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Old 2003-05-05, 09:05 PM   [Ignore Me] #16
Spider's Avatar

Hopefully they wont add it... it's not that I dont have the skill (just look at my America's army ranking) it's just I dont like it plain and simple *shudders* tired of newbs doing 1 hit kill and saying the "owned joo" because they were lucky with their new pistol
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Old 2003-05-05, 09:24 PM   [Ignore Me] #17

Oh, but if headshots were in the game, while the noobs are typing that they "owned joo", you could be lining up your retaliatory headshot
Tobyus...a.k.a Supertoby
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Old 2003-05-05, 10:03 PM   [Ignore Me] #18
Second Lieutenant
Venoxile's Avatar

As long as we're back on the headshot topic, i'll bring up what i used to say. By no means do I mean that a headshot with an assault rifle should be a 1 hit kill like cs, that would just be gay. I think that headshots should do twice the damage of a chest shot, and a shot below the waiste should be half the damage of a chest shot.
For instance (made up numbers):
Gauss chest shot: 10 damage
Gauss head shot: 20 damage
Gauss leg shot: 5 damage

Just makes more sense to me. Sure it makes the game more vulnerable to cheaters, but the 15$ we're putting into the game every month should beable to cover their server costs as well as their salaries for making anti cheat patches.
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Old 2003-05-05, 10:37 PM   [Ignore Me] #19
Second Lieutenant
Daleon's Avatar

There a very technical reasons why body area damage is not in the game. Lets just say its laggy enough as it is and the game can get by without it though it would be nice.

Next, try and have faith that SOE/Verant and the PS developers will support the game as long as we, the players support the game and make it worth their while to add and improve it as time goes by. Most of the time it takes about a year for an MMO's first expansion to hit. This will probably have a graphic upgrade, new territory, maybe some new weapons/vehicles, etc. But hopefully by then we'll know what its really like to have played the game for a while and add whatever it is that is really going to be needed to make the game have a lasting appeal. Right now, I find PS to be a blast and try and keep my RPG personality out of the gameplay as much as possible that way I don't feel like I am missing out on 'developing' my character or anything like that as much. If you feel like putting in multiple hours a day into a game and not having super 1337 items is a waste of time, then there are plenty of games coming to fill that gap. SWG, WOW, EQ2, EVE, etc. All of these I will also more than likely try out, but PS is not and hopefully never will be those games.
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Old 2003-05-06, 12:53 AM   [Ignore Me] #20
First Sergeant

why dont they make headshots for maybe none automatic weapons or just the boltdriver...
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Old 2003-05-06, 02:07 AM   [Ignore Me] #21

There are two arguments here, one is for more skill oriented gameplay (headshots, area specific dmg) and the other is for a more RPG like atmosphere, where there are rare items maybe an economy and the more you play the better your character will be.

I'm in favor of going both directions.

I've played everquest for a while and I liked it. It was fun to role play a bit, though I didn't do it much. Everquest kept you commited with all the incentives for rare items and levels and such, which is both good and bad. YOu cared more about your character and you were more careful than you are in say DAyof Defeat where no matter what you do you are equal with everyone else by your next spawn. But, it got old too cause the more you played the more good stuff you could get and the higher the level you could get and and the more good stuff you could then get and became a never ending cycle.

...and...I've played Counter-strike since beta 4.1 (3 1/2 years) and I've played day of defeat and a host of other FPS games too. What kept me playing CS was that it was pretty well balanced, so everyones tactics made the most difference, not what gun they were using or what armor they had. Numbers made a difference too, though I've killed five guys with a single clip before, but I was damn good then. Sure if I hadn't played for a few weeks I would suck again, but it wouldn't take me more than a few days to get back to where I was. So time invested mattered too, though for different reasons than EQ. Your incentive in CS was if you lose this round then you get less money and it will be harder to kick ass in the next round, though if you you were patient, you could. Plus it was just heart pounding excitement too, cause if you were the last one left then your team was pulling for you and everyone got to see you win/fail. You had a reputation to uphold. EQ, no one cared how you did unless they were in your group and then they knew how your were going to do anyhow based on your class, level, and items more or less.

What I'm saying is, Planetside could benefit from a little more incentive and a little more skill. I think that if I put some time in I want to be better than that n00b who doesn't know how to hotdrop for god's sake but not because I have better weapons or a higherlevel, because I know the tricks of the game, the way each gun fires and jumps precisely and how the terrain can best work to my advantage. I think in a game where we all have constant characters though, we need to have some further incentive for working together in the game too but rare items could lead to griefing and that would be ugly, though I like the idea of further increasing the base importance.

fine, um after all that rambling, this game should be like CS in skill level, but with some added incentives for working together and gaining ground.

I think i need to go to bed...

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Old 2003-05-06, 09:23 AM   [Ignore Me] #22
Sergeant Major
DarkDragon00's Avatar

Siping pisses me off without the headshots! Its ok to leave em out cuz peeps are afraid of the yellow streak, belive me i go hunting eveytime i see that streak!

