I wasn't able to find anything on this, so I'd like to suggest an idea that is possibly pretty simple to implement (I don't have a coding background so I really don't know).As we all probably know, the PS2 team are adding XML feeds that allow you to receive data on the game which could be updates on your character's progression, outfit status, etc, etc.
One of the things that I would to see implemented is basically a warning system. It would essentially warn you that a current location of your selection on the map is under attack.
So in example let's say my outfit tends to like an outpost that is also a key resource point. Once attacked, this would send a signal through the feed which would warn someone depending on what platform they have this feed tied into(It could be through a smartphone, a desktop widget, or something entirely different). At this point you would respond to this feed by "signing" into the attack report to let others know that you would be responding to this ASAP.
That's how I imagine the idea so far but you can take it to different places if you wish.
What it will not do, however, is to warn you as soon as a single enemy walks through the door way of the outpost/base/etc. The way the feed would pick up that there's enemies attacking this facility would be the same way that the original Planetside would pick up "hotspots" on map.
I don't recall exactly how the "hotspots" worked out technically in the original Planetside, but they would just appear on the map depending on the number of people fighting in that area. That's just my way of balancing this out and there's probably a better of doing this since I'm sure those backhackers wouldn't really appreciate being detected by a random early warning system.
edit: I apologize for adding the incorrect prefix, it should be labeled as "Improvement" since this is supposed to add on top of the XML feeds.
Last edited by MercDT; 2012-05-27 at 12:02 PM.