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Old 2013-05-31, 12:06 PM   [Ignore Me] #91
Re: New player? Share your experience.

I guess I'll bullet point my initial thoughts

+ Game feels more like a world. I love the small touches like the propaganda posters in the bases. The environments have a familiar yet strange and "alien" feel to them. I'm not sure if this is because of the limited graphics, but it feels similar yet different than than the real world, as opposed to PS2 which feels a bit to normal.
+ Inventory and the classless system. I'm a big fan of the make your own play-style, even though I think early on it feels a bit limiting.
+ Vehicles are sweet. Again, going back to the game having more character, the way you enter and leave vehicles and can store items and ammo in the trunk is great. I'm also completely in love with the idea of lots of gunner positions like on the Juggernaut (I think that's what it was called. The giant bus with 2 chain guns and 2 tank guns) . I also like the way the aircraft handle in this, although that is only from the limited amount of time I spent flying them in the VRT.
+ Crazy looking bases. Reminds me funnily enough of the base in Starship Troopers that was swarmed by bugs, but in a good way! (See next point)
+ The game reminds me of a younger time before everything got all jadedly serious and real in look. Like the difference between the old X-Com and new one.
+ Also on bases: I like the idea of players being able to reinforce bases with mines, upgraded base turrets and personal turrets (even if the game doesn't explain it that well).
+ MAXes feel like walking tanks and can take quite a pounding; when you aren't the one using them at least :P
+ The distinct separation of AP an AV weapons/ammo. Yes, in real life, a direct rocket hit is instant death, but gameplay is vastly more important than realism.

- The game has a Tribes/DotA feel. To elaborate, it feels that if you are new, you're basically a chihuahua covered in mustard and sauerkraut trying to take on a jaguar. My K/D is something atrocious. I'm under the impression there are many tricks of the trade that aren't apparent or obvious to newbies that are important staples in fighting.
- Jumping off of Con#1, TTK doesn't "feel" all that long. I'm sure I'm doing something wrong, but it feels like I just melt when someone is shooting me. I've been in the VR and know logically it takes quite a bit to down people, it just doesn't feel like it.
- Since my K/D is so god awful, I'm leveling up super slowly.
- I have no idea what's going on. I have no clue where the big fights are or where to go and what to do when I do find a fight going
- Where you respawn feels a bit confusing and arbitrary.
- Crazy looking bases. The flip side of them is that as a newbie, it's really easy to get lost an not know where things are.
- I really don't like that the who-killed-who popups are in the chat log. It's pretty weird.

I'm sure there's more thoughts but that's all I've got for now.
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Old 2013-05-31, 01:01 PM   [Ignore Me] #92
Re: New player? Share your experience.


you wouldn't be the first who has compared bases to Starship Troopers.

re: the bases don't you find them easier to navigate than the ps2 ones? I would have thought so given that ps2 bases are pretty much all unique.

The trick with combat is: always use 3rd person. Never approach a corner without using it.

If you're using 3rd person and you think someone is there ahead of you but out of sight, have patience because often the first on to move is the one who dies first.

MCG, jackhammer and lasher operate differently. MCG mid-range, lasher mid-to-short range and JH short range.

Watch your mini map constantly. If the base you are in is connected to a friendly interlink you should have radar, similarly if a friendly mossie flies overhead.

The ttk or gunplay rewards better players who can plan ahead and aim, more so than in ps2.

Put 3 medpacks in your inventory, remap the action to a handy key and use it if you're in combat. The handy key needs to be very hand because combat when it happens can be more sudden and intense than in ps2.

When you get certs, cert engy before med. Then when you're damaged you can repair armour and you can always carry med packs, if you do it the other way araound you won't be able to repair yourself until you get the extra 3 certs for engy.

Join a squad, unlike in ps2 you get xp for everyone else's kills.
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Old 2013-05-31, 01:47 PM   [Ignore Me] #93
Wahooo's Avatar
Re: New player? Share your experience.

