What's your favorite weapon/vehicle since new patch and why? - PlanetSide Universe
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Old 2003-08-05, 11:16 AM   [Ignore Me] #1
First Sergeant
NCG JMan's Avatar
What's your favorite weapon/vehicle since new patch and why?

Hey guys,

Forgive me if this topic has been discussed. I have seen a lot of changes since the release of PS. I thought about doing a poll, but the list would be too long. I am curious what are some of your favorite weapons/vehicles in the game since the latest patch. I, being of the TR, have not really explored the NC and VS too much. ( I should, but I haven't yet). I am digressing....

I will start by letting you know mine:

1. Lightning (Tonka tank)--With new mods (armor and 360 deg turret rotation). It's a great tank to solo in for the times you don't have a squad. It makes a great scouting vehicle too when you do have a squad. That thing can climb just about any moutain if you know how to drive it well.

2. AMS--When in a squad and outfit is online, then it's a great support vehicle. Being a CE, I am all about support (healing/repairing others).

There are several more, but those are my favorite of all. And they are the ones I use the most. Go figure.
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Last edited by NCG JMan; 2003-08-05 at 11:18 AM.
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Old 2003-08-05, 11:24 AM   [Ignore Me] #2

Weapon :
The sweeper, since it shreds anything to pieces while I'm inside - and inside is where the actual important fighting is, most of the time.

Vehicle :
AMS, because it's the best transport. No other vehicle can allow all 30 online outfit folks to pop out of nothing 15 meters from the backdoor we're attacking... not to mention that driving to a base slowly a single time is a lot better than driving to a base fast 15 times =)
This thing seriously needs to have the cert cost increased to 4, and be NTU dependant.
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Old 2003-08-05, 11:31 AM   [Ignore Me] #3
Lieutenant General
JetRaiden's Avatar
Misc Info

Weapon: Sweeper, its just as good as a jackhammer if you use it right.
Thumper, plasma nades wreck tower zergs in seconds.

Vehicle: Harraser, good way to spend 2 certs, plus it runs over stuff good.
Deliverer, it looks cool, and is amphibious.
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Old 2003-08-05, 11:53 AM   [Ignore Me] #4
First Sergeant

Deliverer I have had it since BETA but since they updated Karma it is 99% impossible to destroy the deliverer now by going off-road.

Before the update I flipped my deli causing it to blow up regularly when ripping full speed over bumps if I hit it wrong.

Now after the update I can simply press 0 and steer, I dont have to be wary of what ridges or crests I go over as it is next to impossible to roll or flip it, as a result I have lost zero deli's to the terrain.

Edit I have gone down the crater wall on Searhus (I think thats the volcano continent) from the top and hit the bottom with minor damage, I even have a small 3 meg video if you want me to post it?

Last edited by Trebor95; 2003-08-05 at 11:56 AM.
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Old 2003-08-05, 11:55 AM   [Ignore Me] #5


1)MCG - I cant explain why I love this weapon so much. Its very addictive for some reason. Maybe its the sound I like so much
2)Decimator - MAXs = so owned
3)Cycler - one of the best weapons in the game


1)Quasar - This MAX is the most fun to play and very effective
2)Sparrow - jesus, can you say stupid overpowered? fuck this MAX is ridiculous, but defenatly a blast to use and great XP too
3)Scattercannon - Best AI MAX because its beefy and not heavy on the grief like the pounder. Also it kills enemy MAXs like if it was an AV MAX


1)Prowler - Ausome tank and way underated.
2)Enforcer - I hate driving it but love gunning for it
3)Thresher - huge body count for squishing people and it comes out of nowhere. Fun as hell to drive around. Runs out of ammo WAY TOO FAST
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Old 2003-08-05, 12:25 PM   [Ignore Me] #6
Happy lil Elf
Happy lil Elf's Avatar

Since the changes to the Lightning I'll have to say the Lightning my favorite thing in the game. I've driven Vanguards since Beta but being able to take a tank out by myself and kill things is tons of fun.

