from that article:

"You don't have a lot of 'remember whens' in Battlefield or in other modern first-person shooters, but in Planetside everyone has that moment..." - Ryan Elam, PS2 Technical Director [PC Gamer, April Issue]

One of my most cherished 'remember whens' involved two magriders, one with an American crew and the other British. Let's just say that after about 15 minutes myself and my best friend were in tears from laughter. That night we played Planetisde until our eyes forced shut from exhaustion. I haven't forgotten that moment in over 6 years and I never will. All four of us in that little-tank-column-that could, weren't even in the same outfit. We were just friends, all of us having played some other games with one or the other person but never all 4 of us at once. Until Planetside.

I know you are doing your best to support our cause and we [forum users with the brain filter] sincerely appreciate it.


Last edited by Baron; 2012-02-21 at 10:29 PM.
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Old 2012-02-21, 10:24 PM   [Ignore Me] #314
Fenrys's Avatar
Re: PlanetSide 2 Will Be Region Locked (WTF Sony)

Corax, please copy and paste this post to the official feedback thread on the Station forums here:

Or give me permission to do so?

Originally Posted by Corax View Post
Planetside was saved by bringing all the servers and the people together, and created the platform for actually allowing Planetside 2 to be made. If you split the people, you kill your game. Create more servers, as the need arises. Not the other way around.

__________________________________________________ ______________________

After having read through this entire thread. Ive come away with a few feelings on this that I am inclined to share both as a fan of PS 1 and a Fan of the coming PS2.

To RadarX, and SOE by an large.

When Planetside was first created, we all know the story of how it was far ahead of its time. And the truth is that it was. It was limited by bandwith, and numerous other problems of the times. By the truth is that still at that early age we were locking out more then 1 continents at a time. During these "Golden Years" we had exactly what PS2 is wanting to have. Massive battles. Massive hour, day long battles where fortunes swung one way or another. Where players like myself still have those "You had to be there moments". (Mine involved a Last Stand at a CC in my Splattercannon, and literal horde of VS softies rushing me)

But threw various issues, the populations started to dwindle. A lot of people lay the blame at SOE Executive descions, and through a general feeling of abandonment of the game. As the populations started to collapse, SOE was forced to merge our servers. (I came from Johari.) Pretty soon we were all forced together on 1 server. The very last of a dieing games community was banded together.

And it was that very thing that saved a game that should have, for all intents and purposes, died. As numerous other posters have stated, the mergers of all the servers into one single fanbase, one single community, has created something that SOE could never have predicted. It created a game, that finally met up with the the original goal of Planetside. To create a world where people of all stripes from all across the world played in a persistent, 24/7 world. Where everything they did actually mattered. Each kill, each rez, each gal drop, each back hacker. It all finally lived up to the goal of Planetside.

This community and gamebase kept an outdated, old, run down, and beat up game alive. And from that we, and I say we because the comuntiy became an integral part of this game at that point, created the stage that would give SOE the chance to bring out a game that could truly revolutionize the genre of MMO and FPS.

If it were not for the loyalty, commitment and love for Planetside by its community, would SOE ever have Greenlighted Planetside 2? In my opinion, no, it would not have. This dedicated community (all of PS players and outfits, PSU, everything), kept this game, this idea going for 8 years now. 8 Years, of people subscribing, logging in, fighting over the same patches of land day in, day out. They have formed bonds that stretch into the real world and actually affect real lives.

This is not a plea, or me begging. What I want to do is to show you that you have access to an opportunity that only a few other games have. (Eve being one of them). Instead of separating and dividing this playerbase. Instead of forcing decisions to chose between outfits and low pings. Give us and yourself the best of both worlds.
Use this deal with ProSieben to drive forward the technology to enable all players from around the world to connect and play with an understandable amount of ping. Im not asking for miracles, but make it so we have the OPTION to choose to play together regardless of location or region. You have the opportunity once again to do something truly groundbreaking with Planetside 2.

This post is in response to the idea that players might be forced to separate.

All I ask is to at least give the playerbase the option to choose to play together. Drive the technology forwards to make it happen.

Planetside proved that a united and unified playerbase will not only keep money flowing to SOE, on a game, that had been left to die, but also create the opportunity to launch and create a game that truly brings devs and players together.

From the get go, Planetside 2 has kept the playerbase in the loop. I ask you now to see the benefits of keeping us together, or to give the choice to be able to play with our across seas friends.

Heck, use beta to prove which is better. See where the stats lie on where people log into. The server with low-lag and less people. Or the server with a ton more people and higher lag. The technology is out there to satisfy both sides.

I do hope that in the coming future, SOE will see the need to offer the choiceto keep the playerbase together.

On a side note, there is nothing like hearing an aussie and a german dude cussing at the same VS/TR baddie that happened to catch them off guard.

Thank you for taking the time to read this,
7+ Year Vet
Planetside fan for life.

PS: If you split the people, you kill your game. Create more servers, as the need arises. Not the other way around.

Planetside was saved by bringing all the servers and the people together, and created the platform for actually allowing Planetside 2 to be made. If you split the people, you kill your game. Create more servers, as the need arises. Not the other way around.
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Old 2012-02-21, 10:30 PM   [Ignore Me] #315
Re: PlanetSide 2 Will Be Region Locked (WTF Sony)

Just another pure comedy on SOE's part....

You've done it yet again, SOE. Yet again.
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