Your momma is so (insert line) Thread!! - PlanetSide Universe
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Old 2003-05-14, 05:29 PM   [Ignore Me] #1
Staff Sergeant
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Talking Your momma is so (insert line) Thread!!

Ok guys, this is the your momma's so (insert line) server, here the objective is to insert a momma's joke in your post. This is for humor and is generally considered (insulting) but the real purpose for this is to get your friends back with some knew one liners, so ill start it off!!

Your momma is so nasty, I asked her what is for dinner to night, and she open her legs and said "cottage cheese"

Your momma is so fat, she went on an elevator and made tower of terror part III!!!!

Your momma is so poor, she asked to borrow my shoes so she could walk into the store without being laughed at!!!

Your momma is so dirty, the coach told the football players to "hit the dirt" and the football players hit your momma instead.

Anyone else up for a joke?
Elite Comrade General of LTC.

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Old 2003-05-14, 05:32 PM   [Ignore Me] #2
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Old 2003-05-14, 05:34 PM   [Ignore Me] #3
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Kiss my ass ***!!! Don't ruin it for the rest of us (No one is behind me) I wasn't asking for your opinion just your jokes you ass.
Elite Comrade General of LTC.

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Old 2003-05-14, 05:36 PM   [Ignore Me] #4
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So anyway, today is like the 5th day in a row that there have been tornados close to my house. What the hell is that about? Anyone else having funky weather?
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Old 2003-05-14, 05:38 PM   [Ignore Me] #5
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Yes actually. Every time I've washed my car, it has rained. Without fail. And Monday was worse. Big thunderstorm. I like thunderstorms and all, but seeing my lights blink sucks.

BTW, I've been through 2 tornadoes and an earthquake. Actually slept through the earthquake. Thunderstorms... now those I enjoy watching.
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Old 2003-05-14, 05:57 PM   [Ignore Me] #6
Staff Sergeant

Yeah, lots of tornado warnings where I live, and every so often the wind will knock the lights out... which gets annoying...
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Old 2003-05-14, 05:57 PM   [Ignore Me] #7
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My spoon is too big.
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Old 2003-05-14, 05:58 PM   [Ignore Me] #8
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Angry Wth......

Oh Christ, I might as well give them both the credit for this thread to since they seem to go with the idea that it is nice to "devo" my threads

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Old 2003-05-14, 06:00 PM   [Ignore Me] #9
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It's cool though, every time it hailed I was in a garage, and i've never had to quit playing ps cause of the weather.
You First. No more Pearl Harbors.

Vist because we're better than you.
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Old 2003-05-14, 06:14 PM   [Ignore Me] #10
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Your momma is so black she makes midnight look like an albino.

Your maomma is so poor she has to reclcye the corn in her shit to feed the kids!

Your momma is so fat when she walks her ass looks like 2 pigs wresling under a blanket.

Your momma is so dumb, she tried to mail in her rent check with a food stamp!
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Old 2003-05-14, 06:23 PM   [Ignore Me] #11
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I love this man, where did you get them!!! This jokes are cool!!!

Got anymore?!

Elite Comrade General of LTC.

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Old 2003-05-14, 06:24 PM   [Ignore Me] #12
Staff Sergeant
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Thumbs up LoL!!!

Originally posted by Unregistered

Your maomma is so poor she has to reclcye the corn in her shit to feed the kids!
Love this one especially!!!!
Elite Comrade General of LTC.

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Old 2003-05-14, 06:29 PM   [Ignore Me] #13
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I got them out of my head. They just sort of popped in there.

Your momma is so ugly she turned Madusa to stone.

Your momma is so hairy even John Dere won't cut her lawn!
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Old 2003-05-14, 06:31 PM   [Ignore Me] #14
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Yea dude I had this mad wierd Ice storm last month where it was like raining a lot, but then it got maddd cold so everything froze, but then the ice just kept building up and building up till all of the trees were falling over and branches were cracking and falling everywhere due to the weight that it could not support. One huge branch fell on my car, but because my car was covered in a huge sheet of ice the only thing that got damaged was my freakin antena!! Noooo!!!

But yea we didn't have power or cable for like a week it sux0red hardcore. It was pretty surreal walking out after everything cleared up, because there were branches EVERYWHERE and the branches that didn't fall down were hangin mad low. Also, the grass when it was all icy was really cool because each individual piece sticking up was sheeted in a bunch of ice, it looked like one of those ice sculptures.
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Old 2003-05-14, 06:32 PM   [Ignore Me] #15
Staff Sergeant
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Originally posted by Unregistered
I got them out of my head. They just sort of popped in there.

Your momma is so ugly she turned Madusa to stone.

Your momma is so hairy even John Dere won't cut her lawn!

Ouch cold dude, these would make a person come after you with a bitch stick!!!

Unregistered, you ever considered going into the "Insult" buisness. You would come back with a few bruises and hell, youd make a lot of money for that talent you have...(I think)

And im pretty sure when you first started, people came after you with a bitch stick untill you contributed

Elite Comrade General of LTC.

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LaserTobias's Commando Saying: Give me any gun, and my hands will make it a weapon of mass destruction.
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