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Old 2003-09-02, 12:26 PM   [Ignore Me] #91
Hezzy's Avatar

Originally posted by Caspertoo

Response to the last two pages (sorry had to work for the last day).

1. I don't think Lonehunter was meaning it was a outfit secret as in, we all used it and didn't tell anyone. No it was a bug we found out about, reported it, and then didn't tell anyone else how to do it. I believe this follows along perfectly with the procedure on bugs, report them, and then don't tell anyone else how to do them. I myself have reported abou 5 bugs I've seen. The corpse bug was one of them. Again I will restate that I never saw any DM member actively exploiting a bug or cheating in any way.

2. The bug in question was caused by the regen implant, if you had it in, your health would go to 101, then (if i remember correctly) once you got down far enough, you would appear as a corpse but could fire and anyone else couldn't hit you. So anyone that choose the regen implant would often innadvertently use this bug. I don't think it is fair to say that someone was exploiting a bug when they choose a regular implant that had some "unfortunent" side-effects. But this is again a moot point, the bug was patched weeks ago. I myself use surge and DL. Used DL before the patch was put in, just don't like regen implant.

3. Incompetent I don't think being in "zerg" outfit is something worth damning a person over. Nor do I see anything really wrong that some outfits are "zerg" outfits. The definition is kind of subjective but IMHO DM isn't a zerg outfit because the core players all play in the same squads, and we are always on voice. Hell i'd know annihilator's voice just from his accent. Now I'll fully agree that Dragon Wolves is more tight knit, I don't think anyone would disagree, but it is also very small, although I love playing in the same squad as Kaoz, yourself, and all the others for me playing mostly at night, I needed a larger outfit that had members on late at night. So zerg or not, by your definition, sometimes a larger outfit is what is needed to suit the needs of a player.

4. ChewyLSB what other choice do I have than to defend my outfit. I strongly believe that there has to be some loyalty. You find a outfit/clan that suits all your needs, then you stay with them. The only thing that DM has done that I deem questionable is the bridge jump thing, but I'm not in the leadership of DM and thus I'll leave it to them, but I will defend DM, just as Sputty would defend bohica, Incompetent would defend dragon wolves and Winged Nazgul would defend Sturmgrenadiers. I've gotten to know the guys who play at night, have fun playing with them, so to not defend them isn't really a valid option for me.

Well thats it, look forward to your retorts. Hope you guys at least think I'm putting thought into my responses. Obnoxiousfrog, I'll still be gunning for you Saw you two time and missed my kill both times due some damn mutlibarrel shotgun thing you were holding.
Buy that man a beer!
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Old 2003-09-02, 12:31 PM   [Ignore Me] #92
Hezzy's Avatar

Lex: you seem to be forgetting you shot all those bridge jumpers
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Old 2003-09-02, 03:34 PM   [Ignore Me] #93
Vis Armata
Sergeant Major
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Did I just stumble into the official forums?
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Old 2003-09-02, 05:14 PM   [Ignore Me] #94
Happy lil Elf
Happy lil Elf's Avatar

First of all to Caspertoo that was a good, well thought out post. I don't agree with all of it but at least you managed to write your reasons out clearly and made some good points.

Now, because I'm bored and work is slow today, I'm gonna tackle the long winded ramblings of Lex. This apparently has to be done in two parts since Lex rambled so much it comes out to over 10000 characters.

So here's part one for you.

Let me first say for someone old enough to have kids your spelling and grammar are horrid. Next time please do me a favor and write it out in Microsoft Word and at least use spell check or something.

Condemning a group on on mans action show little to no maturity into a level thought plain. this will be my last post on the as well more then likely any other boards related to any where near this. Not due to the fact of anything any one has said here. Its just my feeling that STAFF should be biased in any nature towards any post on here and Should not flame this situation beyond what it has gone. Something called proffesionalism. Of which I'm sure I'll get flame responses as well.
No, condemning a group for trying to sidestep and then failing to punish the actions of one individual makes sense. If someone in your outfit is a known cheater and you do nothing to repremand them and keep them in your outfit then that's the same as condoning their actions. As far as the PSU staff commenting on this goes, guess what? They're people and they have opinions too. This site isn't a business. You aren't paying them for services and should have no expectation of professionalism from the staff, because they owe you nothing.

