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Old 2003-07-28, 06:18 PM   [Ignore Me] #31

Having spent much time with all 3 tank certs, the only one I felt was worth keeping was the Prowler. Get some good gunners (and driver), or dont bother complaining about the Prowler. Once again... Prowler has more DPS than any other tank, faster turning, faster stopping, better turning ratio, better handling on hills, and the ability to focus on 2 seperate targets at once. Unlike the Magrider, the Prowler can be fully mobile while firing both guns simultaniously. The Magrider is forced to strafe or sit still to use both guns. The only downside to the prowler is that you need to spend some time getting yourself some gunners so not many people are patient enough to learn it.
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Old 2003-07-28, 06:23 PM   [Ignore Me] #32
Ultimatedogg's Avatar

well when you put it that way...
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Old 2003-07-28, 07:31 PM   [Ignore Me] #33
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Decimator magnets.
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Old 2003-07-28, 08:30 PM   [Ignore Me] #34
Sergeant Major
Headrattle's Avatar

Originally posted by SandTrout
There will be no heavy tanks, if there are, they will be similar to the current tanks but with more armor and/or bigger guns. If I remember correctly the Prowler was (and may still be) classified as a heavy tank with it's 3-man crew.
The main PS page lables the Prowler as a Medium Tank. Also, Smoke said himself that it was NOT a typo.

I would like to see something that has an ALT fire on the main gun. Where the gunner can switch between Sabot and Heat rounds. Plus each Tank would take one more gunner then their Empire's medium tank.


TR would have duel 100 mm main cannons on a large turret. It would also have a 75mm grenade launcher towards the front with a 270degree rotation and a 20mm MG with a 360 rotation on the 100 mm turret. The main cannon can shoot Sabot or Heat rounds.

NC would have a large 150 mm cannon that shoots Sabot or Heat rounds. With a Turreted 35mm on the front 270 degrees.

Both of these would have a speed of 50KPH.

The VS would have a Hover tank that goes 45Kph (the Magrider is slower so why not) and that stupid Rail gun up top. The second gunner would shoot lasher or thresher like projectiles for the infantry, and the gunner would have his crappy weapon.

Bump up the Armor and decrease the agility of all three when compaired to the meduim tanks.

For those of you who don't know what Sabot or Heat is, I'll tell you. Sabot is used against Tanks and has great stopping power. But no explosive power. These weapons would kill an Infantry or Max with a direct hit (which would be hard.) The vehciles would take mroe damamge the heavier their armor is. So you could take out a tank with two shots, but a Harrasser would take much more (it would pass through the vehicle not destroying it.)

The Heat rounds are explosive, and used against vehicles, and (maybe) infantry. They would to less damage the higher the armor rating, but it would be able to kill infantry.

Those are my ideas.
Life sucks, Press on. Moderation in all things, including Moderation.
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Old 2003-07-28, 08:34 PM   [Ignore Me] #35
Major General
Warborn's Avatar

Originally posted by Queensidecastle
The only downside to the prowler is that you need to spend some time getting yourself some gunners so not many people are patient enough to learn it.
I'm going to have to disagree with this. Generally speaking, a player who considers himself a tanker will only let his Outfit-mates in his tank with him. Or, at least, that's my perception on it. Back when I used to drive a Prowler a lot, I would be in voice chat with my gunners all the time, and would never allow a non-Outfit member to gun for me, simply because 95% of them are complete and utter retards who are more than happy to waste ammo on shooting nothing, rather than enemies. Anyway, as I was saying, part of being a good tank crew is being in voice chat to allow for easy communication.

Unfortunately though, because the Prowler's two weapon systems can be fired by two separate gunners, in my experience, the main gun of the Prowler was tweaked downward to compensate. It is a weaker gun, because it has a backup 12mm. Now, the whole point of this is that unless I can get another person in my Outfit to ride 12mm for me, my tank will be automatically weaker than the other tanks. I admit, the 12mm isn't a hell of a lot of fun, so not many people really like to do it, but nobody wanting to gun it aside, sometimes you really just don't have people to spare.

