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View Poll Results: What level of gun control would you like?
None at all. Anyone of any age should be able to by any gun no matter their crimal recorded. 5 23.81%
More leanent then US gun laws. 7 33.33%
Same as US gun laws. 1 4.76%
More strict than US guns laws. 5 23.81%
No guns at all. 3 14.29%
No opinion. 0 0%
Voters: 21. You may not vote on this poll

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Old 2003-01-18, 05:33 PM   [Ignore Me] #1
Second Lieutenant
Exclamation Gun Control Question?

I just don't understand something. If you took all guns away, the only self defence would be physical. The average person to be a victim of a violent crime in the US is a small women, or the elderly. The average person to commit a violent crime in the US is a male between 18-35 years old, 5'6"- 6'0", and 150-190 lbs. (I'm guessing on the numbers, but it's close to this last I heard. I couldn't find the numbers, would love to see them if someone has a link.) Basicly, a criminal picks someone they can over power.

But how many people would break into a home, rob/rape someone, if 100% of the law abiding population not only carried/owned guns, but also went to the gun range often?

Canadian criminals are more likely to steal cars, burn buildings and commit break-ins than are their American counterparts, a Statistics Canada study indicates.

U.S. lawbreakers are more likely to commit homicide, assault and robbery, says the study comparing crime rates between the two countries between 1980 and 2000.
Why is this? Canada has more gun laws than US right?


Pollution causes people to commit violent crimes --homicide, aggravated assault, sexual assault and robbery --according to new research by Roger D. Masters and co-workers at Dartmouth College.[1] Sociologists have known for a long time that violent crimes occur more in some places than in others. Some U.S. counties have only 100 violent crimes per 100,000 people per year; other counties have rates of violent crime that are 30 times as high. The question is why some places have high crime rates and others don't. Masters says pollution is part of the answer.
Can this be true?

I just want to hear what anti-gun people think. How would taken guns away from law abiding citizens make criminals stop commiting violent crimes? Criminals don't obay the law! So do you think/know that people commit violent crimes do it without thinking, (spur of the moment), and wouldn't if they didn't have a gun?

What if guns never existed? What would stop a criminal (or a group of criminals) from attacking a person weaker than them? Swords? Axes? Knifes? Other weapons? Well, what if those didn't existed either? What can be used for good, can also be used for bad. Then there would only be martial arts. Once again, what be used for good, can also be used for bad. So out law martial arts. Then you still have who is just stronger or largest number of people to worry about. How would you solve that? Personal gaurds issued by the government? How many violent crimes happen in maxium security prisons? (Most of these have been done in the past by rulers or governments)

What about a test to see if someone is violent? How would you test someone to see if they are violent? Do we have the technology to tell if someones' DNA or pollution intake will make them violent?

Just what good will taking guns away from law abiding citizans do?

I personally think increasing the punisment is the only way to reduce crime. Cut off someones hand for stealing. Execute them for murder. Bring Caining (sp?) into the US. etc...

Last edited by Toimu; 2003-01-18 at 07:18 PM.
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Old 2003-01-18, 05:51 PM   [Ignore Me] #2
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What is up with all the damn political debates on this forum.

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Old 2003-01-18, 06:21 PM   [Ignore Me] #3
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Not this crap again D;
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Old 2003-01-18, 06:28 PM   [Ignore Me] #4
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Old 2003-01-18, 06:39 PM   [Ignore Me] #5
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Originally posted by Hamma

What is up with all the damn political debates on this forum.

Poor Hamma, poor poor

(Guess where that is from anyone? )
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Old 2003-01-18, 07:05 PM   [Ignore Me] #6
Second Lieutenant

Originally posted by Dio

Poor Hamma, poor poor

(Guess where that is from anyone? )
Grandpa Simpson?

Originally posted by Hamma

What is up with all the damn political debates on this forum.
Would you perfer whinning brates on your fansite? I'm glade we don't have alot of whinning brates here.

Also, if you're going to vote different from me (I vote More leanent Gun laws) please say why if you have the time.

Last edited by Toimu; 2003-01-18 at 07:17 PM.
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Old 2003-01-18, 07:46 PM   [Ignore Me] #7
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Gun control is a serious issue. I live in a state where guns are easy to get as long as you do not have a violent crime background. Thus it seems it is a safer place to live than my home area of LA, California.
So we can go back and forth on the issue lets just call up RUSH L and ask him for the answer .
Whatever you're opinion is I am pro guns due to the fact that if the majority of the people are packing, criminals will think twice about commiting a violent crime or what have you(you can argue about criminals being able to get their hands on em too but if you are going to get a weapon you could go to Home Depo). And if there is someone trying to break into my house well.......They plain FUCKED UP. But what I read is only shoot them inside your house for legal reasons(unless that changed I have no knowledge about it).

