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Old 2005-02-15, 03:28 PM   [Ignore Me] #16
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Yeh, I'd like to see more guns and vehicles aswell. Also what would be kind of cool would be mercenaries IMO, and maybe some kind of "treasure" that spawns in all continents (anywhere) and can contain different certs for an amount of hours or something.
My thoughts

Hercules4 TR, Werner
Gargoyle4 NC, Emerald
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Old 2005-02-15, 04:49 PM   [Ignore Me] #17
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My List:
Destructable enviroments
New Physics and graphics engine
New Bases
More varried continents
no load times (if i need to explain, i will)
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Old 2005-02-15, 05:49 PM   [Ignore Me] #18
Sergeant Major

Originally Posted by Mag-Mower


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Old 2005-02-15, 05:58 PM   [Ignore Me] #19
Sergeant Major

I'd like to see different gravity for different conts, like on esamir you can jump like 20 meters high but on solsar you can barely jump 2 meters

and day/night cycle with nightvision stuff
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Old 2005-02-15, 06:42 PM   [Ignore Me] #20
Master Sergeant
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ide like to see it go from Counterstrike style combat to Rainbow 6 style...

I fucking hate CS style FPS combat there is zero (0) skill involved Just spam your shit and whoever has the bigger gun wins

Last edited by Jeffey; 2005-02-15 at 06:44 PM.
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Old 2005-02-15, 06:58 PM   [Ignore Me] #21
Brigadier General
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You don't need skill at point blank
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Old 2005-02-15, 07:22 PM   [Ignore Me] #22
Master Sergeant
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at 20 yards, shotguns excluded, the bigger guns win, at 50 yards whoever has the medium assault weapon wins, at long distance the bolt driver wins.

very very rarely does skill come into play, if you have the gun, you = win
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Old 2005-02-16, 06:12 AM   [Ignore Me] #23
First Sergeant

I think killspam eliminated on some weapons (i.e. Supressor) would be cool for some Navy SEALS like tactical stuff would be cool. A new system for death would also be a very cool possibility.

= Crack addict
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Old 2005-02-16, 06:19 AM   [Ignore Me] #24
Brigadier General
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Originally Posted by Jeffey
at 20 yards, shotguns excluded, the bigger guns win, at 50 yards whoever has the medium assault weapon wins, at long distance the bolt driver wins.
What if they both have medium assault weapons? What if a MA gets the jump on a HA user? What if an infiltrator manages to slip past and detonate a boomer under a MAX?

Just because certain guns excel at best at varying ranges does not mean that there is no skill. It just means you bring the right tool for the job.
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Old 2005-02-16, 10:50 PM   [Ignore Me] #25
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Planetside 2, I feel, will not come around anytime soon. I even doubt a 2 year release. Maybe like, 5-7 years. Don't go nuts, even Half Life 2 took around that much time to develop and look at the quality of that product.

Planetside 2 will have (hopefully)

1. An overhauled engine.
They really don't have a choice here. Hitboxes is a must, being able to shoot people in vehicles would be nice. Watching bodies fly around after an explosion, hell, maybe even limbs blown off. I would expect the engine to be revamped to allow optimum patchability by the developers. I would also expect a device to make optimum use of one's internet conection.

1.5 Balance
I honestly dont believe Planetside is capable of being balanced as it is, by making every faction as equal as possible, yet keeping a shred of individuality. No no, I would like to see each empire being geared towards a specific area. Like NC get great infantry (and get strong armor, powerful guns), VS get great vehicles (versatile, strong, deadly), TR get shafted. Haha, just kidding, make TR be inbetween the two. Make it so every empire has different stuff on that area of specialty.To me, this would make more sense than trying to balance 3 vehicles that are sort of the same but arent quite.

2. Gameplay
Certification points and merit awards are great, but it gets dull, and boring. Planetside got a lot of criticism by people who felt that the gameplay was just too redundant.

2.5 Graphics graphics.
Pretty stuff for those who can handle them. Probably a way to provide optimum framerate. If you don't have this or number 1/2, you basically just bought an expansion.

3. Controls.
Same stuff, nothing amazing. Maybe a less confusing keymap system. Yugh. What a pain to configure. Better joystick compatability.

4. New weapons
At least a few, and probably revamped old ones.

5. New vehicles
Same as 4

6. New bases
A flaw that is pretty apparent in Planetside as it is. Redudancy makes great for framerates, but bad for the feel of the world.

