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Old 2013-05-15, 03:43 PM   [Ignore Me] #181
Re: Your top annoying bugs and "quality of life" issues

Greater Platoon Control

This is another key area of PS2 that has some rather lackluster support.
  • Platoon leaders need a separate slot (49th Member). They should have all squad leader certs available to them.
  • Platoon lead set platoon name, not squad leaders. One name per platoon, period. This should be correctly shown to all members of the platoon.
  • /platoon disband actually disband the platoon! Currently it just makes the squads into solo squads, very bad setup up! Too often logged in the next day and find an outfit tag in a non outfit squad creating a bad name for the outfit.
  • Platoon leader needs to be able to move themselfs / and set themself as squad lead.
  • Platoon lead choosen "second" to take lead if they DC
  • Platoon lead able to set all squad waypoints.
  • More waypoints! - make them real waypoints, with a line from the first to the last.
  • Company Formations - others have gone into details here
  • Squad leaders ability to right click and kick members (currently you must /squad kick)
  • Change platoon lead color - Far too close to bravo leads

Outfit Support
  • Outfit controlled platoons. Outfit platoons with the outfit TAG. Non outfit members cannot become platoon lead. This eliminates any need to put the tag in names.
  • Outfit message area - see other posts. Pretty simple here.
  • More ranks!
  • Make the outfit message of the day pop up upon logging in.

  • Fix the VOIP breaking already! Countless times people are forced to relog due to them just not working!
  • See whos talking no mater what screen you are on!!! Very important, very simple.
  • Txt chat on every screen.
  • Ability to change squad colors.[/B] Biggest issue is Charlie being the empire specific color of Vanu.
  • More Voice Macros.[/COLOR]
  • Numbers NOT bars under voice settings. I want to set person x at 50 and person Y at 60, not some semi random bar graph thingy that is hard to use.
  • VOIP user settable priority's.
  • Custom voice channel that works. Also a chat tab for the channel.
  • Unsquelch button in the voice and chat menu!
  • Ability to unattach a chat tab and move it elsewhere.
  • Fix region chat.

Visual / UI
  • Visual indicator of where passenger is looking in a vehicle.
  • Combat log txt tab!
  • MORE LOADOUTS! You want us to keep buying guns? Give me a reason to!
  • Expanded mini map should still show ALL THE INFO it does not expanded.
  • Ability to use second monitor for showing the map. Supreme commander had this in 2007!
  • Squad beacon timer - the bar is way to hard to tell how close it is.
  • Show repair / ammo / deployed sunddies on mini map with their own icons.
  • Separate keys to access a term and enter a vehicle.
  • Set keys to access weapons / gear. IE pressing 4 should always give the same thing, or nothing if there is nothing there. The squad beacon is in the last slot, making it a different key for every class. Why?!?
  • When dying as a max / respawning - select last class used, not LA.
  • Better vehicle control options. Ability to lock to just one squad. Ability to unlock to anyone that works.
  • Redeploy - If not selecting last location, none should be chosen. Not a random one!
  • More logical deploy points! If I die one hex away, there is no reason I should not be able to spawn at a friendly base one hex away, and yet can spawn across the map.

  • Ammo packs should be tossable, not placed.
  • Vehicle collision damage review
  • Fix engineer repair tool overheating when not repairing.
  • Remove TKs from KD.
  • Make revive grenades bring you back at same level as you medic tool.
  • Button to reset timer on your unoccupied vehicle.
  • Cert resets already!!!!
  • Server trasfers
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Old 2013-05-15, 03:43 PM   [Ignore Me] #182
Re: Your top annoying bugs and "quality of life" issues

For Squad and Platoon Leaders, the ability to place waypoints without going to a map screen. Maybe hold "Q" and then select from a quick drop down menu (like when holding it over an ally). Or if you hold the cursor over the capture point overlay you can easily designate an objective. Even just the ability to do this via the expanded minimap. The ability to set waypoints in combat was used in Battlefield 2142 and it kept the battle moving while allowing Squad Leaders to really participate in the fight, rather than have to find a hiding place every so often to set a new waypoint. The eternity it sometimes takes to load the map makes a difference.

Also, and I know this has been said many times, the Harasser needs to be tweaked. No buggy should be able to shrug off 3 Vanguard AT shells, regardless of orientation, especially given how fast they are already.