History is History gentleman and Ladies. what has happened happened. you learn from it you grow from it Adapt over come and change. Charge on. Develop yourself in this case into a strong person and fighter in the world of Planetside by learning from prior mistakes and activies.
You are correct, sir. History is history and what has happened has happened. History is also where you get your reputation from and judging not only by your actions but the way you choose to defend your actions, your reputation isn't off to a grand start.
As to the Bridge Jumping do I think it was a Mistake to Attack No. I started that whole thing when I picked up the information. You want to film go to the Test Server. I know EVEN the Sturmgrenadiers are GUILTY of thinking of DOING the EXACT same thing. Only thing that stopped them was their rules of engagement Of which I commend them..PROOF Doesnt mean I want to join pay to play zerg unit of course. Move on. Next time maybe you will succeed.
Here's the thing, you went to an event that was planned ahead of time for no better reason than to ruin it. There were other places you could have fought but instead you deliberately went to an event that many poeple wanted to participate in and did everything in your power to prevent it. Why? Well if it wasn't for exp (which you say it wasn't) then the only reason left is: You're a fucking dick.
As to Digital Marines Cheating. You are entitled to each of your own opinions. Fine. opinion away. Myself. I was a Terran Marine before Digital Marine. Now I am a Digital Marine and will defend my outfit. Any one can take some ones words and twist them around want an example? The Conspiracy perfect example of taking ones words and twisting them around for your own use. Alot of that going on. personal attacks come on.. its a game. One you pay to play none the less. If you have such an issue with the Digital Marines /appeal them.
You apparently had cheaters and, again, apparently nothing was done to remedy that problem. You let them stay. You condoned their actions. That speaks volumes about your integrity, which is the point many are trying to make.
If I had issues with another unit I wouldnt fail to /appeal them ohh but I dont want to look like a pansy running to mommy. ho cares. you dont see half the people you play with in real life. who cares what they think.
So we should appeal but you don't because you "dont want to look like a pansy running to mommy". Nice backhanded insult there, you cockgobbling shiteater. That would be a direct insult in case you were wondering. Oh, and what exactly does this have to do with the cheating that went on and the lack of repremand?
Happy lil' Elf, now Santa approved.
-Immortalis Vita

Its eating it's food. (Incorrect use of apostrophes specifically for UV)
"Oni wont get banned, unless you get banned. Its a 2 man ticket."-Hamma to TekDragon re: his request to ban Oni. Life is good.

Last edited by Happy lil Elf; 2003-09-02 at 05:19 PM.
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Old 2003-09-02, 05:17 PM   [Ignore Me] #95
Happy lil Elf
Happy lil Elf's Avatar

And here's part two...