7. A game with direction
It seems that Planetside as it is has no real direction, only to please the gamers. I wouldn't say this is a horrible direction, but it sure as hell isnt a good one. One thing that bugs be about Planetside is that the developers don't seem to have a goal that they want to attain. They just put new stuff in, and kick old things out just to keep the people playing. Great marketing, bad long term judgement. You end up with something far different than what you started with, in a completely different direction.

Whew, that was long.
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Old 2005-02-17, 09:19 AM   [Ignore Me] #26
Staff Sergeant

if a PS2 were to come out then SOE should commit themselves to it, and invest in a proper engine, as this is an MMOFPS, it should use neither the unrealistic and not attall dynamic engine of an MMORPG or that of a FPS which can handle no more than 16 players, they have to invest in a groundbreaking engine for a groundbreaking game, i myself beleive that futuristic MMOFPS's are the way forward for game design, but the engine in todays PS just isnt up to scratch...

also there should be more support abilities, like long range hacking, programme and virus building, nano-surgery, weapon modifying, vehicle modyfing, armor modifying, robotics, nano-camp building, spying, etc, etc, etc

infils should be played like any other stealth game, and should be able to access secret areas like in SC, or take people in a strangle hold in emergancy situations

balanced weapons, eg TR and VS get there own shotguns, and NC get some sort of guass machinegun or, if possible, flamethrower

Empire specific SMG's, snipers

more accurate weapons

better use of land vehicles, EG buggy fights

empire specific implants

Last edited by hex222; 2005-02-17 at 09:53 AM.
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Old 2005-02-17, 10:52 AM   [Ignore Me] #27
Brigadier General
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Who says the Planetside engine isn't groundbreaking?
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Old 2005-02-18, 12:43 PM   [Ignore Me] #28
Lieutenant General
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Even if this game does not have the name Planetside, another similar game will exist. This was esentialy the first game in its genra and hopefully sooner rather then later more games will pop up that are better then PS.
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Old 2005-02-18, 02:33 PM   [Ignore Me] #29
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Originally Posted by Jeffey
at 20 yards, shotguns excluded, the bigger guns win, at 50 yards whoever has the medium assault weapon wins, at long distance the bolt driver wins.

very very rarely does skill come into play, if you have the gun, you = win
I take pride in saying that i can take almost any HA user one on one with my Gauss rifle up close(easy if he's in agile), my entire infantry set up was based on surviving the initial blast, and being able to get him because of that.

Yes i'd have no stamina left, and next to no armor, and 25hp, but hey i won.

And it's so easy to avoid a sniper, if you move around, unless they get realy lucky.

Anyway my list.

More vechs, vech you can change out weapons(ala mech warrior customization, armor,speed, weapons)
Specific infantry classes each with thier own cert tree, IE even within a class you can specialize, Jump troopers easily can be pilots, special forces and infils go good, they also do light vehicles well, also hacking. Every class can specialize in a class specific medic ect. And combos of base classes can lead up to hybrid classes(kind of like Starwars galaxies skill trees, but a different experiance sytem that's not so crappy) like a Jump trooper + Special forces gets accsess to an Empire specific Elite Light-Infantry Class.
Base ideas:
Assault trooper: easy accsess to Heavy MG's, SG's, Anti-Vech, heavy armor
Special forces: Heavy Infiltrator, not cloacking but a camo system, very light armor light-to-med weapons, and sniper rifle.
Jump Trooper: Medium armor, acess to wide variety of weapons(carbines,light MG's, light sniper rifle, small AT weapons, like paratroopers) better Hot drop abilities, small Jump-Packs, that alow for manuvering in drop and for greater speed/manuvering on land.

In each class a person can move up in ranks, and gain ascess to better weaponry.
Jump Trooper(this is the class i've thought about the most, so it gets uses as an example most, forwar know as a JT)
They start with basic Carbine weaponry, after leveling up they get a few cert points, they can spend two of that in Adv. Carbines, that gives them acsess to a better carbine, perhaps it has a scope, and more stoping power. Or they can spend a bunch or 1 points in basic AV weapons, and Basic Sniping, and Basic demolitions.

Vehicles are seperate but also tied to classes. A heavey infantry man can spend points to get a reaver like gunship, but a JT gets a bonus so he spends less on that cert, and he can train a specilization for it that say gives him two guass cannons instead or rockets.