Anyway, I'm not saying the Prowler sucks or should be boosted or anything, but saying that its only disadvantage is that an impatient driver will lose out is inaccurate. A driver who wants to have two gunners who he knows are reasonably good and, at the very least, are able to stay in contact via voice with him, will lose out. Even a patient driver like myself will sometimes be forced to go out with only a 100mm gunner, because nobody wanted to gun the 12mm's, or because nobody was left to gun the 12mm's. This dependency on having an extra person means that in many situations, the Prowler will be understrength compared to other tanks. That is its main drawback.
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Old 2003-07-28, 10:45 PM   [Ignore Me] #36
Master Sergeant

Originally posted by Lonehunter187
Yeah Yogi, you must not ever have any good gunners cause when I've drove a prowler, a Lightning has no chance in hell.
I wasn't really saying that. I was commenting on how low the survivability of the Prowler is as compared to the other tanks. Especially since it's been deemed "heavy" when the term "medium" barely fits.

[ Inquisition - Team Captain | Tribalwar PHP Guru | F*ck Duke ]
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Old 2003-07-29, 03:50 AM   [Ignore Me] #37

I think they should implement the SOE equivalent of Battle-mechs for heavy tanks.
''...cause you DON'T wanna have to type the OTHER name."
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Old 2003-07-29, 09:48 AM   [Ignore Me] #38
First Sergeant

Originally posted by Vowels
I think they should implement the SOE equivalent of Battle-mechs for heavy tanks.
Atlas for TR?
Blackhawk for Vanu ?
Madcat for NC ?

Never mess with a Gal pilot on PMS New Sig! did you make it on the sig?

The second one he was in his skeeter
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Old 2003-07-29, 09:58 AM   [Ignore Me] #39

Beef up the guns and armor on the Prowler making it a "Heavy Tank" and juice up the LIghtning turning it into a Medium Tank.
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Old 2003-07-29, 11:41 AM   [Ignore Me] #40

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Old 2003-07-29, 03:52 PM   [Ignore Me] #41
Master Sergeant

I'd love to see the Lightning have a bit more armor.

[ Inquisition - Team Captain | Tribalwar PHP Guru | F*ck Duke ]
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Old 2003-07-29, 04:15 PM   [Ignore Me] #42

My first vehicle cert when I started PS was the lightning. First time I took it out in battle and an infantry blew me to shreds I dropped it immediatly never to return. Hell, I felt a lot more secure in a MAX suit
Queensidecastle is offline  
Old 2003-07-30, 03:25 PM   [Ignore Me] #43

I want one of these!

Challenger 2 MBT

Was reading an article recently about these tanks in the war on iraq, about one Challenger that drove over a landmine and it barely cracked the tank. Also mentioned how 14 Challenger 2's went up against 14 of the iraqi tanks and blew them all to crap without taking a single loss themselves...now thats how heavy tanks should be!
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Old 2003-07-30, 03:49 PM   [Ignore Me] #44
Major General
EarlyDawn's Avatar

Originally posted by kidriot
the overlord tanks are perfect for heavy common pool tanks in PS.

be sick to have a gatling gun mounted on top that auto fires
I was considering that for my vision, but I thought that it would make it sufficent against aircraft, so I decided against it. I think any tank this crazy needs to have some weakness.

[EDIT: Intruder, the "blackhawk"? I'm not familliar with it. Got a site link or book reference? Inner Sphere or Clan? Atlas fits the TR perfectly, I mean picture perfect, and the Madcat, it's heavily armed varients, are awesome for the NC, hehe ]

Last edited by EarlyDawn; 2003-07-30 at 03:53 PM.
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Old 2003-07-30, 04:12 PM   [Ignore Me] #45

haha, the challenger has heating and air con! brilliant! just what you need when you get a cloud full of anthrax! [im aware of its NCB protection]

i think in PS you should have like an 'inside' view of the gal or sund, and you can play cards or something
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