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Old 2013-01-26, 12:41 PM   [Ignore Me] #256
Lieutenant General
Re: Does the shallow TTK shortchange the Depth this game could have?

Originally Posted by exile View Post
You're missing the point. As Sirisian said, with the current complexity of combat the TTK is appropriate. A longer TTK does not add depth, because there are only a small amount of decisions a player needs to make, in regards to being in a gunfight.
Can you imagine I simply completely disagree with that statement and actually think you completely miss the point? :/

Besides, the learning curve for gunplay is steeper with a short TTK than with a long TTK. And no, I'm not talking about point-click, I'm talking about positioning and where threats are coming from. There's currently nothing to learn on a macro-scale strategy since you can't do anything about it anyway due to having too many options and too little control over your sides movements, so really, what's your point? The macro scale of combat is incredibly simple. That includes selecting counters.

There are more decisions and actions a players needs to make and take than are currently possible. Please, make a list of all the things you think are needed and all the possible decisions one could make in a gunfight over all.

@Ghoest9: *facepalm moment right there* What a load of nonsense and horrible definition of good and bad, not to mention horrible suggested default moves without even having sufficient knowledge of the scenario or context to decide what would have been the right decision.

Sorry Ghoest9, but you can't be a good player if your default response to a bad situation is "LEEEEEEROOOOOOOOOY JENKINS!".

Last edited by Figment; 2013-01-26 at 12:44 PM.
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Old 2013-01-26, 06:10 PM   [Ignore Me] #257
Re: Does the shallow TTK shortchange the Depth this game could have?

Just wanted to thank everyone who contributed to this thread. It was an amazing read and I sincerely believe ALL of you deserve far better than the weak prospects and status quo planned ahead. I feel like I really learned a lot here and hope all of you eventually get some reasonable Facsimile of the potential you still see for this game.
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Old 2013-01-26, 06:49 PM   [Ignore Me] #258
Rothnang's Avatar
Re: Does the shallow TTK shortchange the Depth this game could have?

Originally Posted by Ghoest9 View Post
If you had enough time to move around and get to cover then you would be better off spending that time strafing and killing the enemy.

Thats a good player would do. Bad players always think that by prolonging a bad situation they will somehow magically start to do better.
Good players take a bad situation and keep working it hoping for the other guy to screw up.
You aren't making any sense. The whole point of having a shield system where shields recharge is so that people get into cover and recharge them when they have taken some fire. Right now you just die so fast that you can't reliably do that.
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Old 2013-01-26, 06:53 PM   [Ignore Me] #259
Re: Does the shallow TTK shortchange the Depth this game could have?

Originally Posted by Figment View Post
Besides, the learning curve for gunplay is steeper with a short TTK than with a long TTK. And no, I'm not talking about point-click, I'm talking about positioning and where threats are coming from.
I refer to "micro" as the aiming of the crosshair and specific player movement, anything that you are doing directly on the keyboard and mouse. This is currently about as simple a learning curve as is possible, it's the most basic operation of moving the crosshair to a slow moving target. Changing TTK doesn't change the learning curve, the concept remains the same and the person will always grasp what they need to do. Getting better then becomes a matter of refining physical control, not learning new concepts. Even with an incredibly low TTK a new player still understands how they were killed and what they need to do to do the same thing to someone else.

Originally Posted by Figment View Post
There's currently nothing to learn on a macro-scale strategy since you can't do anything about it anyway due to having too many options and too little control over your sides movements, so really, what's your point? The macro scale of combat is incredibly simple. That includes selecting counters.
The "macro" is everything from an individual's situational awareness right up to continent level coordinated strategy and tactics. You say the macro has "too many options" and then that it is "incredibly simple"?!? I have no idea what you're trying to say.

Last edited by exile; 2013-01-26 at 06:58 PM.
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Old 2013-01-26, 07:30 PM   [Ignore Me] #260
Lieutenant General
Re: Does the shallow TTK shortchange the Depth this game could have?

Originally Posted by exile View Post
I refer to "micro" as the aiming of the crosshair and specific player movement, anything that you are doing directly on the keyboard and mouse. This is currently about as simple a learning curve as is possible, it's the most basic operation of moving the crosshair to a slow moving target.
So far, agree.

