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Old 2004-03-27, 02:38 AM   [Ignore Me] #1
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Post your Reoccuring dreams!

After viewing Aztec's thread this popped into my head.

For some reason I used to get this one where I'm in this big room with no walls in sight and there are all these gears that just keep grinding. I can feel my teeth clenching and just all these grinding gears. Then eventually I get caught in one and get pulverized. . Thankfully I haven't had that dream for a good 3 or more years.

How bout yall?
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Old 2004-03-27, 02:46 AM   [Ignore Me] #2
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This is sort of in the jurisdiction of re-occuring. I'll have dreams about what'll happen in the day ahead, and then those things happen and I get major deja vu.
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Old 2004-03-27, 02:48 AM   [Ignore Me] #3
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My dreams tend to differ each time, but many of them end in the same way: I hear "Hey stupid!" and I turn around to see Strong Bad from, at which point he proceeds to punch me. Then the dream stops.

I also have a reoccuring dream that I'm conversing with strange people online, discussing topics that are at best random, and are at worst sheer lunacy. Then it occurs to me that I'm not dreaming, just posting in the PSU Lounge.
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Old 2004-03-27, 02:54 AM   [Ignore Me] #4
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I have never had a re-occurring dream.
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Old 2004-03-27, 03:02 AM   [Ignore Me] #5
Lieutenant Colonel

I'm like Mag. Mine get specific to the conversation.

I had a dream once, I was at a table on the right side of fellowship hall, facing towards the wall, mom to my right, dad beyond her, and the people with us at this little table were talking about someone who broke their leg in a skiing accident.

3 months later, that exact thing happened, it matched up perfectly with the dream.

I've always believed that people have a certain amount of skill to make predictions, the subconcious predicting things that the concious wouldn't get to going into detail about. I guess that could be called psychic stuff.
4 days left 'til 4 more years.
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Old 2004-03-27, 03:07 AM   [Ignore Me] #6
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Every time I get a fever I have really weird war dreams, like china-men parachuting on major citys inside rikshaws armed with muskets... Scared the crap outa me at the time...
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Old 2004-03-27, 04:32 AM   [Ignore Me] #7

I haven't had this one for a while luckily but anyway.

My brother, his friend and I were walking along a bridge, cars were everywhere. I needed to use the facilities and there was one at the end of the bridge. Now I go in there, there's a little chinese girl. Now guess what happens.


Some monster dude jumped out and started chasing us around outside. Luckily I never actually saw it properly, but it was weird and freaky at the time.
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Old 2004-03-27, 10:25 AM   [Ignore Me] #8
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When I was little ages 3-5 I had night terrors from these things called herbies. The master herby was a giant gumby that always looked pissed off. There was also this other fat guy that would would turn blue whilie singing "I'm a little teacup" then try and eat me. Anyway the herbies were pretty fucking scary. To travel around unoticed they turned into those weird balls of light you see when you look into the flash of a camera or something. All my herby dreams began the same, this balloon floated into a room and it was unpoppable even if you made like 10 holes in it. Then eventually a herby would show up and scare the absolute shit out of me. I had these dreams every night for 2 years. The one dream I remeber the most clearly was when we were pulling into this resort hotel that was amazingly nice. We were guests of the Colorado Rockies because we actually knew the president who is actually now the Vice Commisoner of baseball soon to be commisoner (I get free tickets to every single world series if I ask for them and I'm talking nice seats here). As we pulled in the giant gumby herby came in and pulled off the top of my car picked it up and threw me into a building then I woke up. I had this one at least 30 times.

Here are a list of the different herbies I remeber.
1. Giant gumby Herby
2. Fat blue guy that sang and wanted to eat me
3. This red guy that was like a puffer fish
4. That purple thing thats Ronald Mcdonalds friend
5. This swarm of really small clowns that tried to kill me
6. This thing that acted like it was a mountain in the distance and then would grab you.
7. The rest usually came in those balls of light that would do really horrible things to you.
Take what you can! Give nothing back!
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Old 2004-03-27, 10:33 AM   [Ignore Me] #9
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Originally Posted by Derfud
I have never had a re-occurring dream.
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Old 2004-03-27, 11:08 AM   [Ignore Me] #10
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You're all insane freaks.
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Old 2004-03-27, 12:10 PM   [Ignore Me] #11
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I actually had a dream that Hamma took me into a garage then punched me. :/
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Old 2004-03-27, 12:38 PM   [Ignore Me] #12
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Old 2004-03-27, 03:30 PM   [Ignore Me] #13
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when i was liitle my dreams usually started with me falling off a building.
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Old 2004-03-27, 03:41 PM   [Ignore Me] #14
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never had a reacurring dream, though some kindof continued another

All opinions are not equal. Some are a very great deal more robust, sophisticated and well supported in logic and argument than others.
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Old 2004-03-27, 04:08 PM   [Ignore Me] #15
I Hate Pants
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If we can explain about our dreams to one another here... well... I think we've grown to fond of each other's company.

Honestly! I think guys are gonna start bonding with one another here.

I'd tell you my dreams. But then you'd probably kill yourself.
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