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Old 2003-07-03, 11:37 PM   [Ignore Me] #1
Spider's Avatar
*is pissed*

Now I am out of a session of extremelly short and frustrating gaming.

I was in ps see... we went up against TR at first with my new shiny liberator (I'm vanu) now everything is finnnneeeee! you know I can take tr dodge their striker missiles etc... but I do get shot down easily tho fucking locks...

Now about 10 minutes later the NC join in... (yay new ennemies) fact is I didnt play much against NC nowadays... but now suddenly I'm in liberator.. I get missle lock from a sparrow of course you cant dodge anything of these and get shot down in a second... then I ejected landed on ennemy tower and enter.

First try, I get jackhammered ONE FUCKING HIT! I'm dead! yay Infil! and not from short range mind you! from medium!

Second try, I enter then I get this pretty scatter cannon he kinda spots me but doesnt turn dl on! he just sprays the damn hall!


Third, jackhammer again! but now it was from long range kids! one fucking hit long range! and then I tell the guy and asked him how he saw me! GAMMA EXPLOIT! turn your fucking gamma up and weeee!!! you can see infil's on some cards!

fourth! before I even get there sniped! I WAS FUCKING CROUCH CRAWLING PRACTICLY! only small taps! I tell the guy! ask him the same thing! Of course the little visual thingy where you could see infils while zoomed with snipers is "gone" oh wait that came from smokejumper who can't code his way out of a paperbag like one of my pals told me! So it's partially gone but you can still spot em! wohoo!

now I go back to a new liberator 1 sparrow max down in no time boom cant dodge anything of it!

I use my AA max on a ennemy liberator of course he doesnt go down and poof my max is gone in no time!

YAY! we are stuck in fucking rashnu! because four bombers make runs at us while we cant do shit... the pheonix can take care of them! the lancer CANNOT!

NOW at this point I was tempted to smash my comp to little bits!

Tell me the other empires are not overpowered and I shall laugh in your face! Fact is we all know it! PS NEEDS BALANCING AND STABILITY! heck I got booted out of the server 3 times in sanc while trying to get out (alot of people are having this today)

The bugs that give you an edge are all present and are not going away! ever got killed by an invisble puniosher user or pheonixer oh yea the person falls thru the world and is now past master at it and shoots you from below the ground same goes for some wall exploits that allow you to shoot thru walls!

Now Vanu are about versatility! only real modes we have are *getting kicked by tr* *getting kicked by nc* *getting kicked by both*

sure we kick someone from time to time! when we zerg but if the others zerg too the vanu horde falls down like flies getting zapped by one of them big ass electric lanterns!

Heck this might be stupid to say but I am getting tired of this shit we are getting our asses handed to us day in and day out! and the devs arent doing much about it they say here... were gonna give you a little nudge but to balance it out we are going to give the tr an insta kill weapon and the nc and no aim go thru walls weapon.

As far as I can tell the empires nerfs or boosts are being decided by stoners who play the favoritism game

"dude NC is awesome"
"yea dude lets give em bad ass weapon"
"what about the vanu"
"bah let them be alone they are teh sux"
"haha dudeeee!!"

Now as you can see I am fairly annoyed with these kind of issues, I'd go even further by saying I'm actually thinking of cancelling my account (free month + game card)I mean if you are gonna make differences between empires and classes make them so they stand out damnit and that they are balanced! I want a fucking infiltrator suit that can actually infiltrate not some piece of shit that allows me to look semi visible!

Make things similar, if your gonna give the NC and TR stuff that they can shoot over walls and hit you and not bother to aim then do the same for us!

I mean wohoo! direct damage! whats that gonna bring you when you have to be in the open to shoot a max or a liberator that shoots you down before you do anything!

/rant off

I think I took all the steam out probly repeated myself and such alot of grammar etc. errors pardon me I am pissed eh
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Old 2003-07-03, 11:43 PM   [Ignore Me] #2
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Antoher PMS victim...