Also something that's been said a lot, the ability to re-equip vehicles in the field. Maybe have it only possible at major facilities connected to your warpgate? There could be a specialized vehicle bay where you must park your vehicle, then use a nearby terminal to modify it. Resource cost is fine though it would be nice if it were less than the full vehicle cost.
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Old 2013-05-15, 03:56 PM   [Ignore Me] #183
Second Lieutenant
Re: Your top annoying bugs and "quality of life" issues

I want better communication too, in regards to that I have two points:

1. I have turned maximum voice channels to max, turned off music, dropped SFX and dialog to less than 50% to maximize in-game VOIP. Yet even then I have to have insane ducking at 50% + in order to hear anyone. Either this is borked as hell, or you're gonna need to automatically adjust people's input volumes based on average decibels. PLEASE. [cry]

Secondly. VGS-like system for more requests. According to what I hear you had this in PS1, you're all insane if you don't want to bring it back. Give your voice actors something to do now that the Harasser is out, set them to making a complete Voice Macro set! Shazbot!
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Old 2013-05-15, 03:58 PM   [Ignore Me] #184
First Sergeant
Re: Your top annoying bugs and "quality of life" issues

people shooting out of the spawn shield needs to go away

redesign your bases

i know it's not the most fun thing to open up your modeller and make new facility meshes but it is kindof your job
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Old 2013-05-15, 03:59 PM   [Ignore Me] #185
Re: Your top annoying bugs and "quality of life" issues

Being able to have rank decals automatically update when you level up. I'll come up with more later.
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Old 2013-05-15, 04:19 PM   [Ignore Me] #186
Re: Your top annoying bugs and "quality of life" issues

Sometimes when I die while recording, it will get stuck on recording and I can't turn it off. Logging to character select doesn't fix it, have to completely exit the game.
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Old 2013-05-15, 04:22 PM   [Ignore Me] #187
Re: Your top annoying bugs and "quality of life" issues

To help give players incentive to follow squad orders, how about awarding squads for completing them? Heres an example of what I'm imagining:

Platoon leader tells squad leaders their objectives when attempting to take a tech plant. Squad leaders are assigned to take or defend certain points or attack/defend generators. The squad leader can 'aim' over the ingame ui 'A' point appearing on their screen. 'A' point then gets a little highlight and the squad leader holds down Q, there the spot-flower opens up and the squad leader can order his/her squad to attack/defend this point. Same can be done with generators: squad destroy/repair this generator.

Once the squad mates receive this order, the ui 'A' point will be highlighted in their ingame ui, and a little sword or shield can be placed in a corner of the 'A' symbol. taking or defending this point would grant a special squad xp bonus, along with extra squad bonus xp for killing enemies and receiving assists around that point.

I apologize for bringing up another game, one which seems to be referenced to often, but this squad objective concept worked wonderfully in BF2142 and made the commander's job much easier, while giving squads incentives to complete their objectives.

Another useful leader tool would be to designate targets. When playing in squads, I often hear our platoon/squad leaders call out a sunderer or tank to be destroyed, but most squad mates reply with "where?" So the leader calls a direction.

Instead of this, we could utilize the 'q' flower once more. Here's a situation: a platoon is bogged down in a brutal battle with their enemies. tanks are firing from all directions and infantry are peppering the platoon's position with fire. Suddenly an AMS sunderer spewing hostile infantry is spotted by the platoon leader. holding 'Q', he/she is able to call out to the platoon: "platoon, destroy the target'. The sunderer's little in-game ui icon is then highlighted much like the examples above, and the squad is able to identify the sunderer's position and destroy it, earning a small squad xp bonus for the kill and assists.

I feel that this, or something like it, would make squad play even more enjoyable.
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Old 2013-05-15, 04:23 PM   [Ignore Me] #188
Re: Your top annoying bugs and "quality of life" issues

Heh, while I was typing my post someone wrote something similar
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Old 2013-05-15, 04:48 PM   [Ignore Me] #189
Staff Sergeant
GraniteRok's Avatar
Re: Your top annoying bugs and "quality of life" issues

- The ability to filter out items from view on the mini map. Some places have too many items in view that it's difficult to locate squad/platoon members.

- Mini map display of generator and SCU status to match HUD view. Many times, mini map displays a destroyed generator while it isn't.

- Add squad member number of the driver of vehicles in minimap and full map views.

- Make it not possible to destroy generators, SCU or base assets if not adjacent to put a stop to behind the lines cert farming.

- Allow unmanned turrets to fire upon enemies if they are fired upon as an automatic defence.