Changing TTK doesn't change the learning curve, the concept remains the same and the person will always grasp what they need to do.
Utterly wrong on all counts. When the (practical) TTK increases, new elements start mattering: cover, leading targets (consistently), timing reloads, (blocking) escape routes, your or their time to close or widen the distance from the moment of engagement initiation due to trying to get in or out of the optimal range of the other person's weapon and deliberately trying to alter their and your own practical TTK to your advantage.

Getting better then becomes a matter of refining physical control, not learning new concepts. Even with an incredibly low TTK a new player still understands how they were killed and what they need to do to do the same thing to someone else.
That's not true either. When the TTK is longer, they get more time to observe what the other player is doing and use this to their advantage the next time. If the TTK is very short, they only see the endresult of the player, not how that player moves in relation to them to maximise the effectiveness of their weapon for instance.

Often they don't know initially where the player started to fire from. If you can turn around and return fire - often first needing to determine where that player is - being at medium to long range - then this gives them new information to work with. If a sniper doesn't kill instantly for instance, the player may find out where the sniper is firing from by actively looking for them and learning to use the sniper's tracer fire to detect their position.

If the sniper or long range weapons don't kill very fast, a player with a shorter range rifle and some recuperation options may be able to close the distance by use of running from rock to rock and closing the distance enough and recuperating in between sprints enough to take on the sniper on their own terms, rather than the long range snipy terms. Learning what cover is viable is better to do if you get a second chance, than if you get only one chance.

If a proximity mine doesn't kill instantly, the player can check how that mine had been placed and if that's an interesting location for them too, rather than just look at the respawn screen and having to wait till next time coming down there. If a player is hit by a proxy mine or remote mine for all I care and survives to see where the placer of said remote mine is located and detonated it from (line of sight used), this might give the player information on good positions to use themselves some other time, or expect the player to be there the next time even if they die. If they die without that information, what did they learn? That a mine at a chokepoint killed them that a remote control thingy killed them?

If TTK takes a bit longer, a player may learn to find an erratic movement pattern (aside from the actual point and click, this could be one of the physical control bits you relate to I guess?). Zig-zag maneuvres become more viable if you don't die to a minute amount of splash damage for instance. Hence why full blast damage radius being reduced has some impact: it increases the TTK needed.

If TTK takes a bit longer, a player may start recognising names and movement and preference weapons patterns for specific, individual enemies. This is information that can be used next time they know they will encounter that player to determine the area they will give priority for covering as chances would be that player would use that (like knowing someone always taking a football penalty in the same manner is an advantage to a goalkeeper).

Speaking of HE AoE, if a player is hit by HE and isn't instantly killed, that player can note the angle at which he was fired at and what was used to splash him. If he dies instantly, it is unlikely the player can observe and differentiate between a near miss and a direct hit, let alone angle and angle at which he was fired upon or the splash point on the surrounding terrain. Simply because again, the player is watching the respawn screen and may still not know who hit him from where.

A player new to shotguns would sooner realise getting close is advantageous. So moving on the inner side of a stairwell is better for them. Someone with a rifle would sooner realise that in an engagement with someone with a shotgun, they might want to back off, rather than close in and take the outside corners of a stairwell (very noticable movement diffrence between users wielding Jackhammers and MCGs in PS1).

All in all, the shorter the TTK, the less time you have to make observations. The less time you have to make observations, the less you will learn from individual engagements, thus the learning curve will be longer.

The "macro" is everything from an individual's situational awareness right up to continent level coordinated strategy and tactics. You say the macro has "too many options" and then that it is "incredibly simple"?!?
Individual situational awareness is micro-level and related directly to micromanagement. Continental situational awareness (continental map reading ability) is macro level situational awareness. Minimap is more micro-level than macro because it's related to what you can detect.

The continental strategy is macro-level has so many options that whatever you do is meaningless. That means it's beyond the complexity level where decisions actually matter:

If I go to A, I'll lose B and C. If I go to B, I lose A and C. If I split up and hold A and B, I'll lose C and probably either A or B due to being outnumbered. So it doesn't really matter what you do, you lose anyway unless you have superior numbers.

