Originally Posted by Gugabalog
But isn't the essence of the L.O.P. and the OAC the same? Aerial/Infantry combat absent of land vehicles? And possibly including some biome specific vehicles? (I.E. Larger aircraft style things in place of ships?)
Outside of some minor Behavior differences and Graphics, Air Cruisers / Low Orbit Platforms and Underwater Naval [I'm pretty sure there is a Thread about Naval expansion ideas floating around] - ALL are IDENTICAL, the only new element is the player defined/created bases.
I presented it as a 'evolution' of his idea and some might consider it that. However, I intended it as Scaled Back version of it to preferrable function as a 'stepping stone' to get to his idea and others [Naval].
Simply put, it would require a lot testing and tweaking to get working right, more than can be expected for in-house testing to do [one thing players are GREAT at is breaking things and finding flaws in designs].
Smedley, is actually tweeting/discussing Player Bases. Someone might want to consolidate Air Cruisers, Low Orbit Platforms and Naval ideas and present it to him - there's a lot of design review that precedes development where they would look at the viability of ideas [including building a roadmap to get to them {which hopefully my Low Orbital Platforms idea will make easier}.
Honestly, I've played Indie games similar to my LOP idea. They are not new to me and I would prefer the Air Cruiser idea [Naval I've dabbled with and while similar goes into a different direction than I like - ie. Speeds are slower and Armor is more important]. I would SOOOO love Air Infantry [Iron Man like stuff] or Air MAX's [Finally something to satisfy my Armored Core cravings without needing a Console system and in an Open World environment - even if its a Mini-version of it that isn't as powerful as anything else - in combined arms MAX's are more Jack of Trades than Masters of anything other than carrying a lot of firepower for there size [ie. Glass Cannons]]. Personally, that would be new to me. The only new thing about LOP to me would be that its high quality and that makes a difference but not a new game.
Ex. For a super rough, crude Tech Demo version of LOP's.
Take Planetside 1:
- Turn off or Hide Ground.
- Leave Buildings On and maybe raise the altitude.
- Leave Water [maybe lower its altitude - thats basically the Ionosphere]
- Replace Cloud graphics with Debris graphics and Skydome with Stardome.
- Have all entities that exit out of buildings behave as Air Vehicles [invisible/logical vehicles]
- Adjust Environmental properties (acceleration,deceleration, drag/air resistance, gravity - increased weapon ranges and what-not)
and there you have a super cheap version of LOP. Or Air Cruisers (multiple water levels to serve as different Altitudes where Flight Behavior changes drastically ~16k and ~34 where Engines become more efficient and powerful but maneuvability suffers[thinner atmosphere] Or Underwater Naval (you would have multiple water levels to serve as 'Thermal' Boundaries that exist underwater and Surface).