Now the most someone can do as far as total certs is do 3 base trees, 2 base trees, their hybrid and 2 Specializations or his main class or his main class and all of the specializations for it. Now doing three base tree's is dumb, but the other two = good. Also not all tree hyrid together, in that case it's 2 base tree's and 2 specializations.

The game would have physics similar to CS:S(and graphics as good as they can be), the combat would be more realistic, but damage would be resisted better by armor, so like heavy armor doesn' even get nicked by a 9mm pistol, but a 5.56mm rifle witha bit more "umph" to it might take some armor off, and say a 5.56mm rifle firing AP rounds would go right though the armor and hit health (but AP rounds need to be certed in as part of a weapons specialization, and damage is absorbed by armor so they don't get hit as iff they had no armor).

EDIT: oh yeah every weapon cert has a coupe of things, 1 common, an en empire specific of eveything, they each accele in certian areas, but all are basicly acessable(like you can get a 5.56mm carbine common pool w/ high rate of fire and good accuracy basicaly decent all around but it can only use AP and regular 5.56 amm , or a 7.62 guass carbine w/ a bit better damage, good accruacy, but a small clip and low ROF, but it also can use all guass ammo types(IE anything metal will get shot out of it) like Scatter, AP, slug, EMP)

All opinions are not equal. Some are a very great deal more robust, sophisticated and well supported in logic and argument than others.

Last edited by Rbstr; 2005-02-18 at 02:40 PM.
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Old 2005-02-18, 04:47 PM   [Ignore Me] #30
Major General
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What I want is a new engine I guess.

I want to be thrown across the room when I die by grenade or explosive.

Warthog driving physics, turn too hard and you start to skid, not nessisarly point the arrow where you want to go.

I want to be able to hang out of some vehicle passenger seat and shoot enemies with my own weapon. Maybe something like GTA shoot out of the window if your equipt with a pistol or if your vehicle is at a complete stop you could shoot your machine gun.

I want destructable vehicles, I want to loose my bumper, fender benders, no doors. (think Halo2)

Customizable everything, clothes, vehicles, goggles. I want to put decals on my Reaver, I want to wear a bandana, etc.

I want Broadband (thats just for me)

Manned emplacements(sp?), deploy man turrets, blast walls like ones you might see in the courtyard. Sandbag barriers,deployable camara.

I want the computers in the base the act like computers, not eyecandy. Some computers they pretend to be survalence camara's, i want to use them. "Press action button to view survalence camara". Enemies can destory them too.

I want to strangle someone, backstab, box someone, something for upclose that weapons wouldn't really do good, (more than just the current knifes)

MOre stuff to resemble the past, Helicopters, airplanes, maybe old fashoned weapons (M6, RPG, etc). Pictures of home, old wrecages, housing deployments.

If there are warpgates, I want to fly out of the gate coming out of mach 5, not pop up in some random place inside the bubble. Maybe just make the bubble around the warpgate beam and require the ANTs to have their own refill station somewhere in the middle of know where.

I want most the things that are in planetside today but on the standards i just listed.

More weapons, vehicles, bases, implants, certs, etc. Dual perpose, Dual welding.

More enviormentle effects, rare EarthQuakes, if theres a volcanoe erruptions every now and then (complete with lavaflow down the mountain and ash making it hard to see. Weather that can hurt you (lightning strikes, acid rain, etc (think Tribes2 here). Wind effects, climate, use your amagination and spell check here.

Nightlife. The headlights on vehicles actually come in to use here. Lights on vehicles can be turned off/on. Night Vision (possibly an implant?), flashlights. Silencers on some guns.

Backpacks. I want custom backpack sizes for anyone. Overpowered? How about the more stuff you take, the slower you move (excluding implants). You can run fastest with a backpack the size of an infultrator, you can run slow or in this case walk with a backpack the size of a MAXs (an example, their backpacks are a bit big). Catch my drift?

New bases. Yes tech plants, Bio, AMP, they all behave the same and have similar atributes, but I want different passages throughout the bases and maybe different shapes. I don't know if this is possible, but just an idea.

Before all this happens though, the story of Planetside #1 has to be finished, they have to leave what was once Auraxis and leave to another place, most likely home.

Eyecandy, sound quality, they have to be pimped to the max. I want stuff to shine. I want my pencles to vibrate when the speakers are on full blast.

But what I ask for is a rich man's game, and I played off a geforce2.
PS Storys:
The Eraser
The New World (5Chap.)

Living is easy with eyes closed.
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