New player looking for EU Outfit
Game Handle: FrostMore
Age: 24
Play time per week: 10+
Specialisation (primary role): Light Assault
Style of outfit: Tactical, Teamplay
Gaming experience: Planetside Exp Very low
Why you want to join an outfit:
My name is FrostMore and I'm looking for an EU outfit that can help me to learn the game. I don't really have experience in this game but I'm not planning on running alone on the battlefield.
I have played several tactical shooters before, so I'm looking for an outfit that can provide me with proper teamwork and tactics. I'm looking for a smaller outfit, I'm not really keen on the bigger outfits.
I'm currently on the Ceres server on the VS faction, although I am willing to go to a different server and/or faction if the outfit requires that.
See ya all on the battlefield!