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Old 2003-04-24, 09:12 PM   [Ignore Me] #1
kid klash
Funny PS moments....

hey all, here's a place where yallz can post some of your funny PS moments.
i cnt spell, but i stil pwnz j00
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Old 2003-04-24, 09:27 PM   [Ignore Me] #2


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Old 2003-04-24, 09:33 PM   [Ignore Me] #3
Staff Sergeant

Well, I was playing with Pixhell on Beryl and he would plant boomers, than find some enemy, shoot them with his pistol (could have used better weapon but it's funnier with the pistol) they would chase him as he ran away past his boomers than he would blow them up. Called himself a combat comedian. Kind of slapstick but it had our squad rolling .

Last edited by quiet; 2003-04-24 at 09:38 PM.
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Old 2003-04-24, 09:39 PM   [Ignore Me] #4
Staff Sergeant
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That's hilarious!
When there is no evolution, there must be revolution....

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Old 2003-04-24, 09:40 PM   [Ignore Me] #5

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Old 2003-04-24, 09:45 PM   [Ignore Me] #6
Sergeant Major
Headrattle's Avatar

(I have posted portions here and there but this is the full story.)
Me and a freiend decided to try out the TR maxes. WE wondered form base to base and tried to get to the hotspots. Once we got there the base was usually secure. Except for one. I (AV Max) wondered around looking for bad guys and my friend (AI MAX) followed me looking around as well. I saw a crashed AMS and decided to look at it, when I did I saw an AMS bubble. I yelled to my friend that I found one and we started hammering it. These guys cept spawning out of it, but a MAX on both sides would get rid of them pretty quick. The AMS went down in record time and I looked around to make sure no one suvrived. Low and behold I see a little blue and yellow run behind a tree. We take after it I was lobbing grenades and my friend was shooting after him. But he was a wiley little bastard running behind cover then to more cover and we kept missing. Plus he was outrunning us.

We would kick in Autorun and out of it trying to catch up because we would have to stop once we needed to fire. My friend was having more problems then I was and I would hear him cursing over our teamspeak server over the autorun not stopping fast enough.
We chased him for quite a bit. and as he moved between some rocks and over a hill, what do we see.

We lasted a few seconds against it and we never got to kill that little bastard.
Life sucks, Press on. Moderation in all things, including Moderation.

Last edited by Headrattle; 2003-04-24 at 09:48 PM.
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Old 2003-04-24, 09:48 PM   [Ignore Me] #7
Lieutenant General
Jaged's Avatar

Haha! Thats what you get for messing with the NC.
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Old 2003-04-24, 09:50 PM   [Ignore Me] #8
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Old 2003-04-24, 09:54 PM   [Ignore Me] #9
Staff Sergeant
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My guess is that he took out the AV MAX first.

Well, then good job NC!
When there is no evolution, there must be revolution....

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Old 2003-04-24, 09:58 PM   [Ignore Me] #10
Sergeant Major
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Yeah I died first. That big ass cannon pointed at me and I saw the respawn screen.
By the time I respawned I said to my friend
"I respawned, and coming your way. How are you doing."
He responded with only "dead."
I asked him, "well did you get that damn dude in standard armor?"
"Shit no. Didn't have a chance to. I might as well been shooting into the sky."

And that is when I fell in love with Planetside, completely and fully.
Life sucks, Press on. Moderation in all things, including Moderation.
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Old 2003-04-24, 10:55 PM   [Ignore Me] #11

My story aint too long or funny, but it was pretty cool to watch.

I was runnin from a base to catch up with my squad who spawned at another base, that was hacked during my spawn so I got spawned randomly. I was in a TR AI Max and in auto run. It was on Ceryshen (Snow Continent) and they got all those pesky bridges and cliffs.

Anyways, on my way to the base, a VS max appeared and we started to engage in combat ontop of a bridge. We were strafing around and he was using his boosters and all that good junk. Suddenly, out of nowhere a NC AMS flew by me, just missing me. I was like, "DAMN!" The AMS continued down the bridge towards the VS max. The VS max hit his booster just before the AMS rammed into him and attemped to jump the ams. Well he didnt clear it, and the AMS driver musta got confused or something cause he started to surve like mad. BANG! The VS Max was struck down by the NC AMS, I was like sweet, considering my AI Max isn't too good outdoors at that range.

The AMS driver still driving like a mad man, couldn't keep a handle on his vehicle and shot over the edge of the bridge. I took a look over the edge of the bridge just in time to see the AMS tumble down the side of the mountain and then exploding on impact as it struck the ground. BOOM! I then continued on my merry way to the base where the rest of my squad was at.

It's a story... I didn't say it was good.
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Old 2003-04-24, 11:02 PM   [Ignore Me] #12
Second Lieutenant
Kaikou's Avatar the short bit of time I got to play, it looked like NC was dominating Amerish. One after the other the messages came across saying the NC took this facility, that was kinda heart warming to see my empire swamping the bases and taking em over one by one...
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Old 2003-04-24, 11:06 PM   [Ignore Me] #13
Sergeant Major
Nitsch's Avatar

One time..... at band camp....

"Never pet a burning dog and never fry bacon naked."--Gary Busey
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Old 2003-04-24, 11:13 PM   [Ignore Me] #14

Yesterday i was flying around the sanc looking for my squad members and I saw this one galaxy trying to land next to another one. Well, for some reason the landing gal pilot thought he should rotate around 180 degrees before landing. Well, apperenty he mis judged his rate of decent and his wing clipped the wing of the other galaxy and they BOTH exploded in huge fire balls (ok, no fireballs but still, BIG explosion), the one gal was almost full and there were a lot of people standing around too. I would HATE to be that pilot now. He's probably got as many grief points as you can get from one accident.
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Old 2003-04-24, 11:34 PM   [Ignore Me] #15

Perhaps its difficult to envision this, but imagine the steamroller scene in Austin powers:

We were rolling between targets in a Sunder at a brisk clip of maybe 30 miles per hour. There is a cliff to our right, and ahead our driver spots an enemy sniper pack his rifle up and start running up the switchback--he doesn't see us, though. Our driver attempts to run over him several times but misses because of the terrain, and the guy hasn't actually turned around to see the truck that is three times his height bearing down on him. We can't fire with the main guns because we are so close. Anyway, the guy finally notices us and we just pile out of the apc to get him. He must have been frightened, because upon seeing this he jumped off the cliff and landed about 200 meters down. I peeked over the edge and sighted him with a lancer--his avatar was a fourth of the size of my cone of fire, but I took a shot anyway. It was lucky, and he crumped.

Another time had us boarding a Galaxy on pinga technology plant on Ishundar. After we all boarded and lifted off, our Galaxy starting flipping end over end, of its own volition, as it travelled East Northeast at an incredibly fast pace. After about a minute of this it tumbled into the sea and our squad attempted to run back to the shore, dying in the process.
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