And in many cases, I may not even actually fight anyone, but since you don't know in advance and can't communicate well with the rest of the empire (/sitrep, good active command chat with actual leaders instead of a small amount of people on /sl who barely use orders because when they send one order they are not allowed to send another for five minutes - ie you can't really lead well either by coordinating multiple areas at the same time and asking for information etc).

It's a game catering to random zerging, not for actual smart decision making or coordination beyond the outfit level.

I have no idea what you're trying to say.
That seems to happen a lot.

Strangely, I don't have that effect on people who played resecure teams day in day out in PS1.

Last edited by Figment; 2013-01-26 at 07:34 PM.
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Old 2013-01-26, 07:37 PM   [Ignore Me] #261
Re: Does the shallow TTK shortchange the Depth this game could have?

Figment I dont really think that with the pace of the game and the lethality of all the weapons that planetside 2 is the right fit for you. Maybe something along the lines of Hawken or Mechwarrior Online where the TTK is appreciably higher.
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Old 2013-01-26, 07:42 PM   [Ignore Me] #262
Lieutenant General
Re: Does the shallow TTK shortchange the Depth this game could have?

Originally Posted by Sledgecrushr View Post
Figment I dont really think that with the pace of the game and the lethality of all the weapons that planetside 2 is the right fit for you. Maybe something along the lines of Hawken or Mechwarrior Online where the TTK is appreciably higher.
Sledge, if you want to troll, please do it somewhere else. Maybe you should play PacMan, I hear you can instantly kill ghosts and they can instantly kill you and you have to keep moving and the gameplay is very shallow, yet complex since you have to make hectic positioning and flanking decisions only.

Last edited by Figment; 2013-01-26 at 07:59 PM.
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Old 2013-01-26, 07:50 PM   [Ignore Me] #263
Re: Does the shallow TTK shortchange the Depth this game could have?

Figment maybe Tiger Woods Golf might be up your alley. There is literally no ttk.
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Old 2013-01-26, 08:02 PM   [Ignore Me] #264
Re: Does the shallow TTK shortchange the Depth this game could have?

Originally Posted by Figment View Post
Individual situational awareness is micro-level and related directly to micromanagement. Continental situational awareness (continental map reading ability) is macro level situational awareness. Minimap is more micro-level than macro because it's related to what you can detect.
I just stated my definitions of the terms "micro" and "macro", for use in my discussion. Why the hell are you having yet another semantics argument?!?! You have just destroyed our discourse by arguing about semantics rather than the meaning of my post. The same way you have been doing this entire thread! I should have known better than to even attempt to salvage this cluster**** of a thread.
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Old 2013-01-26, 08:19 PM   [Ignore Me] #265
Lieutenant General
Re: Does the shallow TTK shortchange the Depth this game could have?

Originally Posted by exile View Post
I just stated my definitions of the terms "micro" and "macro", for use in my discussion. Why the hell are you having yet another semantics argument?!?! You have just destroyed our discourse by arguing about semantics rather than the meaning of my post. The same way you have been doing this entire thread! I should have known better than to even attempt to salvage this cluster**** of a thread.
Because if you disagree on definitions (and don't realise this), you're not argueing about the same thing, don't REALISE you're not argueing about the same thing and thus you'll never get anywhere? Did you not notice how we had been argueing from (rather than over) different definitions through many of the pages?

Did it come to mind that this thread is a clusterfuck because you didn't "argue semantics" (read: define things properly first)?

But it's nice of you to quote one alinea that nuanciates my pov with respect to that particular definition and ignore everything else that actually adresses what you ignored with respect to longer TTKs in relation to the learning curve...

Oh and you also ignore that you actually asked me to explain my position because you didn't understand why I said something?

You say the macro has "too many options" and then that it is "incredibly simple"?!?
Remember that? YOU needed an explanation. I gave it. YOU turned it into a question of semantics. But hey, blame me for humoring you and answering your question. =|

Last edited by Figment; 2013-01-26 at 08:26 PM.
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Old 2013-01-26, 08:28 PM   [Ignore Me] #266
Re: Does the shallow TTK shortchange the Depth this game could have?