This whole situation is over. Get over it. we went in and screwed up your jump. Fine. we Killed alot of you. fine. we even fired on friendlies after the fact they fired upon us. Ohh I know whats coming now TKER You fired on innocent people trying to have fun. ohhh no.. well I'll tell you something You shoot me I'm shooting back. its that whole who started what where method of thinking. guess what else. I'm taking a screen shot of you shooting at me. and then If I'm in the mood You will be come the next spy caught on The Conspiracy. are you a spy probably not. but perfect example of words being twisted.
First of all you're backtracking, you already covered this.. I'm not exactly sure what you're trying to get at in all that rambling but that wouldn't be twisting words. Twisting actions? Maybe, but I'm not sure how taking a screenshot of someone shooting you would be twisting their words...
Its all in good fun for me. I dont care about command rank. I dont care about Battle Rank. I mean look at my stats. BR 12 with and no where near a thousand kills? I spend most my time sniping. scouting for my squad spotting for OS strikes. and advance scouting way infront of friendly lines. why because thats my style of game play. I dont get on here so I can brag to my friends at work oHHH i'm BR 12 dude.. hell they dont even know what PS is. and you know something else. and your going to laugh and say I'm a Noob. My first kill in this game was done by a 1 year old little girl sitting in my lap when she smacked the mouse and I just happened to hit a low health person. had nothing to do with me or aiming or skills just plain luck. I hadnt been in game no more then a couple hours still trying to figure things out. That is my funniest moment and will remain such My daughter got my first kill.
Good, I'm happy you don't care about exp. That's nice. I don't either. I care about logging on with my outfit, many of whom I've known for over two years, and killing some purple or red guys. Why? Because all these guys play fair and are there to have fun, not ruin others. I'm sure you know how that fe....oops, nope. Well at least we have the exp thing in common, right? Am I saying IV is better than DM? No, only that we weed out the people who play the game to be dicks. I'm sure there are a ton of good people in DM, the only problem is there seems to be a number of jackasses as well.
So flame all you want about units. Flame about ruining your fun. But I had one hell of a time on that bridge. We where organized. moved with a purpose and stepped up the challange. we held the bridge.
And by doing so you managed to ruin a lot of other peoples fun. Yay you! You don't seem to get it. It doesn't matter why you went there and killed a bunch of people. I don't care if you went there for exp or because the greenfaced aliens from neptune sent you orders through your microwave. What matters is you went there to stop a pre-planned event apparently just to be dicks about it.
If you feel we where out to get XP hate to tell you My squad got MAYBE 15-20 xp from the whole thing. and as far as being malicious and ruining cause we could. perhaps some think that. me I did it because I say a strategical Target one who the planner of this wasnt so smart and announced a LARGE 100+ group of players would be in one place at one time. exact location time whole nine yards even names of players who would attend. Military training goes oohhhh prime target. so in closing I say good day to you Planetside Universe.
You'd have a good point there if this was the military, which it isn't. Once again, you deliberately went there to kill a bunch of people who were there just to have fun. You pissed them off as, if you had a brain in your fucking head, you knew you would. Stop acting indignant that people would dare be angry that you screwed up their event. That's like hitting a hornet nest with a stick then standing there in disbelief that they come out and sting you all over.

Oh...and 15-20 bep? What the hell was your squad doing? Having a circle jerk? You get that much off of a single kill. If you only managed o kill one person between your whole squad....hate to say it but jesus you must suck. Don't even throw out the "my playstyle isn't the same as yours!". With that many targets if you only managed to kill a single god damned person.....well...see above. I'll give you the benefit of the doubt and assume you were just understating the amount to try to help reinforce your argument that you weren't there for exp though. So no you don't suck, you're simply a liar
I say good day to the staff and *veteran* Ohh and on that note I dont remember where I read it but being a Veteran here just means you spend more time posting then others. If I posted half as much as some of these people I would be a leet whore with the rest of the lot. so dont go around thinking just because your a veteran your special just means your post count is higher then most.
Nav is respected not because of his post count but because hes been here longer than almost anyone, which you would know if you had spent any time here yourself. He's also respected for his posts which are generally well thought out, well writen and intelligent which is more than can be said for anything you put into this thread so far.
Again I say good day. Good luck and see you on the Battle field. and If any of you feel the need to flame away please do so doesnt matter if it doesnt get read. Or if you prefer send them to [email protected] flame away. and I'll just do the whole *DELETE* Not because I dont want to read what your writing its important to me I'm sure. but I've got to go take my little girl to the park. that seems more pressing a matter then some one who is going to insult my Mother. insult me over a game and get all upset that some one killed them when they where pulling an everquest stunt.
That's right, put your finger in your ears like a child and hide from the arguments. Oh and next time, let your daughter type out your post. Your 1 year old could probably manage to express herself more fluently and effectively than you.

Respectfully submitted
Respectfully? Heh, now that is funny.

*Edit* Damn copy and paste cutting off the end...

