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Old 2003-07-28, 04:41 AM   [Ignore Me] #31

Okay okay okay, I got a good one. NC commanders on Emerald probably know what I'm talking about best but DON'T BECOME A TRIGGANATOR!!

Anyone who gets CR5 don't announce raids in global or continent chat every minute to let the whole lot of us know that the "RAID IS STARTING IN 10 MINS, PLZ FORM UP AT CENTRAL SANC TOWER." or.... "RAID IS LEAVING, PLZ PROCEED TO WG AND DEPRIVE THE MUCH NEEDED TROOPS FROM THEIR HOME CONTINENTS WHILE THE OTHER CR5 COMMANDERS TRY AND SAVE US." And did I mention his use of the word TOOK? "These bases need to be took asap plz." or something along those lines. Rofl :P

That's just my idea on how to be a good CR5 commander. So always remember kids. DON'T BECOME A TRIGGANATOR.
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Old 2003-07-28, 05:21 AM   [Ignore Me] #32
Lieutenant Colonel

Lol very mature of you night. You are such a good commander. I have seen you lead so many raids. Oh wait actually I don't think I've ever seen you talk on global or cont. Yay lets go OS some more friendly Vpads!
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Old 2003-07-28, 07:43 AM   [Ignore Me] #33
The one, the only
SandTrout's Avatar

Don't diss trigginator, he is a badass commander and gets more shit done than any one other person that I've seen/heard. Everyone just resents him because they don't like their sanctuary broadcast arguements being interupted. Now to tactics.

While gunning in a Tank/buggie, always use voice communication, it at least doubles your effectiveness as a team.

Remeber how severly your gunner's vertical field of fire is limited while driveing a vangaurd or enforcer.

While flying a mosquitoe, remember that hitscan is clientside, so always weave randomly when dodgeing fire, dispite where you see the tracers.

Surge is a stealther's best friend. Boomers are a stealther's next best friend. You are NOT undetectable while moveing crouched.

There are few things more fun than hacking an enemy AMS and running them down with it (works best when dealing with large numbers). Hit anyone not faceing the ams's position first, the element of supprise will keep them from blowing you up as long as you make no more than 2 passes on them.
Some say power corrupts, I say the corrupt seek power.
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Old 2003-07-28, 10:58 AM   [Ignore Me] #34
Lieutenant Colonel
Madcow's Avatar

If you are a tank driver and you have driven away to repair your tank, make sure whoever has your back has darklight and keeps flicking it on. Otherwise you'll be dead before they're out of the tank, and a very sad gunner will be wishing they had the medium tank cert.
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Old 2003-07-28, 12:40 PM   [Ignore Me] #35
Lieutenant General
Lonehunter's Avatar

If you are in a fully loaded tank and are in the gunner position, and you and the driver can repair, when the driver get's out to repair, STAY IN THE GOD DAMN TANK!! You don't know how many times I've drove a prowler, got out to repair, and the MAIN GUNNER (the cannon operator) get's out. "Get back in!!" I say, "I can repair too" he says. Next thing you know a Vanguard or reaver comes strolling up and takes it's precious time to finish us off since we are defensless. Now every time I get gunners in my tank I tell them to keep their asses in. Leaving the cannon position to help repair the vehicle and make the repairing process go faster (which it gets done anyway with one engi) is just plain STUPID! Doing so get's a big logo bitch-slapped across your face saying NOOB. Just one of my tactics
Originally Posted by Higby View Post
And if you back in 2003 decided you wanted to play RTS games, between then and now you'd have dozens of RTS games you could have played. If you decided to play MMOFPS' between then and now, there were none
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Old 2003-07-28, 02:15 PM   [Ignore Me] #36

1) Take advantage of what side of you tank has the least surface area, and point that towards the enemy. Works great for Magriders facing forward.
2) Although logic dictates that the driver should repair, make sure the gunner also has engineering if you're in well-made squads. If the driver gets out to repair and gets shot, you're stuck. If a gunner gets out and dies, you can drive back to a spawn to pick him up. Works nice for the Prowler if it has a full crew.
3) Find other friendly tanks and stick together. While everyone with AV will now flock to your location, as a force you can quickly take out anything in the area. Strength in numbers.
4) As crazy as it sounds, take advantage of cliffs... though it's a rare occurrence, you can sometimes ram a vehicle hard enough to send him into those damn chasms on Ishundar.

