Totally foiled by the official forums, can someone help me out? - PlanetSide Universe
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Old 2006-02-15, 04:03 AM   [Ignore Me] #1
dm_cowsfromhell's Avatar
Totally foiled by the official forums, can someone help me out?

I was planning on posting these suggestions on the main planetside development forums, but I was socked in the face by a bug in their registration process, so i'm wondering if someone else with a working OF account will post them for me. Feel free to fix any obvious typos and/or direct all the flamers towards me (but dont tell them about PSU).

Coldarmor's dream patch notes:
(Dumb people should take note of the fact that these are not actual patch notes, they are cleverly disguised suggestions)

Flight Variant BFRs:

Shields are once again useable while flying, but a small percentage of heavy weapons fire (tank weapons, AV, and the like) will now be able to penetrate the flight variant's shield, although damage taken in this fashion will not affect components.
Flight variant trunk size (and thus ammo capacity) has been tremendously reduced to put them back into their role as a mobility oriented hunter killer vehicle.
Hitting a BFR in the head or cockpit with a bolt driver or HSR will now cause the COF on pilot weapons to expand to the point of temporary uselessness (less so with the HSR), and bolt driver shots will now deal a few points of damage to the pilot.

AA Mosquito:

The AA mosquito variant has now been implemented!
It has a top speed comparable to the mosquito, with faster afterburner recharge, but takes upward of fifteen seconds to reach top speed or come to a stop, forcing players to use it more like an actual air superiority fighter than a gunship. The AA mosquito's weapon systems consist of a small number of laser guided missles (only enough for three or four kills with perfect accuracy). These missles deal signifigant damage to aircraft but have the downsides of both the sparrow and starfie. The pilot must keep his or her crosshairs near the target for a short time in order to gain a targeting lock, and must keep them on the target to maintain it.

Weapon Variants:
Players will now be able to aquire variants of empire specific heavy assault weapons. The currently available variants are described below.

VS: Lasher Beam Variant, Fires a continuous beam that performs like a weaker version of the BFR laser. Has very heavy damage degradation beyond point blank range.

NC: Jackhammer MkII, Slightly slower rate of fire, replaces tripleshot mode with a close range electromagnetic blast, allowing NC troops to disable deployables and vehicles, (temporarily disables deployables instead of killing them, but if you want to kill them you can always switch to primary fire).

TR: Cyclone Chaingun, Faster kill rate at close range, signifigantly reduced accuracy, smaller clip.
42. Nuff Said.

Last edited by dm_cowsfromhell; 2006-02-15 at 04:10 AM.
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Old 2006-02-15, 08:05 AM   [Ignore Me] #2
PSU Admin
Hamma's Avatar

Cool ideas

I would give it a bit on the OF - their forum/station software is very temperamental.

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