Originally Posted by Sirisian
Woah friendly fire. We both support prone and understand it'll work. Yes, I've played all the BF games. I wasn't really saying prone was a huge problem. Was just saying BF3's TTK made prone more effective than it would necessarily in Planetside 2's gameplay. I just played during BF3 beta and the TTK was very low. Going prone in a hallway in metro for instance allowed me to rack up killed quickly since other players had no time to react since I'd just put my gun at head level.
However, as I mentioned before BF2142's TTK was higher which effectively balanced prone and put it on par as another choice for cover.
One thing about BF3's prone, it's actually quite restricted. It's slow to spin around, if you need to stand up, especially while aiming AT weapons, it interrupts your aim for a second or two while you go to your knee and then stand, and if someone gets behind you, you're knife-bait.
And frankly, it doesn't even need to be half that restrictive to be just fine.
Also, prone in my opinion does not give you an advantage in camping corners; crouch is actually better(doubly so if prone doesn't exist, since crouch would then become the most accurate stance) because you retain mobility. Claims of "OMG someone shouldn't be able to get 20 kills in a row by proning in a hallway around the corner" are massive massive embellishments, you kill one guy like that and the next guy is going to throw grenades in; because for one thing, the next guy is likely to be a squadmate of the first communicating in voice chat.
Originally Posted by Retaliation
It's actually pretty obvious it will slow down gameplay. It's a posture that favors staying still over movement. Since you can't advance, it's pretty much only used when the fighting lines are stable or while defending. It's just one more advantage to defenders, and if the balance between attacking/defending is off just a bit it leads to chaos/stagnation.
Since the devs are designing the game based off no prone, it's likely that adding prone could push it over to stagnation. Stagnation is the real reason camping is hated. Every fight just results in being more of the same.
As for games slowed down by having mechanics that favor standing still: WoT.
No, it won't, long runbacks from Galaxies, long cooldowns on squad spawning, and low TTK, will all accomplish that. Prone will do very very little or even nothing at all to slow down gameplay. People who would use prone for staying still will still use crouch.
Also, it's ironic. In the squad spawn argument people are complaining that if squad spawning isn't nerfed to hell, defenders will be too weak. Yet, despite the fact that defenders will have a TON of crouch height cover available to them, prone will overpower defenders? There's a contradiction in one of these arguments or the other.
Lastly, and importantly, SOE has specifically stated that prone is under consideration. Does anyone have ANY proof that SOE has designed the game up to this point based on no prone or is that just an assumption based on the fact that prone isn't currently in?