Re: Are you scared yet? Another Dynasty seeks to be born...
WW2 wasn't caused by appeasment, It's greatest single cause was the world having to punish the german people into oblivion with massive reparations and sanctions, setting the stage for nationalists to easily take charge.
Bush caused the attacks just as much as Clinton did if you think inaction constitutes blame. More, if taking no action whatsoever on the warning when he took office, or the now infamous missed inteligence breif are taken into account as opportunities to take pre-emptive action. But In reality niether of them are to blame for it.
If your looking for the actual cause you need to look at the years prior to the Clinton administration. CIA selling Bin-Laden weapons durring the cold war. Is what allowed al-queda to establish itself. The closest thing to a direct cuase would be Gulf 1 where Bin-Laden was appaled by our men, well women, over there.
All opinions are not equal. Some are a very great deal more robust, sophisticated and well supported in logic and argument than others.