Dude, we're infil's. We got no armor. Shit happens.


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Old 2003-07-03, 11:44 PM   [Ignore Me] #3
Sergeant Major
aiwest420's Avatar

uh, the NC AA max got ninja-nerfed, now you have to keep the lock (like the vs aa max or striker)
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Old 2003-07-03, 11:46 PM   [Ignore Me] #4
Spider's Avatar

I undertsand that but even at medium and long range one shot and we are done! The NC balancing issues are total and utter bullcrap
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Old 2003-07-03, 11:49 PM   [Ignore Me] #5
Spider's Avatar

OH NOW YOU HAVE TO AIM!!!!! OH SHIT WELL THAT MAKES IT ALL BETTER! oh no wait it doesnt... 3 to 4 hits for mosquito 6 to 7 for reaver 7 to 8 for liberator! no way to break the lock! and what do vanu have! 15 or so shot for skeeter a shitload more for reaver and dont even think your gonna bring a lib or galaxy down!
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Old 2003-07-03, 11:50 PM   [Ignore Me] #6
Brigadier General
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The simple lesson learned:

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Old 2003-07-03, 11:58 PM   [Ignore Me] #7
Sergeant Major

Originally posted by aiwest420
uh, the NC AA max got ninja-nerfed, now you have to keep the lock (like the vs aa max or striker)
What a terrible shame that is.
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Old 2003-07-04, 12:10 AM   [Ignore Me] #8
Lieutenant Colonel
Fire_Monkey's Avatar

You know what. I think everyone is unhappy with their empire, but they really are balanced. I walk out into the field, im like woot gonna pwn something with my DC max. WTF some guy with a lasher comes up from behind me, and as im spinning he jumps around and finnally kills me. Or im walking along and some dude with a lancer pops over a hill and kills me in two shots. I believe that most people think they have it bad when the people who they "envy" are thinking the same thing. Stop complaining. I freak whenever i hear a lasher or lancer fire and the damn magrider doesnt make a sound. I do agree about the bugs though. It really pisses me off when i fall under the ground in my new pounder and drown. Bugs bad : Balance Good
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Old 2003-07-04, 12:20 AM   [Ignore Me] #9
Sergeant Major

Originally posted by Fire_Monkey
Or im walking along and some dude with a lancer pops over a hill and kills me in two shots.
Either you were injured (and you have no real case) or you were in infil suit (in which case it was a nice kill.)
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Old 2003-07-04, 12:22 AM   [Ignore Me] #10
Lieutenant Colonel
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Ok fine...3 shots

why do people have to focus on the details, I was merely showing him that the VS aren't under powered
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Old 2003-07-04, 12:29 AM   [Ignore Me] #11
First Sergeant
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It takes 6 hits to kill a MAX with full armor and health...........
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Old 2003-07-04, 12:31 AM   [Ignore Me] #12
Lieutenant Colonel
Fire_Monkey's Avatar

That's without reloading, both other AV weapons have to reload to kill a max.
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Old 2003-07-04, 12:32 AM   [Ignore Me] #13
Spider's Avatar

Double that my boy! and then thats a full health max kill and its doesnt even shoot that fast and we need direct line of fire.... wich means! we are out in the open wich means for anyone easy prey!

I played tr for like 1 day or so... tactic with striker! Target max from very far barely showing anything but your gun! empty and repeat!

Nc for 2 days! Pheonix behind hill and kill em all!
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Old 2003-07-04, 12:34 AM   [Ignore Me] #14
First Sergeant
Sandman's Avatar

sssooooooooooo???( ) if you were smart you'd play VS( ) like me and then you woudlnt have to worry about that, but then you get the damn striker lock ons. But you can walk behind a tree and that usually breaks the lock.
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Old 2003-07-04, 12:41 AM   [Ignore Me] #15
Major General
Strygun's Avatar

that was the best rant I've heard in a while...

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  PlanetSide Universe > PlanetSide Discussions > PlanetSide 1 Discussion



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