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Old 2003-09-13, 12:30 PM   [Ignore Me] #46
First Lieutenant

Originally posted by CraZy
well i really said a rgr once
cool idea with CR i will try that:
"Mr. **** what CR you have?" "I have CR1" "Oh, Mr. **** then i should be your boss i have CR5 " "What are talking about you crazy @#$%? Get outta this office you @##$% @#$%&!!!!"

Originally posted by CraZy
well i really said a rgr once
cool idea with CR i will try that:
"Mr. **** what CR you have?" "I have CR1" "Oh, Mr. **** then i should be your boss i have CR5 " "What are talking about you crazy shit? Get outta this office you fucking asshole!!!!"
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Old 2003-09-13, 03:01 PM   [Ignore Me] #47
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when you buy a go-cart and shout "WE NEED A GUNNER!"
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Old 2003-09-13, 03:23 PM   [Ignore Me] #48
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Old 2003-09-13, 04:18 PM   [Ignore Me] #49

10 min. before your plane is scheduled to land, you look out the window and then yell "Everyone get ready to jump!" As everyone would be quite taken by this remark, they look at you. "What?!?!" you say. "Hey, man those guns or the Reavers will get us!"

A female flight attendant will likely come up and say: "Sir, we need you to be calm and quite during landing please." While everyone begins talking amongst themselves about the escalating problem you respond: "Who the fuck are you?" "Sir...." "THE REAVERS BITCH! Sorry for the caps. Now make yourself useful and man the rear." You give her a sharp slap on the ass for motivation and receive "grief."

By this time the Flight Marshall has taken notice in your "enthusiasm" to get off the plane and heads towards your seat. While the flight attendant is bitching at you for slapping her ass (grief) you continue to look out the window spamming such voice macros as "I don't know", "Hello" and "Fabulous".

The Flight Marshall places his hand on your shoulder: "Sir, I am the Flight Marshall on this flight and if you do not cease and desist this behavior I will take you custody. Understood?" "Finally," you reply, "Someone with some CR. Now make sure we drop on the roof. I'll get to the CC ASAP because I am adv. hack. But I need someone to cover me. Hey I see an AMS, can you OS it?"

"Alright sir, I am taking you custody." as the Flight Marshall just begins to place pressure on your neck and reach for his handcuffs, you immediately realize this man must be Vanu or Terran. Deciding promptly that you must get out of this situation, you make a mad dash over the seat to the cockpit and smack right in to the door.

Realizing "This facility is not controlled by your empire," you strafe to the side to pull out your PDA. You lean up against the bulkhead only to fall through the world and land somewhere underneath.

Turns out falling through the world was in your favor as you see in the death messages a few min later. Apparently, the Gal tried to land at an invalid location and exploded. "Noobs" you say.

(That's how you know you've played PlanetSide too much. Either that or defecating on the beverage cart.)

Last edited by Solendon; 2003-09-13 at 04:20 PM.
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Old 2003-09-13, 04:42 PM   [Ignore Me] #50
First Lieutenant

u think this site acttuly makes sence

and this one will tell u that u really play planetside 2 much:

u think i make sence
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Old 2003-09-13, 06:24 PM   [Ignore Me] #51
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-when you go to your school locker grab a texbook, smack it against other peoples lockers to open them.

-When you use your book to hack a test for the answer document.
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Old 2003-09-13, 06:59 PM   [Ignore Me] #52
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Commanding Officer

To the next idiot who says the PS2 Devs do not listen: See this Thread
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Old 2003-09-13, 07:14 PM   [Ignore Me] #53
First Lieutenant

Originally posted by VashTheStamped
-when you go to your school locker grab a texbook, smack it against other peoples lockers to open them.
people do that who dont play this game.

u try 2 make a working baslisk.

u try 2 make a working wraith.

u think what u play on the comp is really a simulation for reallife.

u think hamma is a god.

u think that goth ppl are vs and that the preps are the tr.

u bring a block of wood shaped liked the magscatter 2 school, go to the principals office and tell him 2 give me straight a's u tr nazi.
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Old 2003-09-13, 07:44 PM   [Ignore Me] #54
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-when you checkout at walmart and realize you dont have enough certs avalible

-you blame lag for loosing in races
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Old 2003-09-13, 09:49 PM   [Ignore Me] #55
Lieutenant Colonel
You know your playing too much PlanetSide when....

