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Old 2003-11-08, 11:11 PM   [Ignore Me] #1
TekDragon's Avatar
Screw the haters - Matrix pwned

WARNING: The following is a mini review of the Matrix which contains some spoilers. Read at your OWN discretion.

Without a doubt a great movie. It had EVERYTHING

The humorous laugh out loud scene - when Neo tried getting out of the train station and ended up at the other end, looked around, and said "shit"

The unlikely hero - the kid that believed in Neo and at the end managed to get the ammo out to the APU captain, then took over the APU and opened the gate.

The cry scene - when trinity died. I admit, i got teary eyed. And they did it perfect. Long enough to give a true goodbye, but not long enough to make you lose interest (unless you have the attention span of a 6 year old).

The kick ass, pure testosterone scene - Tons of these. The ship flying through the maintanence tube, the APU's fighting the swarms of sentinals, Neo and Trinty breaking through the perimeter defence. There was an edge of your seat fight every 5 minutes and the plot NEVER lessened.

The kick ass fight scene - The ending fight. Good lord. I almost jumped out of my seat at times. The special effects were fucking awesome. So what if it had shades of DBZ? It was pure pwnage. The introduction to the fight was KICK ASS too. I mean, it just built the whole scene with Neo walking down the street in the water with all the Smith's lined up. *swoon*

5/5 stars.

No, 6/5 stars. The movie kicked entirely too much ass.
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Old 2003-11-08, 11:16 PM   [Ignore Me] #2
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meh must go seeeeee
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Old 2003-11-08, 11:16 PM   [Ignore Me] #3
DaShiznit's Avatar got it perfect. It ruled.
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Old 2003-11-08, 11:25 PM   [Ignore Me] #4
TekDragon's Avatar

Originally Posted by Blood_Knight
meh must go seeeeee
You really shoudn't of read this if you didn't watch the movie. *shrug*

You'll still enjoy it. My GF spoiled half of it for me talkin on her cell to her friend
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Old 2003-11-08, 11:26 PM   [Ignore Me] #5
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I dont watch the matrix.
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Old 2003-11-08, 11:27 PM   [Ignore Me] #6
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Originally Posted by Onizuka
I dont watch the matrix.

why not?
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Old 2003-11-08, 11:28 PM   [Ignore Me] #7
TekDragon's Avatar

Well gee. Thank you for coming into a thread that, without a doubt, was of no other topic than "The Matrix" and informing us that you, in fact, do not watch "The Matrix".

[Edit] And yet, you watch anime religiously *snicker*

Last edited by TekDragon; 2003-11-08 at 11:32 PM.
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Old 2003-11-08, 11:33 PM   [Ignore Me] #8
TekDragon's Avatar

I'd have to say my favorite scene in the entire movie was when those big ass protector robots came out of the ground and started shooting off the exploding drones.

I can't describe the scene.. but those who saw it know what I mean. The only way to sum it up is:

"Like.... whoa"
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Old 2003-11-08, 11:49 PM   [Ignore Me] #9
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This latest movie gets a 6/10, but only because the action was pretty nice.

Understanding my problems with the third movie require me to go through what went wrong and that involves bringing up the first two movies.

The Matrix trilogy began with real sci-fi continuity. The first movie made logical sense and brought up interesting philisophical questions, although they were rather juvenile philosophical questions.

The Second movie was where things began to go wrong. They upped the ante and raised more significant and more interesting philisophical questions (especially regarding the role of choice). The second movie still maintained the sci-fi continuity, however it's end contained physical occurances that they were not able to resolve in the third movie. In addition, they littered the movie with all kinds of religious symbolism that was not coherent or related. The religious imaagery in the second movie played no purpose in the story.

The second movie was still decent because it could still be viewed as quality science fiction and interesting philosophy. It also opened many doors that the third movie could have picked up like Morpheus grappling with his faith since the Oracle had lied to him.