1) Consider using Agile Armor to take advantage of the terrain due to your increased jump height. Some trees are close enough to towers that you can actually jump onto the canopy and snipe from a unique spot.

1) Realize the power of your patched guns. The rounds on a Gal will now eat through light vehicles with little effort, and even tanks if you can dodge them enough.
2) Remember that the firing arc of your side guns and aft cannon overlap slightly. When keeping sustained fire, go to third person and try to keep the right or left back corner towards whatever your guys are shooting at.
3) Fly around in third person when you're bored and learn just how narrow a straight you can fit through. When dodging missile locks and aircraft later on, you'll want to know what you can make it through and what will end up wrapping you around a tree.
4) If you also fly a Reaver or Squeeter, make sure you know the difference in your craft. The Gal is quite big, so when you swoop down to ram that sniper be sure you can fit into wherever he's at.

1) Don't release right away! As more people chose Advanced Medical, they'll get around to you if you just wait... especially in large assaults. Why run from the next closest tower when somebody can bring you back there. And be sure to give them a "thanks" for sticking their neck out for ya.

Base Assault:
1) Capture any and all towers between you and what you're heading for. When you grab their base and nearby tower, they'll start spawning at the next closest thing... and you don't want that near one of your bases. Create a front, and push them back towards their gate.
2) Take the tower first and make sure you get an AMS before you even consider blowing the generator.
3) Unless you KNOW the tide can turn any second, never blow things up in the midst of a hack. Unless you're going to be the engineer running around after the cap fixing the generator, tubes, and turrets, cap that trigger finger. You're not getting any points for blowing the technology.

1) Orbital Strikes are cool, but a last resort. There's nothing a strike can do that a good punch from a squad can't... that includes taking out AMSs. Talk with your outfit and make sure you aren't just burning up points.
2) Stop spamming! Most people will hear you the first time you say you're getting ready for a major assault... and we might have said something to you if we weren't already fighting our own major battle. Learn what information only needs to be said through commanders, and use the command chat for that.
3) Communicate! If a base is down to 30%, ask around and be sure somebody is coming with that ANT. Though you may feel like crap afterwards when five show up to one base, it's better then losing the hack. Don't be so quick to destroy or deconstruct your ANT, either. Unlock it, and tell others it's free to take in case they want to take it to their next base.

Advanced Engineers:
1) If you're mining a bridge, but them mostly in the center. An enemy will likely slow down when approaching a bridge to check, then floor it across if they think it's safe.
2) Don't put spitfires on a bridge... the enemy will slow down if they can see something is on there. Place them on your side behind barriers.
3) Use motion sensors. Most think they're useless, but they'll extend the range of your spitfires. While defending a base, overlap the coverage of motion sensors and cloakers will have trouble getting to the door.
4) Don't mine the door to your own base, place a mine near the hacking terminal. The enemy will have to go there first before he can open the door.
5) On Amp Stations, mine the top of stairs leading up to the CC.
6) If you need to take out a generator, it'll take between 10-12 boomers to knock a fully-repaired generator out of commission. Just ring the floor with boomers as close as you can, and rather then set them off one at a time, use a single EMP 'nade to set them all off. The enemy will come running in if they see the message blink twelve times instead of just once.
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Old 2003-07-28, 05:17 PM   [Ignore Me] #37
First Sergeant
NCG JMan's Avatar

General Tips:

1. Know your weapons strengths and use them to your advantage. For instance, if you have a longer ranged weapon then, then use it at long range...duh You would be amazed how many people start blasting away at an ineffective distance.