Originally Posted by FrostandFlame View Post
I guess I'll bullet point my initial thoughts

Pros: *snip*
Love your take on the Pros side. I agree fully. I can understand why the dropped the enter exit animations but they were such a cool part of the game.
I agree on the look and feel of the game and bases... ultra "real" games that really aren't that realistic, it bothers me.
The "game play more important than "realism"" take as well. The AV vs AI weapons. It is a big complaint by a lot of new players but something a lot of us vets truly appreciate about the old dog.

- The game has a Tribes/DotA feel. To elaborate, it feels that if you are new, you're basically a chihuahua covered in mustard and sauerkraut trying to take on a jaguar. My K/D is something atrocious. I'm under the impression there are many tricks of the trade that aren't apparent or obvious to newbies that are important staples in fighting.
I think your feeling here is correct. It is the game feel, as a brand new player has the exact same killing power as a long time vet, but the experience difference is just huge. And really the game is a bit of a continuation of the tribes franchise after T2. Experience matters A LOT.
- Jumping off of Con#1, TTK doesn't "feel" all that long. I'm sure I'm doing something wrong, but it feels like I just melt when someone is shooting me. I've been in the VR and know logically it takes quite a bit to down people, it just doesn't feel like it.
Yeah experience again matters so much. Something that turned a lot of people off. Once you get used to it but a lot of people just didn't/don't have the patience. Also TTK vs the Feeling of the TTK has a lot to do with hit registration and client side and ping/latency. Sometimes you are getting shot but its like the hits all get lost in teh interwebs and catch up to your computer all at once so bam you die in what feels like 2 shots. Then you go and unload on someone and it seems like you aren't missing a shot and unload 50 rounds into them and they turn and kill you. Old net code and clientside come together for what can be at times maddening.
- Since my K/D is so god awful, I'm leveling up super slowly.
Join a squad. Shared XP and staying close to friendlies will help. Don't be overly aggressive. Also a lot of the people playing now have been playing for a very long time, as well a lot of those i've seen on have been the warpy kill whores not really into the base taking fights more just out to ambush and kill. So stay patient and bring friends... and all the pointers ringring just said about 3rd person and mini-map. I actually move my mini-map center screen just below my x-hair.
- I have no idea what's going on. I have no clue where the big fights are or where to go and what to do when I do find a fight going
Was always a common complaint. Right now with such a low population there is only one or two choices so Instant Action should take you to the right place. /IA then join a squad and look on the map for your friends. The lattice and WGs can be weird to figure out but was such a great part of the strategy of the game. Just need a much bigger pop than it has now for that stuff to matter.
- Where you respawn feels a bit confusing and arbitrary.
3 to 5 respawn options.
nearest AMS to your death - if there is one.
Nearest friendly Tower and nearest friendly base.
Your sanctuary
A bound base or AMS. You can bind to the front of an AMS or to a friendly base. The panel is near the spawn tubes and one in the lobby of the base, for quick recall. Really handy for leaving a base that you think could be hit or to rally a squad.
Once you get it I like the system, much better than the randomness and who knows what priority system PS2 has.

- Crazy looking bases. The flip side of them is that as a newbie, it's really easy to get lost an not know where things are.
Takes some time, but you get used to it. Drop ship centers take the most time to learn because you don't end up in them as often, they are interlinks but bigger so easy to get turned around. Tribes like again (original not T:A that is).
- I really don't like that the who-killed-who popups are in the chat log. It's pretty weird.
Weird but I actually like it, I can see why people didn't however.