Originally Posted by Figment View Post
Because if you disagree on definitions (and don't realise this), you're not argueing about the same thing, don't REALISE you're not argueing about the same thing and thus you'll never get anywhere? Did you not notice how we had been argueing from (rather than over) different definitions through many of the pages?

Did it come to mind that this thread is a clusterfuck because you didn't "argue semantics" (read: define things properly first)?
I clearly stated my definitions, which you ignored and redefined:
Originally Posted by exile
I refer to "micro" as the aiming of the crosshair and specific player movement, anything that you are doing directly on the keyboard and mouse.
Originally Posted by Figment
Individual situational awareness is micro-level and related directly to micromanagement.

Originally Posted by Figment
But it's nice of you to quote one alinea that nuanciates my pov with respect to that particular definition and ignore everything else that actually adresses what you ignored with respect to longer TTKs in relation to the learning curve...
Why the hell would I even attempt to address your arguments when fundamental communication of concepts is not working? Even after decades of exposure to the rampant stupidity available on the internet you have genuinely shocked me with the depths of your ignorance. Bravo sir.

Last edited by exile; 2013-01-26 at 08:30 PM.
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Old 2013-01-26, 08:40 PM   [Ignore Me] #267
Lieutenant General
Re: Does the shallow TTK shortchange the Depth this game could have?

Originally Posted by exile View Post
I clearly stated my definitions, which you ignored and redefined:
If I ignored them, I wouldn't have nuanciated or redefined them, now would I?

Or hey... WOULD I HAVE SAID: "SOFAR, I AGREE", IF I IGNORED IT? You can disagree all you want, but don't lie!

Why the hell would I even attempt to address your arguments when fundamental communication of concepts is not working? Even after decades of exposure to the rampant stupidity available on the internet you have genuinely shocked me with the depths of your ignorance. Bravo sir.
Hey, I understand your position, AND DISAGREE WITH IT, you're just not interested in neither understanding my position nor willing to accept THAT I CAN DISAGREE WITH YOURS.

That seems to be the major issue here, tbh. But hey, blame everything on me if it makes you feel better.

Last edited by Figment; 2013-01-26 at 08:41 PM.
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Old 2013-01-26, 09:07 PM   [Ignore Me] #268
Master Sergeant
Re: Does the shallow TTK shortchange the Depth this game could have?

Someone who is impartial needs to sum up the discussions made in this thread to this point and lock it.

People can't even agree on what the definition of TTK is. So how are we supposed to discuss the effect of TTK on anything?
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Old 2013-01-26, 09:35 PM   [Ignore Me] #269
Lieutenant General
Re: Does the shallow TTK shortchange the Depth this game could have?

Locking it might be the best thing. We're going in circles and yes-no for a while now. Agitation/frustration is sooring beyond what's necessary on both camps and it's getting petty (won't shake my own responsibility there).

Originally Posted by Kerrec View Post
People can't even agree on what the definition of TTK is. So how are we supposed to discuss the effect of TTK on anything?
We should have done that at the start and made sure that when we'd talk about different definitions, we used the appropriate wording, so there was no misinterpretation possible (as happened constantly). :/
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Old 2013-01-27, 05:53 AM   [Ignore Me] #270
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Re: Does the shallow TTK shortchange the Depth this game could have?

TTK in PS1 was fine, it only got out of hand when you added in personal shield, and med kit spam. Skill mattered far more than it does in PS2. And luck was not nearly as important.

I'm not saying bump up hp levels to be on par with PS1, I'm saying this argument does not belong on a PlanetSide forum. This isn't BF3Online despite the jokes and memes about just that. It doesn't matter what CoD has or BF3 doesn't have. PS2 should be more like PS1 because that is what proper successors are supposed to be: Improved versions of the predecessor.

PS2 doesn't improve on PS1 in many ways... well the ingame voice works at least and the overall feel of the combat mechanics is better. But the rest of the game isn't PlanetSide.
Post at me bro.

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