Ok the reaming of Lex aside, I have a feeling this entire thing may have started over Lone not saying what he meant. Everything I said above and much of what others have said would be nullified if there was some way to prove Lone simply mis-spoke. The problem is, there's no way to prove that DM wasn't perfectly fine with people cheating or even that no one cheated. Now granted there's no way to prove that people did cheat with the blessings of DM leadership but the responses given so far from members of DM seem to scream guilt, and I don't think I'm the only one who feels this way.

So the moral of this story? Learn to communicate your thoughts effectively, it can keep shitstorms like this from starting
Happy lil' Elf, now Santa approved.
-Immortalis Vita

Its eating it's food. (Incorrect use of apostrophes specifically for UV)
"Oni wont get banned, unless you get banned. Its a 2 man ticket."-Hamma to TekDragon re: his request to ban Oni. Life is good.

Last edited by Happy lil Elf; 2003-09-02 at 05:32 PM.
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Old 2003-09-02, 05:30 PM   [Ignore Me] #96
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Bravo Happy, bravo.
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Old 2003-09-02, 08:30 PM   [Ignore Me] #97
Master Sergeant

*after hitting hornet's nest with stick*

How dare you sting me?
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Old 2003-09-02, 08:33 PM   [Ignore Me] #98
Happy lil Elf
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What? did you say something?

Happy lil' Elf, now Santa approved.
-Immortalis Vita

Its eating it's food. (Incorrect use of apostrophes specifically for UV)
"Oni wont get banned, unless you get banned. Its a 2 man ticket."-Hamma to TekDragon re: his request to ban Oni. Life is good.
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Old 2003-09-04, 02:59 PM   [Ignore Me] #99

Originally posted by -Hezzy-
Lex: you seem to be forgetting you shot all those bridge jumpers
and well do it again ****** hippy...
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Old 2003-09-04, 03:13 PM   [Ignore Me] #100

Originally posted by KingKroz
and well do it again ****** hippy...


See this is why you have such an easy time winning people over to your point, your diverse vocabulary and wonderfully eloquent and well thought out counterpoint.
The courageous man needs needs no weapons. The practical man wants them all. The ambitious man has plans for the practical one.


Lord give me strength of arm, will, mind, and the accuracy of shooting to preserve them all.
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Old 2003-09-04, 05:39 PM   [Ignore Me] #101

Originally posted by Doppler

See this is why you have such an easy time winning people over to your point, your diverse vocabulary and wonderfully eloquent and well thought out counterpoint.
my point is simple.. Im not a vocab-geek..

and you my friend, are an ass licking moron.. and i dont need a "diverse vocabulary" to get that point across
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Old 2003-09-04, 05:44 PM   [Ignore Me] #102
Endless's Avatar

But would it have been so hard to throw in an apostrophe?
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Old 2003-09-04, 06:08 PM   [Ignore Me] #103
First Sergeant

The worst part of the whole thing is that DM excused their actions on the bridge by saying they were playing the game as it was meant to be played. Now that people are talking of mass trading in warp-gates, the DM's leader is saying that they will get inside the gates and scoop up the weapons on the ground. Nice job with the consistancy there!

Why not just admit that you all are lamers out to ruin other people's fun?
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Old 2003-09-04, 07:36 PM   [Ignore Me] #104
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i dont think the whole outfits meesed up, just a few people in it. I went to dms website and blew of some steam about lonehunter, and they understood(at least some of em did). Although lonehunter said that he made a "last stand" and didnt regret his posting of disturbing pics, well... some people just dont change.
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Old 2003-09-05, 02:04 AM   [Ignore Me] #105

Lol i thought this thread was going to die!

DM is a good bunch of people, and sometimes anyone can do something that will be deemed unpopular by the masses.

We use ventrillo at all times and are fun bunch to play with. Feel free to visit our site at and take a look.

My personal opinion is that happy has given the best argument so far for the bridge jumping pack, very well thought out and had good points. I don't agree with all of them but I do think he has valid points.

I guess I just don't know what else to say, I've already stated all my points on this, many of which happy responded to. Lonehunter is very protective of DM as we all are, its a group we are proud of.

Hope to see you guys in Emerald. Either at my side or in my crosshairs ;p
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