Originally Posted by ringring
I recall test server on PS1 being more useful for fight tests. The difference between PS1 and ps2 was, ps1 was not available all the time, tests were set up prior and announce, e.g. Wed at 3 pm. A test always had a goad, e.g. NC defend base X while TR + VS attempt to capture it.
Properly run by Devs and gm's on all sides oh and they had xp fountains.
All this said, the test client wasn't a separate installation like it is now.
I'm slowly getting more and more of my outfit to get the test server sorted, we are doing this by the outfit running training fights 50/50 against each other as TR and NC. So far there are about 16 of us out of 39 but i expect this to grow as hossin hits.
SOE need to pull their finger out and run proper tests (you should run them during downtime too.)