Originally Posted by Stardouser
If a lot of people can't even log in while they wait for others to cap territory, why would they be interested in PS2? Or am I understanding that wrong?
They will probably have a que to get on if you try to log in when all the conts are full. In PS1 tho you could still log into the sanc and go to a different cont that wasn't player capped or go sit in the WG in another que to get to the capped cont. In PS2 you will get forced to the cont the person you are replacing logged off on, and either join that fight or sit in the WG and que to the cont you want.
Originally Posted by Stardouser
And if I am understanding that wrong, the question remains - the server's regular playerbase is probably going to cease growing beyond the point that which the maximum log in number will support. If you suddenly add more continents, then everyone will spread out. Unless more players magically appear to log in?
It would allow people to spread out more, but they probably wouldn't. In PS1 there was 9 conts, but your entire empire generally all went for the same one (or in the early years when pops were high the same 2 or 3). When you captured or got forced off a cont, the CR5s would start spamming to go to cont X and most would go there, the few that wouldn't usually got kicked from were they were going rather fast and would join the main fight anyway.