I'm sure there's more thoughts but that's all I've got for now.
Your CONs are all very common complaints and some that people would actually quit the game over without ever giving it a chance. You might be able to see how in PS2 a lot of these were upfront in the development as things that needed to be taken out. One of the reasons a lot of PS1 vets complain about the depth or just generally don't like the PS2 base design. Sure PS1 bases took some learning and getting used to but they were so great once you had it down. Dumbing down elements of the game and simplifying them to cater to the impatient crowd (who will find something else they don't like and quit because of that) has been a pretty common complaint from the PS1 crowd about PS2.
The inventory system, the base design. HACKING enemy vehicles.
That once you get used to the system finding and getting to the fight isn't that hard, or NORMALLY doesn't take that long. There are some exceptions like when IA takes to someplace you DONT want to be and the fight you want to go to requires you to fly all the way across cyssor or ishundar. But other than those times... really not that bad.

Last edited by Wahooo; 2013-05-31 at 01:50 PM.
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Old 2013-05-31, 02:03 PM   [Ignore Me] #94
Lieutenant General
Re: New player? Share your experience.

Originally Posted by FrostandFlame View Post
- The game has a Tribes/DotA feel. To elaborate, it feels that if you are new, you're basically a chihuahua covered in mustard and sauerkraut trying to take on a jaguar. My K/D is something atrocious. I'm under the impression there are many tricks of the trade that aren't apparent or obvious to newbies that are important staples in fighting.
Well... A lot of Tribes designers worked on the original PlanetSide... >.>

As for tricks, see below.

- Jumping off of Con#1, TTK doesn't "feel" all that long. I'm sure I'm doing something wrong, but it feels like I just melt when someone is shooting me. I've been in the VR and know logically it takes quite a bit to down people, it just doesn't feel like it.
Third person is really important to time your attack and engagement.

Accuracy and dodging. ADAD is your key to dodge bullets, while crouching and burst fire as well as good shot timing is key to dealing damage and gaining accuracy. Picking the weapon for combat is more important in PS1 than PS2. Heavy Assault has a TTK advantage (though the shotgun for NC has less range) and are generally less accurate. Shotguns are only effective under 15m. Beyond that rifles. At longer rifle ranges, the Suppressor becomes more accurate and sniper rifles obviously become more useful.

Most new players wear the wrong armour, which we like to call Pyjama's. Although very good for gameplay, it's not good if you don't tell people that the spawning armour is utter crap and should be exchanged for proper armour immediately.

- Since my K/D is so god awful, I'm leveling up super slowly.
Don't bother with thinking of leveling. But you can get a lot of exp out of non-killing actions: repairing/spawning/healing/resupplying (by Lodestar) friendlies who then go to kill others within a few minutes of your action. Squad experience is shared. Vehicle occupants share exp earned.

- I have no idea what's going on. I have no clue where the big fights are or where to go and what to do when I do find a fight going
1. Go through the training missions.
2. Not that many big fights going atm. Used to be different. :/

- Where you respawn feels a bit confusing and arbitrary.
It is predominantly based on proximity and player action:

- nearest AMS
- nearest tower
- nearest base
- sanctuary
- bound AMS (by matrix panel)
- bound base (by matrix panel)

- Crazy looking bases. The flip side of them is that as a newbie, it's really easy to get lost an not know where things are.
On the plus side there are indoor maps. They could have used more symbols to indicate things like the way out. Welkin 4591 actually did that okayishly, kinda like in an airport.

- I really don't like that the who-killed-who popups are in the chat log. It's pretty weird.
Personally I like it since it draws extra attention to the chat: more interaction. However, you can make it its own box by adding another chat window and changing the bar on the killspam.

Last edited by Figment; 2013-05-31 at 02:06 PM.
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Old 2013-05-31, 02:10 PM   [Ignore Me] #95
Re: New player? Share your experience.

Originally Posted by Figment View Post


Personally I like it since it draws extra attention to the chat: more interaction. However, you can make it its own box by adding another chat window and changing the bar on the killspam.
It's funny how different people have different opinions. I like the killspam and I am disappointed in PS2 because the killspam vanishes before you can look at it.

The reason why I like it is that it's good tactical information. If you see lots of your empire being killed you know to be more cautious.

