Guru3D has reviewed Planetside. While there was no final rating of the game, the author seems to think that Planetside isn't a great game. Here's a clip: <blockquote>Aside from some technical aspects, I can see where it might get stale after a while and not really demand a 13 dollar a month fee. There really isn't any point to the war that goes on all around you, and this is the key major factor of why people will end up leaving. SOE if you are reading (Which I think I lost them after the monkey cracks), you have to implement GOOD reasons to take over bases with decent rewards. They have a couple in the works and I like what I see, but it couldn't get into this game fast enough. Just do us all a favor and stock up on bananas before you test the patch. Also, this game needs water battles. Not sometime later down the road. Start development RIGHT NOW. I have some great ideas regarding water battles and reasons to fight over water, as well as great concepts on how to make the war have meaning.</UL>You can find the full review