PlanetSide Universe Members,
We have reason to believe our forums could have been compromised within the past several weeks. While we do not have specific evidence as to what was compromised, we are recommending all users change their passwords on PSU as well as on any other sites you may have used the same password.
We have had several users report (within the last week) that e-mail accounts they have used on PSU have began receiving spam. This means any e-mail addresses associated with PSU could have been compromised as well.
We apologize for this and we have made changes to the site which should rectify the issues, but we will continue to monitor our databases and logs for any suspicious activity. Unfortunately as a community run fan site, we do not have enterprise class monitoring or alerting solutions in place to detect these sort of attacks.
We have taken the following actions in which you may notice a change.
- Security updates that have logged you out of the forums.
- Password Expirations - We have expired all passwords over 120 days and will leave this setting in for a while. This is likely going to require most users change their passwords.
Again, our apologies for this incident and any spam you receive. As I've stated numerous times PlanetSide Universe DOES NOT and WILL NOT sell your information to 3rd parties.