So, I've been processing a bit of information for world_event. Around half of the information I get is normal; the zone id is an actual continent, the facility id is an actual facility.
But, the other half of the data is different. I don't really understand what's going on, so here's what I'm getting:
Format: facility_id(zone_id)-timestamp [old -> new]
310088(38469727)-1376695676 [0 -> 3]
310612(38469727)-1376695676 [0 -> 1]
310088(38273119)-1376695673 [1 -> 3]
310612(38404191)-1376695671 [1 -> 3]
310088(38404191)-1376695671 [0 -> 1]
Any odd output like this has the facility ID of either 310088 or 310612. The zone ID is always an eight digit number. They tend to be in pairs of both facility IDs with the same zone ID and timestamp.
What exactly is this information?