- Allow the ability to assign a group (armor, weapon, vehicle) camo to a continent and/or regions of a continent on a topographical basis which will be acquired on the next resupply at a terminal.

- Functional Warpgates!
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Old 2013-05-15, 05:09 PM   [Ignore Me] #190
Staff Sergeant
Re: Your top annoying bugs and "quality of life" issues

I'd really like to be able to move with the map open, particularly when flying.

Also, it'd be nice if the crash to desktop thing gets sorted out because it's hard to play the game otherwise.
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Old 2013-05-15, 05:11 PM   [Ignore Me] #191
Re: Your top annoying bugs and "quality of life" issues

I would still like TrackIR support for aircraft to skyrocket immersion and reduce the number of air collisions due to the inability to look into your turns
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Old 2013-05-15, 05:15 PM   [Ignore Me] #192
Wahooo's Avatar
Re: Your top annoying bugs and "quality of life" issues

Re-Spawn list/choices/defaults. 99% of the time I want my default spawn point to be wherever the LAST place I spawned. OR if that is not available then the closest Main facility. I don't EVER want my default spawn to be a sunder I did NOT choose. I personally don't want my default location to switch to a minor outpost of a main facility without me choosing it. Spawn Binds or being able to customize "prioritize nearest" "prioritize last" "prioritize squad lead".
- sub point to this, clear-up or make consistent the rules about where we can and cannot spawn. It seems so random as others have pointed out I can't go two hexes away in one direction and at other times the whole map is available.

VGS system of voice macros. I love that the in game voip works, although some bugs which are annoying like it suddenly stops working, but I really could care less about proximity chat. I now find squad/platoon/outfit chat vital but proximity chat is almost never useful. The VGS system has history is loved and works. PLEASE PLEASE PLEASE.

MOAR loadouts AND quick keys for them. We need both they have the same weight. Tribes 1 had player made scripts with up to 36 or 64 loadouts. T2 integrated that to a point. I would say PS2's class system falls a lot closer to T2 than i does to PS1 and even more than Tribes Ascend does to T2. PS2 could use a T2 style loadout/quick key system.

Shared Vehicle XP across drivers and all gunners please.

As was pointed out earlier was the terrain specifically designed to trap lightnings driving across country? If so, the joke was never really funny the troll job was cute but we need to move on. I hate going over a little hill only to have my tank get stuck in a ditch.

HUD/Mini-map/Compass. Would love a more customizable HUD. Would love to be able to zoom in out on the mini-map. I would like a choice of a second more compassy compass rather then the current one on top of the mini-map.

Far more customization on the colors for the IFF on the Map/Mini-map/HUD. I REALLY have to rage about the changes that were made from what was here at release. I would have asked for a change but how/what was changed? Too rushed it needed to sit and ripen a bit more. Now that it has been changed I want more customization on choosing what I see.

Corpse collision fix please?

What about increasing the flight ceiling tremendously but at the same time adding fog for the aircraft and ground units at the current flight ceiling so basically lose render distance there. An elevation that air/ground can't interact but open for air-air encounters or high altitude traveling?
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Old 2013-05-15, 05:21 PM   [Ignore Me] #193
Sergeant Major
MaxDamage's Avatar
Re: Your top annoying bugs and "quality of life" issues

Graphic bug: Engineer arm with repair gun..
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Old 2013-05-15, 05:55 PM   [Ignore Me] #194
Staff Sergeant
ShadoViper's Avatar

A lot of these are good! Keep it up guys!

Mine are

Vehicle Turrent stabilization (as said before)

And something small but I would like to see..

Drivers awarded the kills that the gunners make and vice-versa. Experience is great, but i would love for both parties to share the kills they have earned.

Last edited by ShadoViper; 2013-05-15 at 05:57 PM.
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Old 2013-05-15, 06:17 PM   [Ignore Me] #195
Shogun's Avatar
Re: Your top annoying bugs and "quality of life" issues

Originally Posted by ShadoViper View Post
Drivers awarded the kills that the gunners make and vice-versa. Experience is great, but i would love for both parties to share the kills they have earned.

and don´t forget the 3rd gunner/tailgunner. the driverseat and every gunnerseat should share the xp for every kill the vehicle scores.
kind of frustrating to be stuck on a lib tailgun without any chance for kills, while the maingun does the carnage.
***********************official bittervet*********************

stand tall, fight bold, wear blue and gold!
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