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Old 2003-04-01, 11:28 PM   [Ignore Me] #1
Arshune's Avatar
You got somethin' on yer shirt, buddy...

<jabs you in the eye with his finger>


God, it's so easy.

Post yer best April Fool's prank here, I want all the details, man. Especially since all I did was cast doubt on a good friend's sexuality to his girlfriend with faked evidence...that was so great.
"There's a lot of things people respect me for. I'm clean, I'm smart, I'm a nice guy...but I think the biggest thing is that I'm always brandishing a razor for no apparent reason."

-Our principal is SO hardcore.
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Old 2003-04-01, 11:59 PM   [Ignore Me] #2
Major General
BUGGER's Avatar
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Running all over the place with a lotto ticket yelling OMG OMG OMFG, I WON THE LOTTO!!!!! Then I write a check that like has all these zeros in it....hehheh, funny.
PS Storys:
The Eraser
The New World (5Chap.)

Living is easy with eyes closed.
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Old 2003-04-02, 12:02 AM   [Ignore Me] #3
The Mensa Troll
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I've only had 3 beers in 10 minutes. W00t!

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Old 2003-04-02, 12:09 AM   [Ignore Me] #4
Second Lieutenant
Crono's Avatar

I stayed home from school, slept, and almost faked my own death. 'Almost'... I mean, I didn't have the heart to (I was overly afraid that the school would call the police.. Hehe). Anyway, I didn't do anything.
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Old 2003-04-02, 12:14 AM   [Ignore Me] #5
Sergeant Major

Hah, you reminded me of one of my favorite episodes in life.

My best ever (not this year):

I got booted out of school at age 14, basically they wanted me to go to the special school for criminals and retards. (It was because of a lot of little tiffs that occurred between myself and the teachers, but the excuse they used was that I "built a bomb in speech class", which was bull -- I *pretended* to build a bomb as part of my demonstration speech, very tongue-in-cheek; I told them that I was creating a bomb using softened and unsoftened water properly mixed, I mean wtf). So, instead of going to retarded criminal school, I went to the local college.

Being at the college at age 14 was surprisingly natural; most people did what I could only have fervently hoped for in 'regular' school -- they left me the fuck alone. They did their thing, I did my thing, and nobody fucking bothered me.

Except this one guy.

He was fresh out of high school, jock type; kept pushing me around in front of people (mostly girls around his age) in a "haha, look, I'm joking, haha I'm so edgy-funny-cute, pushing around a 5'5" 115lb 14-year-old". (So ironic, I've grown 11 inches since then and he wasn't particularly large, I'd like to see him try it now). And I was extremely shy at the time, so I would generally just mumble something and keep walking.

Anyways, it kept going on, to the point where it really did seem like he was following me around -- like it was the high point of his day or something.

Anyways, we all used the communal computer lab, and you never had to sign in.

So I loaded key loggers on all the computers in the computer lab, noted which one he sat down at and used for email over lunch hour, and then read through the logs to find his password.

Then I waltzed into his email account. I sent my smurf yahoo account a few copies of choice personal emails for posterity, and then I composed The Letter.

The Letter was a beautifully written beast that took me the better part of that afternoon to write -- I skipped all of my classes that day. I tried to capture in the email the exact wording that an ignorant jock like him would use upon finally, tearfully admitting to the world that he was gay, that he had repressed homosexual desires and that he was tired of living a lie and imagining men when he had sex with women. Damn straight. It was beautifully written, and not even that long (because judging by the mail in his outbox he NEVER wrote overlong email, so this one was long for him but short for me). It was thoroughly believable.

I sent it to everyone in his address book and everyone whose messages were in his inbox.

Then I changed his password and walked away.
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Old 2003-04-02, 01:06 AM   [Ignore Me] #6
Lieutenant Colonel
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Old 2003-04-02, 02:03 AM   [Ignore Me] #7
Teh Masturbator
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Old 2003-04-02, 06:10 AM   [Ignore Me] #8
Lieutenant Colonel
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Old 2003-04-02, 07:10 AM   [Ignore Me] #9
Crimson Haven

Planetside Sector
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