....You start to post on PSU what real life Countries or Regimes go along with each In-Game Faction.
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Old 2003-09-13, 09:55 PM   [Ignore Me] #56
Staff Sergeant
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LOL...! these are the best

sorry i have none ppl have alrdy seed my ideas
My Real name is FlyBoy6 Transporter logo.JPG

Someone teach me how to make logos like the kick ass ones on Squeeky
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Old 2003-09-13, 10:27 PM   [Ignore Me] #57
Lieutenant General
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-you yell "ARAHRAGARHGAH" when you jump.

- You complain to your girlfriend about the jackhammer, and she wonders why you're so concerned about construction equipment.

- You dont even bother to use roads anymore.

-Your car is in the shop so you decide to "surge" to work.
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Old 2003-09-13, 10:33 PM   [Ignore Me] #58
Lieutenant General
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-On airplane trips, you cringe in your seat, worried that strikers will hunt you down.

-You go to the hospital with a broken arm and yell at the nurse because you can find the med terminal.

- You crash your car into a tree. You're lucky that you have your engineering cert but you slap yourself because you might be hurt and you tossed your medic cert yesterday.
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Old 2003-09-13, 11:19 PM   [Ignore Me] #59
Sentrosi's Avatar

* While fumbling for your keys to your house, you get that anxious feeling in the pit of your stomach that there's a cloaker nearby.

* You swear to [insert diety here] you can see the targeting recticle.

* You injure yourself while playing softball and reach for the F1 key.

* You talk about how well your squad did last night securing Searhus and your parents/wife/husband/significant other know what you're talking about and engage in a round table of tactics to use next time you play.
Commanding Officer

To the next idiot who says the PS2 Devs do not listen: See this Thread
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Old 2003-09-13, 11:26 PM   [Ignore Me] #60
Lieutenant Colonel

Originally posted by Solendon
10 min. before your plane is scheduled to land, you look out the window and then yell "Everyone get ready to jump!" As everyone would be quite taken by this remark, they look at you. "What?!?!" you say. "Hey, man those guns or the Reavers will get us!"

A female flight attendant will likely come up and say: "Sir, we need you to be calm and quite during landing please." While everyone begins talking amongst themselves about the escalating problem you respond: "Who the fuck are you?" "Sir...." "THE REAVERS BITCH! Sorry for the caps. Now make yourself useful and man the rear." You give her a sharp slap on the ass for motivation and receive "grief."

By this time the Flight Marshall has taken notice in your "enthusiasm" to get off the plane and heads towards your seat. While the flight attendant is bitching at you for slapping her ass (grief) you continue to look out the window spamming such voice macros as "I don't know", "Hello" and "Fabulous".

The Flight Marshall places his hand on your shoulder: "Sir, I am the Flight Marshall on this flight and if you do not cease and desist this behavior I will take you custody. Understood?" "Finally," you reply, "Someone with some CR. Now make sure we drop on the roof. I'll get to the CC ASAP because I am adv. hack. But I need someone to cover me. Hey I see an AMS, can you OS it?"

"Alright sir, I am taking you custody." as the Flight Marshall just begins to place pressure on your neck and reach for his handcuffs, you immediately realize this man must be Vanu or Terran. Deciding promptly that you must get out of this situation, you make a mad dash over the seat to the cockpit and smack right in to the door.

Realizing "This facility is not controlled by your empire," you strafe to the side to pull out your PDA. You lean up against the bulkhead only to fall through the world and land somewhere underneath.

Turns out falling through the world was in your favor as you see in the death messages a few min later. Apparently, the Gal tried to land at an invalid location and exploded. "Noobs" you say.

(That's how you know you've played PlanetSide too much. Either that or defecating on the beverage cart.)
As sent said, best one yet. Actually best one I've ever heard.
Smaug is offline  
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