How do you piss off the British Air Force? - PlanetSide Universe
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Old 2006-03-28, 06:37 PM   [Ignore Me] #1
Major General
Peacemaker's Avatar
How do you piss off the British Air Force?

This guy has GOT to be embarrased.

FYI Thats an AV-8 Harrier II show boating over a beach. The Pilot holds the hover too long, and there isnt enough air around him to support the aircraft.
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Old 2006-03-28, 06:59 PM   [Ignore Me] #2
Lieutenant Colonel
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He's gonna get a pretty big bill in the mail.
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Old 2006-03-28, 07:01 PM   [Ignore Me] #3
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Old 2006-03-28, 10:03 PM   [Ignore Me] #4
Lieutenant Colonel

ROFL Wow, I was embarrassed crashing my cobra into my old clans' (not CDL) fully loaded APC in BF2, but that takes the fucking cake.
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Old 2006-03-28, 10:24 PM   [Ignore Me] #5
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Post at me bro.

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Old 2006-03-29, 12:19 AM   [Ignore Me] #6
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GG. Someone's going to be flying trucks for a while.
The gun katas. Through analysis of thousands of recorded gunfights, the Cleric has determined that the geometric distribution of antagonists in any gun battle is a statistically predictable element. The gun kata treats the gun as a total weapon, each fluid position representing a maximum kill zone, inflicting maximum damage on the maximum number of opponents while keeping the defender clear of the statistically traditional trajectories of return fire. By the rote mastery of this art, your firing efficiency will rise by no less than 120%. The difference of a 63% increase to lethal proficiency makes the master of the gun katas an adversary not to be taken lightly.
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Old 2006-03-29, 12:29 AM   [Ignore Me] #7

Originally Posted by Hamma
Hmm, reminds me of someone's unfortunate experience with a galaxy dropship...
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Old 2006-03-29, 12:41 AM   [Ignore Me] #8
Teh Masturbator
Squeeky's Avatar

The harrier is fucking

If you guys remember my Airshow Thread from awhile back, I had some sweet pics. The pilot was in a hover for a good 30 seconds, and then he pitched the nose up, and gave it full thrust and slowly ascended into the sky. I had a chubby by the time he was done.
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Old 2006-03-29, 12:55 AM   [Ignore Me] #9
Major General

Originally Posted by AztecWarrior
GG. Someone's going to be flying trucks for a while.
Im sure alot of that plane was salvageable, it didnt blow up or anything.

my dad told me stories about how pilots needed flight hours so they could check out their planes and fly to a local national guard airstrip and basically take their planes home.

Last edited by Biohazzard56; 2006-03-29 at 12:56 AM.
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Old 2006-03-29, 12:58 AM   [Ignore Me] #10
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Electrofreak's Avatar

VTOL aircraft in general are pretty cool.

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Old 2006-03-29, 06:24 AM   [Ignore Me] #11
Brigadier General
Lartnev's Avatar

The Harrier's party piece is to hover about a bit, then bow at the crowd before flying away. Very impressive stuff considering what you see in that video. The Harrier is VERY diffficult to fly when hovering (although the skids on the undercarriage have helped somewhat).

I'm sure that pilot saved on the decomissioning fees
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Old 2006-03-29, 08:29 AM   [Ignore Me] #12
Major General
Peacemaker's Avatar

Originally Posted by Biohazzard56
Im sure alot of that plane was salvageable, it didnt blow up or anything.

my dad told me stories about how pilots needed flight hours so they could check out their planes and fly to a local national guard airstrip and basically take their planes home.
That plane is damn as hell NOT salvagable. My Instrument flight instructor from a few years ago told me two stories. The first being that he had a mechanical failure in his F-4 Phantom. The striken plane was unable to manuver on its vertical axis (i.e. pitch up or down) and the engine was failing. He attempted to land the plane at a near by base (this is during Vietnam btw) but fell short of the runway by about 2 miles. He ditched in harbor. The plane didnt get too fucked up on the ditch so they recovered it. Too bad it was unable to be repaired. All the little switches, servos, and gizmos in most modern combat aircraft are made from aluninum which will rust in about 2 hours in salt water All those switches were 3 times their size. Almost all the pieces INSIDE the craft were the same. I doubt that harrier would have survived.

The second story relates to what your dad said. My instructor had christmas off. He flew his A-1 skyraider to an airport near his home base and parked it on the tarmac. Another pilot also landed his F4 Phantom there. When they came back 1 week later the F4 phantoms wheels had sunk into the pavment a full foot. This is because the F4 phatom, while weighing less than the skyraider has a very heavy foot print (think snow shoes vs sneakers in deep soft snow) Just thought this was funny.
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Old 2006-03-29, 10:51 AM   [Ignore Me] #13
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Salt water will bitchslap equipment like that - that thing is hosed.

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Old 2006-03-29, 11:01 AM   [Ignore Me] #14
Lieutenant Colonel
Geist's Avatar

So like I told you,he's going to get a big bill in the mail.
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