P.S. Go rifle, you can hit em from a far if War comes to our(MY) country. And its easier to kill food(worse case senario).Shotgun for home defense. Aiming is not an issue.(fuck the movies with My NINE shit. Thats not realistic)
Flame on if you feel the insecurity. But I am being serious here.
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Old 2003-01-18, 07:47 PM   [Ignore Me] #8
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I voted no guns at all! Word domination will be easier if my army of Schopebulbs only have Bill Gates to fight! Also, I think guns are useless to people. Get rid of guns and then find the people with the guns and put the in prison or take their guns. Then theives and people who want to keep their stuff have to duel with swords! But I actually think gun are useless for personnal defense or use.
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Old 2003-01-18, 08:23 PM   [Ignore Me] #9
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I just want to be able to own a Heckler and Koch MP5.
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Old 2003-01-18, 08:29 PM   [Ignore Me] #10
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I would like the HK G3A3 personally Lexington!
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Old 2003-01-18, 09:01 PM   [Ignore Me] #11
Second Lieutenant

Same topic, different site.

Originally posted by Patroklos
If everyone who got pissed at someone had a gun within reach, do you think that would mean more or less shootings in the US? If you knew that anyone you argue with, yell at, or cut off on the freeway had a gun with them, would that make you feel safe?
If your acking like this, don't complian if you get shot or your ass kick.

Originally posted by Patroklos
I'm all for stricter gun control; if you're a peaceful law-aiding citizen, why should it bother you that you have to wait a few more days for your gun? Who knows how many murders have been prevented because a would-be murderer couldn't get a gun on a whim?
Because stricter gun control means less guns for the law-abiding citizens.

When you go to by a gun at a gun store, they run you threw NIX (In the US). It's a program that checks to see if your a criminal. It will say Yes you can buy that gun, No you cannot, or You must be put threw another program. But if you go to buy a gun from an individual, they have to choose to go to a gun store and have you ran threw NIX or not. I'm all for making it mandatory.

What happens to someone who murders someone with a gun? How often do they get the death penaty? How often do they spend life in prison?

We don't need more gun control, we need law enforcement and stricker punishment!

Same topic, different site.

Last edited by Toimu; 2003-01-18 at 09:29 PM.
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Old 2003-01-18, 09:14 PM   [Ignore Me] #12
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I have to agree with T up there. Strict Death sentence punishments or what have you. But I do believe we all should have the RIGHT TO BEAR ARMS.(bear? bla I didnt do to good in english I dunno)
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Old 2003-01-19, 12:08 AM   [Ignore Me] #13
I'm with the Vanu
Tobias's Avatar

I like guns. Personaly, i have a .22 semi auto pistol that is really tiny and fits snuggly into my jackets inside pocket when im going out, but then, I still rarely take it with me. I also have a twelve gauge and a sixteen gauge (i think) shotgun's that i got for hunting but have never used as well as two daisy pellet rifles and a daisy pellet rifle that i use for target practice. I think most people should own guns, heck even my great grandma, bless her heart packs heat (and is the only one in my family besides myself that i can think of that does, strange old bat, that one). If you knew everyone around you had, say, a .44 snub you would not see so many school shootings, cause those people would know they would be dead secounds after they drew.

and rememeber, as i once herd while playing CS

Cap j00 ass like it aint no think, w00t w00t.
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Old 2003-01-19, 12:17 AM   [Ignore Me] #14
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Originally posted by Lexington_Steele
I just want to be able to own a Heckler and Koch MP5.
Hell yes, I love the H&K MP5. Of course, I like all of H&K's stuff.

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Old 2003-01-19, 12:43 AM   [Ignore Me] #15
The one, the only
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I would like to fire an mp5 or styre TMP. I've read a lot about them and they seem like they would make good personal deffece weapons. The TMP is small enough to strap to your chest or leg, and draw quickly. The MP5(dependeing on the version) is more of a carbine that you would have out when expecting trouble.

My dad owns 2 .22 rifles for target shooting, and a shotgun for in case of someone breaking in(its happened twice before, not while we were home, thank god). I'm going to try to get an H&K pistol(looking at USPs) when I'm old enough. Criminals can get their hands on automatic weapons easaly enough, so I want to have something to defend myself with.
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