Originally Posted by Surge72
Notice how I prefer theirs to yours, therefore your quick attempts are not of equal quality to theirs (in my opinion).
And my preference of theirs does not prove they put much effort into it no, just like your distaste for theirs doesn't prove that they put no effort into it.
That is a contradiction. "I like theirs more than yours, so yours is lower in quality" "My preference does not prove amount of effort applied" This is not about which one do you like more, they are completely different. The point is that they didn't do anything to make the logo stand on its own. Take the Mass Effect logo for example. It's not a whole lot different, however they made it unique by adding a swooshy thing across it. Or like I said before, the original logo was better. It has a font that has an interesting spikey/warpgate like effect to it. These logos stand out, they are unique.
Originally Posted by Elude
I don't think the logo was designed the same way any conventional photoshop user like yourself would do it, I highly doubt they simply just plastered bevel, and gradient filters on it haha. I think the game looks somewhat cartoony itself so I see no problem with the font following that same appearance.
Of course they made the font themselves! It's not exactly hard to create shapes that form letters...
That's pretty much how it's done. Photoshop is an industrial tool afterall. That's why it cost over $1000 normally. The lowest price I've seen for it was
$180 with a student license. Also, many companies just buy font. You can fork out money for someone to design one, or you can pay less money and get one already made, because there are tons out there.
Originally Posted by Raymac
I'm sorry, is this thread serious or are you all just being silly?
I mean you could say this exact same stuff about any logo for anything. pshh golden arches? I could have thought of that. pshhh a swoosh? thats lazy.
No, those logos you described are unique. Arches? gotta be McDonald's, Swoosh? Nike obviously.
Originally Posted by MooK
Logo thread? Logo thread.
Those I would say
could be better than the PS2 logo.
In the end, I don't really care, I just have an opinion.