Nice Fight on Nott today.
Man, I feel so sorry for not recording it...
Was epic, almost felt like a proper threeway. Vs attacking from one side, TR attacking from the other, NC holding the base. I was busy keeping vertical and horizontal shields up, along with some other senseful people. The rest kept the SCU Shield up and defended the point... Lasted for like 1 hour and a half.
I think the fight was really enjoyable solely because Nc, TR and VS were fighting for shield gens for a change instead of just inside out spawncamping and trying to get to the point zerg-style.
TR still won in the end, because they zerged the crap out of the place. Was fun while it lasted though. This was probably the first time I witnessed a proper AMP Station defense.
Originally Posted by CutterJohn
Shields.. these are a decent compromise between the console jockeys that want recharging health, and the glorious pc gaming master race that generally doesn't.