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Old 2003-11-22, 11:13 PM   [Ignore Me] #1
First Sergeant
KIAsan's Avatar
Outfit Rant

Warning: RANT followed by a question.

I have been playing for a couple of months. Joined this outfit while I was new. Seemed cool at the time, lots of outfit members in the roster. And many guys online during that first week. Now, several months later, nobody on from the outfit (maybe 1 or 2 at the most). Checked their website, no action in the forums. Only 3 posters (and the original outfit crew) dropped PS and no loner play. They passed leadership to a friend who plays seldomly due to a 56k connect.

I want out, simple I know, I will resign tonight. However, I hate the fact that I have contributed over 4K in outfit points to this group who don't deserve them.

Why can't I quit and take my outfit points with me (and invest in a new outfit that deserves the points)? Yes, I know this is a rant (you were warned), but I feel like I have been robbed!!!!. Oh well, will quit tonight and try to pick a better outfit in the future.

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Old 2003-11-22, 11:21 PM   [Ignore Me] #2
Rayder's Avatar
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Because the outfit that you'd be giving those 4k points to wouldn't deserve them either.
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Old 2003-11-22, 11:39 PM   [Ignore Me] #3
Major General
Firefly's Avatar


We don't need your outfit points, but you're welcome to join us anyway.

Have a nice day, and good luck with whatever you decide.
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Old 2003-11-23, 12:03 AM   [Ignore Me] #4
TeraHertz's Avatar

lol. I left my outfit too, to join my current one. Whats your hangup about outfit points? Who cares. They don't benfit you directly.

[edit] they don't benefit your outfit either, only in rank.

Last edited by TeraHertz; 2003-11-23 at 12:05 AM.
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Old 2003-11-23, 12:11 AM   [Ignore Me] #5
Lieutenant Colonel
Veteran's Avatar

Make your own outfit with as many people who play a lot as possible. You'll be amazed how much fun it is to set up the rank titles, practice squad activities, etc. Plus you can pick a decal and claim a base!

There are plenty of good players around, you just have to have faith.
"Blessed are the Peacemakers, for they shall be called Sons and Daughters of God." - Jesus Christ

"Blessed are those who Hunger and Thirst for righteousness, for they shall be satisfied." - Jesus Christ

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Old 2003-11-23, 12:12 AM   [Ignore Me] #6
Master Sergeant

Feel free to join my outfit, we just opened recruiting so just send me a tell in game some time. I'll send you a tell for my info
"That kid's got problems" - 10 year recruiter for the NAVY
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Old 2003-11-23, 09:00 AM   [Ignore Me] #7
Major General
Firefly's Avatar

Originally Posted by TeraHertz
lol. I left my outfit too, to join my current one. Whats your hangup about outfit points? Who cares. They don't benfit you directly.
While this is true, it's nice to directly contribute to your outfit being highly-placed.

Black Widow Company uses contributed-outfit-points as one part of its promotions system. I say one part because not everyone is a kill-junkie, meaning they spend more time dying or supporting the shooters/looters with resurrections and armor repairs, or mining bridges and hacking towers and bases and other things you fools leave lying around. The other parts are determined by forum participation, operations attendance, and contributions to the outfit through other means.

We keep an active tally of how many kills a person has, and that gets figured in with contributed points. A certain number of kills gives a person a certain number of promotion points, and a certain number of contributed points gets you a certain number of promotion points. A certain number of promotion points brings you to the next rank, as it does in the Army for mid-level NCOs. So when you say "who cares", I can say "We do" and show you why.
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Old 2003-11-23, 08:56 PM   [Ignore Me] #8
SkunkPunk's Avatar

bleh, any VS players wanna join small organized friendly TS using outfit? seeing as everyone else is recruiting here...

Master Of The Shunk //LOL! // [LD.] // Email // {Coming to Planetside Soon, Beware}
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Old 2003-11-23, 09:24 PM   [Ignore Me] #9

I am about to Leave ELH because someone keeps kicking out everyone in the freaking outfit and then re inviting them... its one thing to leave 4k outfit points behind... but it really sucks to stay in the same outfit that does deserve the points and have them erased. ELH (the leader) is pretty pissed off.
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Old 2003-11-24, 01:34 PM   [Ignore Me] #10
First Lieutenant
Nimbus's Avatar

Bleh. I'd love to join an outfit buuuuut....I refuse to use teamspeak. I haven't been in an outfit for months.
*signature eaten by feral snails*
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