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Old 2003-08-11, 09:37 PM   [Ignore Me] #1
Major General
Indecisive's Avatar
Developer Challenge I

Quotes from this thread:

So I figured since the real servers were low on population I'd go check out more of the LLU system on the test server. Now this isn't about LLU, or any of the other changes there - its about the behavior of the CSR/Dev people who were on the server at that time.
Since there are few people there its hard to find a good fight, I managed to find a squad of about 5 NC and we started messing around with bases, testing which vehicles/armors were the best for LLU runs when a CSR message pops up.

The message was obviously two CSR/Dev players messing around, but we quickly did a /who and found they were on Forseral - since in beta we had some cordinated and fun developer testing I figured this would be much of the same.

We proceed to Forseral and get to Marduk - the CSR/Dev players are standing on the roof spamming voice macros and killing each other (tking since most of them were TR). So instead of a playtest we've basically just run across some people having mindless 'fun' on our dollar. Whatever I say, and open up with my jackhammer, two of the guys fight back but they go down. Apparently I wasn't supposed to be doing this because suddenly I get slain by one of the people I killed with an admin function.

So I get back up to the roof of Marduk only to see one of the combat engineer devs laying out boomers and setting up some sort of ridiculously overdone screenshot of a squad killing themselves with a jammer toss. Whatever we say and proceed to put a hack on the base. This was apparently uncalled for as well, as a dev just walked in, without adv hack and started hacking the terminal - we would've mowed him down but he was invulnerable to attack and eventually just rehacked the base - then turned and killed us all with his cycler.

I'd like to know what the point of all this is? Rather than doing any meaningful testing on the new LLU (the base wasn't even LLU flagged) the CSR/Dev people on the test server are just jacking around in a 'staff only' club on the roof of Marduk. When any paying customers show up know, playtest, they get gunned down or slain or subjected to invulnerable players.

In all its just frustrating to see a game I really enjoy going down the tubes, and then seeing the test server that we indeed pay for being used for anything but actual game testing - it would be nice to have a CSR and Dev team left that really cared about the game, but the antics today have really made me doubt that possibility.

I really hope to be proved wrong, and in a very short timeframe, my subscription is running out and better alternatives are cropping up.

So can we either:

A. Get rid of the test server, its a farce as it stands now.


B. Do some actual Dev sponsored tests there, and not just consisting of them putting up a forum post 10 minutes before (or even after in a few cases) the start of one of these tests.

I love a sense of humor in a Dev-team, but not when they don't show one bit of profesionalism to balance it.

Sounds like your average forum bitch huh?
But read on. Look we get a reply from Twist. Twist pwns all. Lets see what he says.

I will look into what if any behavior may have led to this on the test server, and if it is as you say, it will be dealt with. It's not appropriate for testers to be insta-killing players unless the player was warned not to do something (occasionally it *is* necessary to use the test server for some particular test instead of the internal ones).
As for this:

"And to be honest, without those hacks, I bet money that most of us could easily take the devs. They may have designed it, but aren't the best at playing it. If they were, they would be the ones posting commentary about weapon comparisions that are CORRECT rather then shotty, PR messages to quiet the masses."

We accept your challenge CreoVex! Due to the potential heart attack of our lawyers, we can't accept any money (other than your regular subscription =) ) should you loose. But we can offer some goodies to you if you win, and we'll just have to go home with the satisfaction of a winning performance if we do.

I'd suggest a squad versus squad engagement. Maybe start out with two split towers and do best 2 of 3 captures. The development side will not use any special certifications and have regular characters with identical level certs to the ones you use. We will take any side you choose. You may hand pick any group of players you like. We will use only SOE employees on our side.

Let us know if you're up for it and I'll have Spork start a thread on it...and yes I'm completely serious.


:shock: :shock: Holy shizle my kilzle for rizzle! (wtf that means..i dunno) DEV BATTLE!!11ONE

Finally a responce from Spork:

Well, I am going around telling the Designers here about the impending Dev Challenge. I'll try and have a date nailed down soon. I think it will be interesting myself. The core designers will be quite a challenge for you: Stryker, Solis and Smokejumper can rock your worlds. I've never played with CaterpillaR, but rumor has it he's pretty uber too. Me - I like to think I am pretty competent, though I tend to get highly distracted and do goofy things. Maybe I will be the commentator :P
Victor Wachter
Community Relations Representative
Many questions can be answered by reading the PlanetSide Game Info and FAQ

Ladies and gentlemen its on! The first annual dev battle, where all of you get to compete for prizes by kicking the dev's asses! This event is only in the planning stages, but will be held, and you can be certain that massive carnage and bitching will ensue!
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Old 2003-08-11, 09:47 PM   [Ignore Me] #2

Very neat!

Could you imagine if the devs stomped us fair and square? How imbarassing would that be...
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Old 2003-08-11, 10:01 PM   [Ignore Me] #3
Major General
Navaron's Avatar

Is it wrong that this just pisses me off?
You First. No more Pearl Harbors.

Vist because we're better than you.
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Old 2003-08-11, 10:03 PM   [Ignore Me] #4
Lieutenant Colonel
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Old 2003-08-11, 10:06 PM   [Ignore Me] #5

Why does it piss you off? I think it is kinda fun.
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Old 2003-08-11, 10:09 PM   [Ignore Me] #6
Miir's Avatar

If there is no guarantee or way to monitor that they will not be using the dev commands there really is no point to this.

That god button is just to darn tempting.

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Old 2003-08-11, 10:18 PM   [Ignore Me] #7

I don't think so Miir... I think it is good PR no matter if they win or lose. As a matter of fact I bet they would throw the game even if they were winning just to give out free "swag."

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Old 2003-08-11, 10:21 PM   [Ignore Me] #8
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Old 2003-08-11, 10:30 PM   [Ignore Me] #9

Originally posted by WildEagle
Free promo stuff, like shirts or hats with the Planetside logo on.

"Swag" is a term used in radio most I believe, refering to free stuff that the radio station gives out that is plastered with the station's call sign and number.

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Old 2003-08-11, 10:33 PM   [Ignore Me] #10
Miir's Avatar

I think it is good PR no matter if they win or lose. As a matter of fact I bet they would throw the game even if they were winning just to give out free "swag."
Agreed it'll be great PR for them.

Not so much of a competition though
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Old 2003-08-11, 10:51 PM   [Ignore Me] #11
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lol....Miir Im a huge fan of your movies great job.
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Old 2003-08-11, 11:56 PM   [Ignore Me] #12

I would like to step down a notch in order to say:


I wanna play the devs, I want swag, PICK ME PICK ME!

Ah hem, I mean, this looks to be a delightful affair, I shall bring a platter of caviar, garnered with other high class stuff.
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Old 2003-08-12, 12:26 AM   [Ignore Me] #13
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I am SO fucking there
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Old 2003-08-12, 12:43 AM   [Ignore Me] #14
Major General
Everay's Avatar

whens the date? whats the date? whens it happeneing!?!?!? GOD I WANNA FRAG A DEV OR TWO AND TAKE SCREEN SHOTS!!
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Old 2003-08-12, 02:51 AM   [Ignore Me] #15
Lieutenant Colonel
Khronos's Avatar

hmm if this happens, AGN maybe should cover it?
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