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Old 2004-01-20, 09:41 AM   [Ignore Me] #1
Lieutenant Colonel
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Built-In Exploits

It's pretty cool when a commander chooses a base that's experiencing bad weather for his target, right? He can be relatively sure that snipers and aircraft will have reduced visibility because of the weather. Right?

Nope. Retardedly enough, you can switch 'Skydome' off in your video settings, and view the world as though there were no ill weather.

It's laughable. I feel like I'm revealing an exploit even as I type this, but the devs for some truly retarded reason felt it was preferable to offer a slight FPS advantage to those with inadequate computers at the expense of strategical consideration.

Retarded, I says.
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Old 2004-01-20, 09:47 AM   [Ignore Me] #2
Incompetent's Avatar

Indeed, they should force weather and up its frequency to at least twice as high as it is now, and make it far more severe. Maybe even go so far as to affect flyers movement.

Last edited by Incompetent; 2004-01-20 at 09:50 AM.
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Old 2004-01-20, 10:32 AM   [Ignore Me] #3
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dscytherulez's Avatar

Originally Posted by Incompetent
Indeed, they should force weather and up its frequency to at least twice as high as it is now, and make it far more severe. Maybe even go so far as to affect flyers movement.
I agree x 2
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Old 2004-01-20, 10:35 AM   [Ignore Me] #4
xmodum's Avatar

that would be kool, id dont like the weather except for snow ... sandstorms kick my ass to much ...
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Old 2004-01-20, 10:54 AM   [Ignore Me] #5
infinite loop
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Even more retarted is the Flora setting. I can't tell you how many times I thought I was "hiding" in the flora, until I found out that you could turn it off completely. It really sucks too, because I love the way flora and weather looks. But it's not worth the disadvantage to have them on
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Old 2004-01-20, 11:16 AM   [Ignore Me] #6
Staff Sergeant

/agree the weather and Flora should be part of the game. As it is now I have both off.
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Old 2004-01-20, 11:18 AM   [Ignore Me] #7
Lieutenant Colonel
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Perhaps it's a mental condition, but I almost never jump in combat, knowing that it will produce warping effects for my opponents.

Is it wrong to think about fair play while you play? HELL NO.

I used to use jump and crouch like a bastard when I played an alien in Aliens vs. Predator 2, because your enemies wouldn't see any warping in that game.

If you ever had nightmares about a predalien, you may well have faced me in a game or two of Aliens vs. Predator 2.

As for PlanetSide, each and every jump is a laughable voyage into the land of cheese and gravy.

F1x teh W4rp1ng!11
"Blessed are the Peacemakers, for they shall be called Sons and Daughters of God." - Jesus Christ

"Blessed are those who Hunger and Thirst for righteousness, for they shall be satisfied." - Jesus Christ

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Old 2004-01-20, 11:21 AM   [Ignore Me] #8
Lieutenant Colonel
SilverLord's Avatar

I hate how a 1.8 Ghrz, 640 RAM, and a 9600 is still way too slow for this game...it irks me so much. The min req. should be like 1 gig of ram, 2.8 ghrz, and 256 9800 Pro.
DARK, VS, old sig ^_^

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Old 2004-01-20, 11:25 AM   [Ignore Me] #9
Lieutenant Colonel
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I have 2.4ghz processor, 1.5gb pc2700 memory and 128mb Radeon 9700 graphics and it's flawless.

What we're seeing is the grim result of disparity between our PC platforms.

Bill Gates wants to slay the PC and replace it with the console. He wants every gamer to use a console. He thinks that a PC is too much power for a gamer (i.e. the power to write aimbots, etc., which many scumsuckers have gleefully done, regardless of their effects on fair play).

Woah, sorry about the rant. It's just that I grew up with PCs, and now there are people who would put an end to them forever.
"Blessed are the Peacemakers, for they shall be called Sons and Daughters of God." - Jesus Christ

"Blessed are those who Hunger and Thirst for righteousness, for they shall be satisfied." - Jesus Christ

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Old 2004-01-20, 11:29 AM   [Ignore Me] #10
infinite loop
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PC Gaming isn't going anywhere Vet. There are far too many hardcore PC Gamers that will never convert to console. I hate console.

Anyway, when you say flawlessly, how does your machine perform in big zerg battles? I have a similar system, but only a gig of RAM. My fps drops to <10 in the zerg. Does yours?
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Old 2004-01-20, 11:32 AM   [Ignore Me] #11
Staff Sergeant

Originally Posted by SilverLord
I hate how a 1.8 Ghrz, 640 RAM, and a 9600 is still way too slow for this game...it irks me so much. The min req. should be like 1 gig of ram, 2.8 ghrz, and 256 9800 Pro.
I have a P4 1.6, 1 gig of ram, and a 9600xt. It runs really smooth. I would bet if you jump up to 1 gig of ram you would see a huge difference.
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Old 2004-01-20, 12:22 PM   [Ignore Me] #12
Lieutenant Colonel

Flora is a major killer for my FPS on my comp for some reason with it on high i get around 20 fps-25 fps with it off i get around 60-70 so i rather that u leave flora off and keep weather on
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Old 2004-01-20, 12:23 PM   [Ignore Me] #13

I use to be a avid Console gamer but not nearly as much anymore I mainly spend my time on the PC. only time I use the console anymore (mainly older games metroid, Secert of mana and chrono trigger) for some good RPG games btw final fantasy sucks. gotta love them....oh and btw no way Consoles will ever replace PCs.
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Old 2004-01-20, 12:57 PM   [Ignore Me] #14
Sergeant Major

the reason PC gaming is so big is because everybody has one. can't say that about consoles. and bill gates isn't worried about cheaters, he's worried about warez, he uses cheats as an excuse.

do you have any idea how much lag flora and weather produce on machines with less ram? I have 512 RAM and a 2.4B and even before I started using an MX440, back when my ti 4200 wasn't burnt and I wasn't waiting for the new card, it was really hard to play with flora and weather in big battles.

here's a little idea, make it so if you disable weather particles the game just limits your view distance instead. flora is harder but it gives less of an advantage anyway.
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Old 2004-01-20, 02:13 PM   [Ignore Me] #15
Gunslanger's Avatar

i have 512 DDR, P4 thats like 2.53 gig, and a 64 mg graphic card and i get ugly lag during zergs. i connect at 128k. makes me want to quit PS. i would love PS sooo much more if it had 1/2 or even 1/4 less lag.
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