If you see two friendlies run through a door and die via the spam, it tells you something you can use.
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Old 2013-05-31, 05:27 PM   [Ignore Me] #96
Re: New player? Share your experience.

Originally Posted by ringring View Post

The trick with combat is: always use 3rd person. Never approach a corner without using it.

If you're using 3rd person and you think someone is there ahead of you but out of sight, have patience because often the first on to move is the one who dies first.
Ha! That explains why I'm dying a lot then

Do you guys actually shoot in 3rd person or use it for awareness and then switch to 1st person? I find it's a bit crazy trying to aim in 3rd. Is there an option to turn on cross-hairs for 3rd person?

Certing Repair and then using medkits for health. Seems so obvious when you think about it I can't believe it didn't dawn on me now. I assume you use the medkits while the bullets are flying and not after huh

I'm sure the base layout will be fine after a little bit of play. It's just that it's easy to get turned around in those tunnels

I probably should elaborate on the not knowing what to do part. Figment, I meant more like what to do at the fight. I know about the HART ships (which are pretty cool. Someone should put guns on those bad boys and drive' em into battle ) and the IA. It's more like what I should be doing when I hit the ground. Where I should be going, what's the objective I should be pushing, where should I be trying to defend in the base if we're trying to hold our base. I know most of this is a knowledge thing like not pushing lanes in a MOBA.

Figment: Could you elaborate on "Accuracy and dodging. ADAD is your key to dodge bullets, while crouching and burst fire as well as good shot timing is key to dealing damage and gaining accuracy." I've heard this before in passing but I don't think I understand the concept that well. That or is there a good guide or video that I could watch/read that goes into these sort of thing Vets sort of know/take for granted?

Also a question about armor. Which suit would you guys recommend a newbie use? The 100 armor one or the 200? I've ran the 200 but I'm wondering if the speed would be safer. Actually, I guess a better question would be any recommended loadouts?

Are towers useful as anything other than spawn/resupply? I've noticed that there are towers of other factions sometimes left near bases. Should I not re-secure them? Not sure if there's some sort of meta strategy at work or if it's just sort of ghost capping and people just ignoring them.

This is tangential but, "Join a squad, unlike in ps2 you get xp for everyone else's kills." Wasn't this in the PS2 beta? I could have swore it was but I might be going crazy

Thanks for elaborating on the respawning. Also didn't know you could bind to both a base and AMS.
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Old 2013-05-31, 07:00 PM   [Ignore Me] #97
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Re: New player? Share your experience.

Originally Posted by FrostandFlame View Post
- Crazy looking bases. The flip side of them is that as a newbie, it's really easy to get lost an not know where things are.
Just like to add: remember the entire UI screen is able to be customized. I like bringing the mini-map to the upper right corner of the screen and maximizing it a good deal. Makes navigating inside bases easier as everything is labeled.
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Old 2013-05-31, 07:03 PM   [Ignore Me] #98
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Re: New player? Share your experience.

Originally Posted by FrostandFlame View Post
Figment: Could you elaborate on "Accuracy and dodging. ADAD is your key to dodge bullets, while crouching and burst fire as well as good shot timing is key to dealing damage and gaining accuracy." I've heard this before in passing but I don't think I understand the concept that well. That or is there a good guide or video that I could watch/read that goes into these sort of thing Vets sort of know/take for granted?
When I first started playing a friend brought me to the stairwell inside a base and showed me the white lines on the steps. Try ADADAD'ing on one of those white lines. It's just about the right distance you want to be moving left and right while you're in a firefight.
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Old 2013-05-31, 09:58 PM   [Ignore Me] #99
Re: New player? Share your experience.

If you like being an incredibly annoying little bastard, get the infiltration suit first. I run around with it all the time. Even with nothing else certed, bring the 10mm pistol with you. It's incredibly powerful, can kill basically any infantry in 6 shots or less. And the secondary firemode is you "you're dead" card in close range
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Old 2013-05-31, 10:29 PM   [Ignore Me] #100
Re: New player? Share your experience.

