Battle Concentration Initiative !!!! Dec 5
Battle Concentration Initiative
After this initiative, the battles of PlanetSide are going to be huge! If you haven't heard of this, please read Dallas Dickingson's latest Producer Letter. This is an exciting time for us, and we hope as well as for you. Here is some information you should be aware of in order to make this move as smooth as possible.
What You Need to Know
All east coast characters will now reside on Emerald. All west coast characters will live on Markov.
PlanetSide will now allow eight characters on each server.
In case of a name conflict resulting from the consolidation, characters and Outfits moving from Johari will have a -J appended to their name. Characters and Outfits from Konried will have a -K. If there is no name conflict on the new home server, then nothing will be appended.
All characters and Outfits with a -J or -K appended will be allowed a one-time rename for their characters or /outfitrename for their Outfit.
If a player has characters on two different empires (one empire on Johari and a different one on Markov) when the consolidation occurs, they will be able to keep both sets of characters (and create new ones for either empire)
To account for players who will have characters from two different Empires when the server merges, all players will now have the ability to create characters from two different Empires on each server. Players may switch from one to another instantly, but may not switch back for at least 24 hours. This is done to alleviate concerns about Empire spying and to help preserve the day-to-day population balance across Empires.
Last edited by Wyrm21; 2003-12-02 at 01:56 PM.