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Old 2004-01-06, 01:37 PM   [Ignore Me] #1
Lieutenant Colonel
Madcow's Avatar
I hate thumpers

Actually, that's not true. I don't hate thumpers so much as I hate 80% of thumper users. I've seen people who are good with the thumper, and it's impressive to see. Unfortunately, thanks to the bargain bin SA cert every dork on the 30 day trial seems to have the cert and they all just looooove the looks of plasma. In the last week I have been killed by 'friendly' plasma thumpers in the following situations:

Alone, in my infil suit, crouch walking towards an enemy tower. There was nobody else around, and I'd just used DL previous to having plasma rain on my head. As the screen spun around, I watched this guy charging the tower just raining plasma everywhere on his way, apparently to make sure that no cloakers could get the drop on him. Boy, that's a fun death!

In a friendly spawn room of a base, where one enemy has made it into the spawn room. Three of us had spawned and were circling the enemy with our supressors to take him out, one guy comes in and douses the room with plasma. He got the enemy and all 3 friendlies. Nice work, a friendly spawn room is probably the ideal place for plasma.

On top of a base wall of a base we were trying to siege, when I was the only person up there. I was crouch walking and boomering the spitfires that somebody had put up that were shooting down at our folks when plasma fell from the sky. It failed to kill the spitfire, but was very effective at keeping me from continuing my friendly journey. You have a HUD, use it. Green guys are good guys.

I'm really tired of fools with plasma. If you're mentally challenged, please leave the weapon to those that are truly talented with it. There's no shame in laying the Thumper down, and there are other weapons that maybe you'll actually show a little bit of talent for using. Maybe you could concentrate all of your energy on taking down the evil equipment terminals at bases your team has the hack on, or something.
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Old 2004-01-06, 01:43 PM   [Ignore Me] #2
Lieutenant Colonel

Ive had 6 TK's with my thumper since release and ive been killed with it by allies at least 25 times. Its ridiculas what some people do with their guns. For instance, I was killing a NC with my MCG and one guy comes in with a cycler, opens random fire, kills me and then steals my kill. Then brags about it to me in a tell. WTF ARE SOME OF YOU THINKING????!!!!
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Old 2004-01-06, 02:13 PM   [Ignore Me] #3

PlanetSide, PlanetSide, I love MY PlanetSIde!
PC in the Works; Pentium4 2.8ghz 800mhz FSB, Albatron PX865PE Pro2 motherboard (OC king), 1536mb(1-1/2ghz) Corsair TWINX XMS3200 DDR400mhz Dual Channel RAM, Radeon 9600pro 128mb 8xAGP graphics card, Duel 80ghz 7200rpm 8mb harddrives, Windows XP Professional, 19" Sony GS420 monitor with 1600x1200@85hz resolution, 5.1 surroundsound system, and more...
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Old 2004-01-06, 04:06 PM   [Ignore Me] #4
FlakMan's Avatar

I consider myself talented with a thumper, but unless you use it sparingly, jackasses will cause you major grief since they also like the look of the plasma. More later. I need to go clothe myself. I'm nekkid.

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Old 2004-01-06, 04:21 PM   [Ignore Me] #5

I agree. The thumper is a great weapon on specific circumstances but I see way to many players using it in exactly the wrong situations.

For example, when everyone is piling into a spawn room to finally destroy the spawn tubes, DO NOT use the thumper to kill one guy in standard armour especially when there are 15-20 friendlies around, you will only cause major greif and weaken your own players to the point where they could actually be killed by the standard with a suppressor.

When everyone is trying to run through a tower door, DO NOT use the thumper to try and suppress enemies coming out the door. Only use the thumper if the enemy is coming out faster then your troops are going in and even then, use it with extreme caution.

You CAN use the thumper on extremely crowded enemy AMSs but make sure you dont have a friendly stealther trying to jack it first.

Also I find it a lot of fun to use the thumper from a base wall if there are a lot of enemies coming from the same direction (like a tower). Or you can use it from a wall to kill someone hiding behind a tree.

Like all weapons, the thumper can be extremely effective, but use your head before you fire it. If there are a lot of friendlies in close proximity, put the thumper away.
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Old 2004-01-06, 05:39 PM   [Ignore Me] #6
Master Sergeant
Ogge's Avatar

if they wud get back the old grief system (wher u lost about 100 points/day) people wud be more careful...
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Old 2004-01-06, 06:15 PM   [Ignore Me] #7
xmodum's Avatar

Originally Posted by Ogge
if they wud get back the old grief system (wher u lost about 100 points/day) people wud be more careful...
how many points do u lose now?
plus i hate thumpers with the plasma , i like to play infill , and i hate when i chase an nme
and i am about to fire on him , then a friendly jumps over the hill hits us both and since the plasme nade/thumper is the uber infill killed of the year! we both die , then he sends me a lame /tell "o im sry didnt see u there"
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Old 2004-01-06, 06:16 PM   [Ignore Me] #8
Master Sergeant
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i dont realy know how mutch it is now, i think its 200 something (can be more can be less)
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Old 2004-01-06, 06:45 PM   [Ignore Me] #9
FlakMan's Avatar

I've found the 3-second timer to be quite useful. I was defending a back door once, and I was outside the door that leads to the hallway that leads to the backdoor. Poor English aside, that's where I was. A few VS kept going in to easily get slaughtered without a single kill which in turn would trigger a flood of NC coming in with Jackhammers, much to our dismay. Shooting primary-mode plasma nades at the door was causing me grief. So I had a nifty idea, and it worked. I stood to the left of the door and back a bit, and set it to 3-second mode. When the door would open up, I would shoot nades in, they would bounce up, and explode on the NC troops, not my guys. And I got many kills this way.

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Old 2004-01-06, 07:11 PM   [Ignore Me] #10
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same thing happens to me all the time. just something you have to deal with as an infiltrator.
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Old 2004-01-06, 07:39 PM   [Ignore Me] #11
Professor Frink
Staff Sergeant
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The only problem I have with Thumpers is that the bad guys point it at me.
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Old 2004-01-06, 07:46 PM   [Ignore Me] #12
Master Sergeant
Kaymon's Avatar

The thumper is great for its secondary. I lob it into doorways of spawn rooms we're trying to take, onto base walls, ect. I never got more than 100 grief a day from thumper use.

I just don't spam it.
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Old 2004-01-06, 08:23 PM   [Ignore Me] #13
Jagd's Avatar

You really shouldn't be using a thumper indoors.
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Old 2004-01-06, 09:40 PM   [Ignore Me] #14

My main character only has SA and, after practice, I rarely get any grief at all. I have no real tips except practicing with it. A thumper can be used indoors but then you have to rely on your teammates, who are generally idiots, to stay out of the way.

I agree that superb defending on a wall is one of the thumper's best qualities.

One thing that does piss me off is people who charge into towers, CCs with maxes locked down in it, or back door hallways when, if they would just stay back, the SA guys can spam grenades in 2ndary mode and clear the way.

JuSTCHiLLiN - JCsuperstar - xxJCxx
www.sghq.com formerly of Immortalis Vita
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