As far as guns go I have to say the bolt driver but only because I can't fight in close quarters at all since my FPS drop to about 5 anytime someone who is facing me opens fire. That's what I get for having an AMD 950 though
Happy lil' Elf, now Santa approved.
-Immortalis Vita

Its eating it's food. (Incorrect use of apostrophes specifically for UV)
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Old 2003-08-05, 12:33 PM   [Ignore Me] #7
Incompetent's Avatar

For weapons my two favorites are the Cycler and the Decimator, the Cycler just because it's a damn good rifle and the Decimator because it owns MAXes like nothing else and keeps my invo nice and open.

As far as vehicles i'd have to say the Deliverer is my favorite, even if i don't have the cert (one point short when i max out my char) i still love the thing.
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Old 2003-08-05, 04:08 PM   [Ignore Me] #8
TheRagingGerbil's Avatar

Have to agree, the Karma upgrade did wonders to the deliverer handling. I've been driving one since beta and it is by far my favorite vehicle.
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Old 2003-08-05, 06:39 PM   [Ignore Me] #9
Sergeant Major
00AgentDuck's Avatar

Magrider, and lasher for vs
Reaver and Sweeper for tr
An ATV and thumper for nc

It was really hard to find out whcih ones I liked most because I like all vechicles and I've gotten alot better with the suppressor. So those might not be my top favorites but they're close
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Old 2003-08-05, 07:08 PM   [Ignore Me] #10
Lieutenant General
Lonehunter's Avatar

Originally posted by Nikodemus
Weapon :
The sweeper, since it shreds anything to pieces while I'm inside - and inside is where the actual important fighting is, most of the time.

Vehicle :
AMS, because it's the best transport. No other vehicle can allow all 30 online outfit folks to pop out of nothing 15 meters from the backdoor we're attacking... not to mention that driving to a base slowly a single time is a lot better than driving to a base fast 15 times =)
This thing seriously needs to have the cert cost increased to 4, and be NTU dependant.
I hope they never do that
Originally Posted by Higby View Post
And if you back in 2003 decided you wanted to play RTS games, between then and now you'd have dozens of RTS games you could have played. If you decided to play MMOFPS' between then and now, there were none
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Old 2003-08-05, 08:21 PM   [Ignore Me] #11
First Sergeant

This is why I love the deliverer


Shocking quality though so go gentle
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Old 2003-08-05, 08:31 PM   [Ignore Me] #12
LSnake23's Avatar

Gauss - I've been using Gauss since beta and I can kill anything with it, killed a reaver once with gauss , took a while tho

Harasser - Can get me to Point A to Point B easly, carries a passenger too, plus, 2 certs... and I just love that little buggy anyway
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Old 2003-08-05, 11:32 PM   [Ignore Me] #13
Second Lieutenant

I have mainly been doing ninja work, away from the lines, sence the patch. I usualy jump in my mosquito in my agile with sweeper suit, and go capping towers and doing various odd-jobs for our commanders.

Sweeper: Like a JH, you just have to reload more. I usualy surge and circle strafe, sometimes jumping a bit. Alot more FPS like then when I used my punisher.

Mosquito: Fastest way to get from A to B. Great for shooting down reavers, and I almost never crash it.

That is the main stuff, I use my cloaksuit when I need that extra bit of stealth. I am trying to perfect my stealth in agile though. Ive got SA too, I use the thumper for defense and heavy tower assaults, and I carry a decimator in my pack with my sweeper.
look a post by vick is right above this
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Old 2003-08-05, 11:41 PM   [Ignore Me] #14
Major General
Everay's Avatar

reaver, and bolt driver, primarily, because if i have my sniper pilot favoret out, i can kill enemy planes in the air, and then land far from the battle, and kill the enemy troops without endangering my reaver, its a great combo
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