Now we get to the third movie. The third movie threw out all sci-fi continuity and there were many things that occured that were not acceptably explained and did not make sense in the universe they had created. In addition there were no philisophical questions asked in the third movie. The third movie focussed on a religious message. This did not make sense because that message was not brought up in the first two movies.

So the third movie leaves us with an overall message that had nothing to do with the first two movies, and at the same time destroys the continuity the first two movies created.

So I can find little to praise in the underlying themes, morals, or overall purpose of the film. What I am left with is poor acting, plenty of scenes that served no purpose in the movie, characters with potential that were unused and actions scenes that were usually longer than they should have been.

I think 6/10 is being kind.
If you hear a voice within you saying, 'You are not a painter,' then by all means paint boy, and that voice will be silenced.
~ Vincent van Gogh

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Old 2003-11-08, 11:51 PM   [Ignore Me] #10
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my local newspaper (the rocky mountain news) gave it a B- (and thats good bacause the person who rates the movies ussually rates them a grade lower then they should be)
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Old 2003-11-09, 12:42 AM   [Ignore Me] #11

I think you kinda summed up what I could not solidfy on why I feel unsatisfyed about the Matrix Lexington_Steele...

The first one was absolutely amazing... You left the theatre with a truely different mindset... Everything was presented so well, and double, and triple checked, that you almost have to ask "Well, who is to say I am NOT in a virtual world? What if the Matrix is not just a movie, but a message from our creators to toy with us?"

I have easily watched the first Matrix 20 times start to finish, and spot watched it another 100 times. It is a perfect movie.

But many things in the first and second movie struck me as being NOT POSSIBLE! One example from the second matrix... In the car chase scene the agents are on the left of Trinity's car and the camera is in the passanger seat of the agent's car, so they are looking right at Trinity... There are two bullet holes close together right at lower-chest level in the car door! We saw in previous scenes that bullets go through the door without problem. We know the agents use 50 cal desert eagle pistols... That bullet went right through the car door and into Trinity's gut!

Or the twins, they are firing an automatic gun spraying 50+ bullets on a downward looking angle at the exact spot that the keymaker is sitting, they had easily 3-5 seconds of firing... And not a single bullet hit him OR the tire?

The list of things goes on forever... You can bend the laws of nature, but you certainly can not be careless and ignore them.

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Old 2003-11-09, 12:48 AM   [Ignore Me] #12
Spee's Avatar

Originally Posted by Squick

The list of things goes on forever... You can bend the laws of nature, but you certainly can not be careless and ignore them.


Well, since it is entirely possible for someone to teleport through a phone line into another world, to jump 40 feet in the air, to punch someone hard enough to make them leave a crater in the wall, whats not to stop someone from increasing the strength of a door?

Maybe the Cadillac Corporation is Zion's attempt at Marketing.
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Old 2003-11-09, 12:50 AM   [Ignore Me] #13
TekDragon's Avatar

The movie owned.

Though i respect your opinions. Personally, however, I didn't go into the movie expecting for it to be like reading a philosphy book.

I expected it to be a suspenceful action packed sci fi thriller.

My expectations = win.
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Old 2003-11-09, 12:55 AM   [Ignore Me] #14

But Spee... Those are all elements of the world that was created in the Matrix... Those are all physical alterations... The teleporting is just a disconnect, not a physical move...

The jumping high or punching hard are all alterations on physics; bending of the rules you might say. No where in the first Matrix did they do anything along the lines of "modifying external materials." A more realistic scene from the second matrix would be when Neo stopped the sword with his hand... He was able to strengthen his own hand, along with other things like moving with the sword a slight bit to prolong the collision... But he still got cut.
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Old 2003-11-09, 01:00 AM   [Ignore Me] #15
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ditto to Tek

Though the only thing that I was confused about was the "Zion was destroyed many times, just like it had been before" From the second movie, I was expecting the 3rd to clear that up. If anyone could explain what that means to me, I would be greatly appreciative.

Last edited by Derfud; 2003-11-09 at 01:02 AM.
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