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Old 2004-05-26, 01:08 PM   [Ignore Me] #1
versatile vanu?

i have posted this on the PS forums and they cant seem to understand what i am trying to say... so i am hopeing you guys have an iq over 75 and wiil pu 2 and 2 together.

the vanu dont seem vary versatile to at the moment. they are versatile in many way that is true i know this, our vechs can hover but thats only in a limeted area of the world. being versatile means the ablility to change ones self to adapt tothe world around you. some vanu weapons and vechs do this and some dont. example the lancer is not vary versatile but the pulser is. some weapons are not versatile in the right way... like the beamer can go into AP mode but why would a pistol be firing as a vech... makes no sence.

i am asking for the devs to make the VS more versatile in new content. (ex: the other factions get a morter while the lancer has a morter mode to alow the lancer to be more versatile) i want an over time change. this would cut down on time to get patches out and the time to make the third weapon. so more or less this is hiting two birds with one stone... adding new content while adding to the ideals of the faction.

this is to say that the VS cant have a weapon thats still made for job on the battle feild but it would fit better if they gave a weapon already ingame the ablility, if all goes right the VS pop will not mater as one man can do 4 mens jobs on the other empires.

plz tell what you think... and to triterate a know that the VS are versatile as is but they can the improved.
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Old 2004-05-26, 01:11 PM   [Ignore Me] #2

also not to say that the weapons are gimped... they are fine, they just dont fall into the ideals asweel as others.
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Old 2004-05-26, 01:38 PM   [Ignore Me] #3
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They changed "versatility" to "mobility"
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Old 2004-05-26, 01:44 PM   [Ignore Me] #4

are you fucking with me man? o.O god the devs are messed up in the head.... well do you like the idea or should to be thrown into the abyss of lost ideas
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Old 2004-05-26, 01:45 PM   [Ignore Me] #5
Sergeant Major
Eldanesh's Avatar

The VS weapony is versatile. In my mind that does not mean it has to have a secondary and tertiary mode for everything, For example, the lasher acts as a HA, a SA, and a short-ranged AV, all in one for 4 certs. It can suppress, can do crowd control, can take down maxs, can berserker-agile pshield after a tower hotdrop, it can rexotank up to medium range. While it does not have the clip of the MCG, nor the ttk of the jackhammer, it can do everything.
All VS weapony has this innate AV mode, if you want to make even more tangible effects, why not just give NC half the ttk of the vs weapons on everything, provided it hits? As it is, the little bonuses the vs get everywhere can make a difference, why do we need to make it even more drastic without further changing the other empires? It is a give and take process, coupled with the fact that you cannot buff one empire to the point where one person can easily take on 4 without expecting massive population shifts.
IMO, combat currently is a balanced as it has ever been, vs are not gimped, and I like the empire differences as a subtle thing, like the differences in empire MA and HA.
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Old 2004-05-26, 01:53 PM   [Ignore Me] #6

oh god not again... i know the VS are versatile(as i said in my first post) and i know the weapons are not gimped(also said in my first post) im talking about NEW content not what we have now... the lasher can be used many ways in of its self but its not versatile
to the true meaning of the word. it can not adapt to the world around it like the pulser can. i am not saying give a notther AV mode, no far from it i am only asking fro the devs not to make a brand new weapon first with out giving a weapon already ingame the ablility to add to its usfullness.

to say yet again i know the weapons are not gimped nor are they super weapons... some do not fit the VS ideals as well as others and i would like this looked at over time in new content
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Old 2004-05-26, 02:09 PM   [Ignore Me] #7
SecondRaven's Avatar

Originally Posted by MYcrimsonTEARS
oh god not again... i know the VS are versatile(as i said in my first post) and i know the weapons are not gimped(also said in my first post) im talking about NEW content not what we have now... the lasher can be used many ways in of its self but its not versatile
to the true meaning of the word. it can not adapt to the world around it like the pulser can. i am not saying give a notther AV mode, no far from it i am only asking fro the devs not to make a brand new weapon first with out giving a weapon already ingame the ablility to add to its usfullness.

to say yet again i know the weapons are not gimped nor are they super weapons... some do not fit the VS ideals as well as others and i would like this looked at over time in new content
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Old 2004-05-26, 02:19 PM   [Ignore Me] #8

ok the best example i can see is this... say the devs want to make a shotgun for each empire. so they make one for the NC and the TR but they just add a plasma shot gun mode to the pulser... there you have made ES shotguns and made the pulser more versatile.
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Old 2004-05-26, 03:06 PM   [Ignore Me] #9
scarpas's Avatar

your post...

Originally Posted by MYcrimsonTEARS
.. makes no sence.
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Old 2004-05-26, 03:14 PM   [Ignore Me] #10
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Onizuka-GTO's Avatar


oh you mean sense....

I love you, You love me, Lets go kill those dammn NC's With their jackhammer shotguns, And their Phoenix Missiles too, and make them wish they were barney's too.
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Old 2004-05-26, 03:41 PM   [Ignore Me] #11
scarpas's Avatar

i just read the post on the of and it was almost as badd as the dude who posted

Originally Posted by Some dude

heres the link for anyone wishing to see a post so bad that they would want to light themselves on fire after seeing it.

oh and btw, if you are gonna bash someone for disagreeing with you, i suggest you make your disses GOOD, not make a retarded joke and say that he/she wont understand it.

BAM! all of your credibility has been killed, so buhbye now!

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Old 2004-05-26, 04:27 PM   [Ignore Me] #12
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Originally Posted by scarpas
actually, whoever said that seems to have some really good points and a strong argument in general; i think they've certainly put forward some fascinating ideas and are definitely worth looking into in the future.
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Old 2004-05-26, 04:52 PM   [Ignore Me] #13
KrazeyHorse's Avatar

i really think the VS weapons are fine. Personally i think if the NC weapons got nerfed a BIT it would be better. Like the phoenix for example - it is almost impossible to dodge it in a MAX suit.
When running from them and you make it over a hill they can still hit you.

ALL NC MAX's need to be thought over because no other empire's MAX's can do so much damage as them.
I LOVE VS weapons i think they are very versatile i just don't like the Lancer because when it is up close its REALLY hard to kill MAX's imo. Im not used to the almost instant travel rate.

I do think VS weapons are versatile enough, i just wish the mag had more power versus infantry...
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Old 2004-05-26, 05:18 PM   [Ignore Me] #14
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Originally Posted by martyr
actually, whoever said that seems to have some really good points and a strong argument in general; i think they've certainly put forward some fascinating ideas and are definitely worth looking into in the future.

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Old 2004-05-26, 05:41 PM   [Ignore Me] #15
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Originally Posted by martyr
actually, whoever said that seems to have some really good points and a strong argument in general; i think they've certainly put forward some fascinating ideas and are definitely worth looking into in the future.

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