2. If you run into somebody in your base repair/heal them. It's just a considerate thing to do. Also slow down in a friendly base...put your throttle at 30 to 40% (or less depending on speed of vehicle).

3. Oh and here's a pet peev of mine...If you ask for healing/repair, don't go running off. Also give us a approx loc or something to help out with your loc. Can you tell I am a CE w/ med cert?

4. Always keep moving... You never know when snipers/vehicles/etc... have you in their sights

5. If under the protective AMS shield, don't go running directly (straight) to your objective. Air vehicles/scouts can easliy determine location of AMS and eliminate it and the others. Try to leave in a different direction and then circle around or something. Also, unless you have AA/AV, don't leave the protecive/cloaked area if enemy air vehicles are flying over or you hear an enemy vehicle near. Wait for it to pass unless it's shooting at you or the AMS. Because if you leave the cloaked area, it uncloaks for a brief moment leaving you exposed.

6. When using your implants, don't let your stamina get too low because then you will be a crawling target. If you do let it get too low, try to find some cover then crouch to get your stamina back as fast as possible. Or get in a vehicle

7. Always know the strengths and weaknesses of your opponents. Know when to fight and when to run.

8. Repair/heal and reload whenever possible. You never know when your next fight might be around the corner.

9. When driving light armor vehicles, always use the trees as your cover. It could mean the difference between life and death.

10. If you are in a vehicle, run the enemy over....conserve ammo.

p.s. Sorry if some of these may be redundant.
I don't suffer from insanity; I enjoy every minute of it. -- Unknown

Last edited by NCG JMan; 2003-07-29 at 02:40 PM.
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Old 2003-07-28, 09:21 PM   [Ignore Me] #38

Oh Smaug it's so funny though! I mean, how can you say it isn't funny? He leads a raid and deprives troops from the continents that actually need their help. He's an idiot and I'm not afraid to act on it. I don't have to lead a raid to lead better than TriggaNator and I use the com channels A LOT. Just haven't for the past few days for reasons that you wouldn't give a shit about.

TriggaNator makes himself look like a retard infront of hundreds of NC players. And SandTrout this is just for you you stupid stupid stupid man.


And Smaug, you stupid stupid stupid man, I said it 10 times and I'll say it again. I never OSed friendly vehicle pads, I simply defended a guy who was blamed without proof.
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Old 2003-07-28, 10:38 PM   [Ignore Me] #39
First Sergeant
Ghost06's Avatar

Aways remember:

When the legions of Barney are charging at you, pull out Maxim magazine. Purple is afraid of boobies.

I can hear the next nerf already...


This is my rifle, this is my gun. This is for killing, this is for fun.
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Old 2003-07-28, 10:41 PM   [Ignore Me] #40
First Sergeant
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Oh yah, when a BR 14 NC MAX comes running at you, don't forget to yell "D'oh!"

This is my rifle, this is my gun. This is for killing, this is for fun.
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Old 2003-07-28, 11:07 PM   [Ignore Me] #41
Ultimatedogg's Avatar

And did I mention his use of the word TOOK? "These bases need to be took asap plz." or something along those lines. Rofl :P

whats wrong with took?
"If you do something right people wont be sure you've done anything at all" - God
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Old 2003-07-28, 11:25 PM   [Ignore Me] #42
First Sergeant
Ghost06's Avatar

hurhurhur yuo spoke well englamish if gui sais teh bsae kneeds 2 bee took.

This is my rifle, this is my gun. This is for killing, this is for fun.
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Old 2003-07-29, 12:55 AM   [Ignore Me] #43
Lieutenant Colonel

Right on night keep on OSing the friendly AMSes.
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Old 2003-07-29, 09:59 AM   [Ignore Me] #44

You guys done hijacking a perfectly good thread?
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Old 2003-07-29, 02:47 PM   [Ignore Me] #45
First Sergeant
NCG JMan's Avatar

Originally posted by Nixon
You guys done hijacking a perfectly good thread?

I was thinking the same thing...."How is this tactic sharing"
I don't suffer from insanity; I enjoy every minute of it. -- Unknown
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