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Old 2003-08-11, 03:26 PM   [Ignore Me] #1
Spider's Avatar
*feels weird*

Well as you all know... I have the security job... it hasnt been a week yet and I already got two break-ins...

First one wasnt bad the guy tried to run but I caught him threw him down and handcuffed him. He was then arrested.

Second one... I was alone last night and I couldnt play planetside or connect to the web (because the connection was down for some reason). I heard a truck pull up so I got up, and went for the main warehouse door to check it out. The main light were out like each night only leaving 1/10 of them on to save power. So I was standing on the catwalk and nothing was happening till a minute later the truck crashed thru the door.

At this point needless to say I was startled and pulled my gun out and made my way down... two guy with masks (those winter thingies whats the name in english god damnit) both were armed.

I followed the ''procedure''. I got up pointed my gun and told them to drop their weapons, kick them towards me and then lay face down on the ground with their arms behind their back.

They awnsered by shooting at me... the computer boxes served as cover... poor falcon northwest's. I waited till they stopped shooting to run to another piece of cover. I fired a total of 9 bullets at them... one got hit in the throat, the other got three bullets inside of him... but he was still more lucky then his friend, he got two of them in the left arm and one in the leg. The rest missed. I then rushed up to them kicked the weapons out of their reach and waited. I checked the time, 3 minute had gone by but it seemed like a fucking eternity my heart was pounding and my hand were shaking but I was still making sure they wouldnt get up, pointing my weapon at them.

Because of the truck crashing thru the silent alarm had engaged... the police arrived in 15 minutes. I was taken in for some questioning and I was released shortly after.

Now let's say I am still feeling weird about this.. I was informed this morning that one of them passed away and the other is in the hospital and will be taken to trial after his recovery.
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Old 2003-08-11, 03:31 PM   [Ignore Me] #2
Lieutenant General
Lonehunter's Avatar

So.. what exactly are you feeling wierd about?

Edit: Where do you work again?
Originally Posted by Higby View Post
And if you back in 2003 decided you wanted to play RTS games, between then and now you'd have dozens of RTS games you could have played. If you decided to play MMOFPS' between then and now, there were none
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Old 2003-08-11, 03:32 PM   [Ignore Me] #3
Sputty's Avatar

That sucks. Well, at least you're ok yourself
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Old 2003-08-11, 03:35 PM   [Ignore Me] #4
Spider's Avatar

Originally posted by Lonehunter187
So.. what exactly are you feeling wierd about?

Edit: Where do you work again?
I work as security in a computer parts and computer warehouse, Wich doubles as the presidents and his lackies office (of the company not canada)

And I'm feeling weird because I just killed a man...

Thanks sputty I do feel kinda lucky at the same time...
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Old 2003-08-11, 03:38 PM   [Ignore Me] #5
Second Lieutenant

Not much to say, he would of done the same to you though.

At least your ok...
look a post by vick is right above this
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Old 2003-08-11, 03:40 PM   [Ignore Me] #6
Lieutenant General
Lonehunter's Avatar

Spider, they were trying to kill you. That doesn't make you want to retaliate in any way? It was either him or you. Now you know you can handle yourself in tough situations. Good job
Originally Posted by Higby View Post
And if you back in 2003 decided you wanted to play RTS games, between then and now you'd have dozens of RTS games you could have played. If you decided to play MMOFPS' between then and now, there were none
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Old 2003-08-11, 03:48 PM   [Ignore Me] #7
Lieutenant Colonel
Khronos's Avatar

wow...i probably couldn't have done anything like that in such situation.. to you man.

good thing you're alive...and like above, those guys woulda killed you if you hadnt reacted how you did.

i understand how you feel..bout killing some1...hopefully it'll pass, cause that job sounds like a bitch and you gotta do what you can to survive.

and hopefully you won't experience any more breakins like that any time soon.
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Old 2003-08-11, 03:55 PM   [Ignore Me] #8
Lieutenant Colonel
GonePostal's Avatar

where did this all take place at?
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Old 2003-08-11, 03:59 PM   [Ignore Me] #9
Spider's Avatar

Inside the warehouse itself. Ottawa, Canada. The news wasnt allowed on the site apparently the company has a deal with the police that controls the flow of information that will be released.

I may be bothered by the media at some point... but I don't have to awnser anything, right?

Thanks guys I guess your right... I feel I could of avoided killing the guy but It was him or me like you all said...
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Old 2003-08-11, 04:02 PM   [Ignore Me] #10
Lieutenant Colonel
GonePostal's Avatar

eh im kinda skeptical to believe the story but if its true, then you did the right thing.

p.s. only skeptical cuz this is the internet and i dont know you, not because i wanna be an asshole
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Old 2003-08-11, 04:06 PM   [Ignore Me] #11
Spider's Avatar

I understand don't worry. Even my godfather had trouble beleiving me when I asked him to come and get me to drop me off at the warehouse so I could get my truck.

Damn police didnt trust me enough to get to the departement by myself.
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Old 2003-08-11, 04:08 PM   [Ignore Me] #12
Lieutenant Colonel
GonePostal's Avatar

police are assholes

but necessary in todays society
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Old 2003-08-11, 04:09 PM   [Ignore Me] #13
NoSurrender's Avatar

oh wow... but atleast your alive...

Thanks to Eine for my awesome sig
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Old 2003-08-11, 04:13 PM   [Ignore Me] #14
Major General
Indecisive's Avatar

Dude...awsome you are ok, i bet you pulled some sweet moves.

Omg i am complementing a canadian! a french candian! ah run!1

Oh and
At this point needless to say I was startled and pulled my gun out and made my way down... two guy with masks (those winter thingies whats the name in english god damnit) both were armed.
Im guessing the word you are looking for is "ski mask" ?
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Old 2003-08-11, 04:20 PM   [Ignore Me] #15
Lieutenant General
Lonehunter's Avatar

Originally posted by GonePostal
police are assholes
Yes they are.
Anyway, Spider. If you feel really bad about it (which I don't think you should, it was either him or you), then go to a shooting range to work on your aim. Once you become a marksman, you can shoot them in the head so they won't suffer. Just kidding, but if you seriously improve your marksmanship you can shoot those guys in the leg or shoulder so they can live to serve time in the slammer, and that's not fun.
Originally Posted by Higby View Post
And if you back in 2003 decided you wanted to play RTS games, between then and now you'd have dozens of RTS games you could have played. If you decided to play MMOFPS' between then and now, there were none
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