Originally Posted by CrazEpharmacist View Post
When I first started playing a friend brought me to the stairwell inside a base and showed me the white lines on the steps. Try ADADAD'ing on one of those white lines. It's just about the right distance you want to be moving left and right while you're in a firefight.
Cool. Thanks for the tip
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Old 2013-06-01, 12:24 AM   [Ignore Me] #101
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Re: New player? Share your experience.

Your first implant should probably audio amp if no has mentioned that yet. The reason most people die in this game is a lack of situational awareness. Having AA provides you with radar for anyone who's moving around you (unless they have Sensor shield implant, or sensor disruptor deployables). It have very low stamina drain so as long as you manage it you'll have a nice little radar around pretty consistently.

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Old 2013-06-01, 04:21 AM   [Ignore Me] #102
Re: New player? Share your experience.

re 3rd person.

Yes only use it for awareness, fight in 1st person - which means that you need to be able to switch between the two quickly and instinctively. If the current key is not convenient for you remap it or program your mouse so that a mouse button sends a 'T'.

re: medpacks, yup tap a medpack while fighting, the person you're fighting undoubtedly will but remember medpack have a cooldown long enough so that you can't tap 2 in the same engagement and of course you can only carry so many.

But then, one mistake nearly everyone makes in their early ps1 career is to overestimate how much ammo they need and it's impossible (practically) to over estimate how many medpacks you need.
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Old 2013-06-01, 06:42 AM   [Ignore Me] #103
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Re: New player? Share your experience.

Originally Posted by ringring View Post
re 3rd person.

Yes only use it for awareness, fight in 1st person - which means that you need to be able to switch between the two quickly and instinctively. If the current key is not convenient for you remap it or program your mouse so that a mouse button sends a 'T'.
The "F" key is a good one to re-map it too cause it's right by your ASDW keys. Or having it mapped to an extra button on your mouse if you have one is nice as well.
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Old 2013-06-01, 06:57 AM   [Ignore Me] #104
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Re: New player? Share your experience.

helpful tips for aiming:

crouch, don´t move, shoot in small bursts.
as a sniper, prefer aiming sideways by strafing instead of mousemovement.

all these actions keep your cone of fire smaller and this means more accuracy.

and the best way to gather xp fast is to cert in support vehicles and engineer, join a big squad and follow them with an ams. setup the ams near a fight but try to not be seen while doing this, and then mine the inside perimeter of the cloakbubble, setup a spitfire and motionsensor or disruptor and keep behind your squad, constantly repairing their armor.

when i found a good spot for the ams, sometimes i had playsessions where i got 200k support xp or more! if you see an organised outfit running around, follow them and repair or heal as many of them as possible. those guys are guaranteed to score lots of kills that will give you support xp if you healed or repaired them before their kills.

also, when caught in a towerfight, always repair the anti infantry maxes. free xp for sure.
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Old 2013-06-01, 07:01 AM   [Ignore Me] #105
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Re: New player? Share your experience.

Originally Posted by Shogun View Post
and the best way to gather xp fast is to cert in support vehicles and engineer, join a big squad and follow them with an ams. setup the ams near a fight but try to not be seen while doing this, and then mine the inside perimeter of the cloakbubble, setup a spitfire and motionsensor or disruptor and keep behind your squad, constantly repairing their armor.
Careful when mining inside a cloak bubble. If you deploy the AMS next to a base/tower wall, I actually suggest putting mines just outside the cloak bubble. Because smart enemy players will just EMP the heck out of the AMS which will damage it if the mines are inside the cloak bubble. I'll put the mines inside the cloak bubble if I'm deployed away from a base though... Oh, the reason you want to mine all the way around your AMS is to catch cloakers trying to get near it. They will try to hack your AMS. Also use disruptor mines around your AMS to disable enemy vehicles from shooting when they run over it.
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Last edited by Crator; 2013-06-01 at 07:04 AM.
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