Originally Posted by Plaqueis
Yeah well, no matter what's the actual cause, some of these gaps are freaking huge.. and yet not really surprising.
AP (or equiv.)
id 4008 P2-120 AP
11,429 Kills
1,123 Unique Killers
10.18 kpu
id 3460 Supernova FPC
6,959 Kills
823 Unique Killers
8.46 kpu
id 3730 Titan-150 AP
9,839 Kills
1,242 Unique Killers
7.92 kpu
^Case already discussed...
Seems that in most cases, NC and VS stuff is more or less balanced and TR is on class of its own for whatever reason. Only things different so far are what, lmg's and maxes, and be sure theres a TR player whining about them being too OP... lolz.
But it is what it is, i don't care. I trust the developers will take action if they see fit. Meanwhile, i'll be just enjoying the game.
Just wanted to say this for the AP part:
If you look at the KPU for Q4 (same in Q3) ESAV (the secondary guns for MBT I mean) guns and the main AP guns of MBTs (in here
http://i.imgur.com/RMr17KM.png), it quite much evens out the numbers. (except halbert, I really can't understand how that is so different o_O )
So what I'm trying to say is please don't just look at one weapon when the platform is a two weapon vehicle.
For what the reason is, I'd wager for the doublebarrel of prowler being the reason that the maingunner gets the kill rather than the secondary one (especially as the secondary gun isn't a big damage hit gun).
FYI I'm not defending the AI numbers etc, just pointing out your interpretation and how that can scew the reality of what's happening.