Originally posted by Airlift
Please don't put rares and an economy in my FPS. While I appreciate that there are many people who enjoy RPG games, there are more than enough such games on the market. Roleplayers already have more than their fair share of the MMO games, and this one is for those of us who want combat based on player skill, not character/item investment.

i agree with this 100% so why post it again. I love RPG's but i also love FPS. This was brought together in PS and lets me have my fame and respect by running my outfit well. Thats all u have to do, get a squad or an outfit and the funfactor increases 300%.

One thing i would like to see are the meeting rooms. I used those alot, and now i need them back.

Another thing with design ur own base, bull crap. Not enough territory, but maybe u can set up the turrents and other defenses of the base, that could be good.
[ Admin removed by 9mm ]

The only true thug left, i merc ni**as cuz they all seem like skirts, while i flirt, with danger ur at home, living comfortably, in the beggining couldnt afford a computer, but now im living like im a millionair, buyin' things, that u only have in ur dreams, maybe its cuz i made it out alive, im outy alright, and this is for u, the real PSU, i still love u, but what happened, u guys got a bunch of asses, in ur ranks, now ur forums are full of Sh*t

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Old 2003-05-06, 09:46 AM   [Ignore Me] #23

I have played the game for 3 weeks and you know what.
i was an awsome 3 weeks but now i am bored of it.

it is a still a bit fun here and there if you are in a "chaos" mood or wanting to do some "chaotic" teamplay.

but there is nothing NEW. it is:
1. take over this base
2. take over that base
3. defend this base
4. take over that tower
5. defend that tower.

it gets old. i asked smoke "what are you guys going to do about replayability" and he says look at the news comming out soon.

All i saw was this AGN news thing and i hear that the xp system is going to be alot slower than was in beta.

sorry but woopdy doo. I cant see how that will bring me back for over a month.

there needs to be something INTERESTING. like we are in a movie or somethign. Some diabolic despot has WMD and we got to stop him because he is bent on destroying a continent with a NUKE or somethign. or some wierd ass "genestealer" alien race has invaded and we have to fight together to defeat them.
or some other types of grand campaigns or something other than capture the flag global conquest.

i think i am going to wait until i hear that they got somethign new comming out before i buy the game. I cant see my self playing this game after another week until something other than better graphics or a new island catches my attention.
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Old 2003-05-06, 10:19 AM   [Ignore Me] #24
Sig Mastah!
Airlift's Avatar

If you are bored with it, don't play. Or maybe just don't play all day every day. I love how games come out and people consume them with every scrap of waking energy and then get bored because they did it over and over and over again. After that, it is always the game's fault for not changing or bringing enough to the table. Bah.

And for the record, Headshot != Skill, Headshot == Low Ping, Big monitor, Fast Machine. It does make people who get headshots feel skilled tho.
[ Been a while, desu ne? ]
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Old 2003-05-06, 10:34 AM   [Ignore Me] #25
Red face

:o just my opinion.

you are absolutly right.

i just wont play anymore unless they fix
"what is lacking in PS" as the thread subject hints at.


the game really has no creativity.
name something original.
i can name maybe 2-3 things that are original.
everything else is a clone of a someone else's great ideas.

the command point system is good. prevents idiots from taking command.

the spawn point truck is cool. havent seen that one before.

but everything else is or should i say HAS been done.

hmm lets see the game we have ripped off
halo/quake/tribes/eq.....ect ect.

the game needs some creativity. the same creativity that keeps EQ and DoC running still. Some imagination and new situations.

so what if 2000 people are playing on a single server. I am only going to play against 12-60 people at a time. it is not like i am interacting with all 2000 people. i can play bf1942 and play against 25 people for just as chaotic "base conquest" fun. and for free as well.
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Old 2003-05-06, 10:42 AM   [Ignore Me] #26

I feel the same way d0rian.
If SJ keeps talking about all this cool "content" that is coming, he needs to share the info. If he doesn't I will not buy it. But if he can mention a few cool things and tell us they are coming out in a few months, I will be in. I am starting to doubt there is said "content".

Last edited by Seabass03; 2003-05-06 at 10:44 AM.
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Old 2003-05-06, 10:51 AM   [Ignore Me] #27
Second Lieutenant

DAOC Has creativity? woah hehe

The creative thing here is the successful merging of RP elements with FPS elements. The entire CERT/BR system is original, the CR system is original, the lattice and base capping system is original.

If you are burnt out then don't play, the fun part of this game is when you get in an outfit and have organized strikes of 20-30 people that turn the tide on a continent.

In spite of that I would love more content and I am willing to bet SOE will continue to add content just like they have with EQ.
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Old 2003-05-06, 11:32 AM   [Ignore Me] #28

i didnt say that daoc was offered anythign new that eq didnt already offer. if thats what you are saying.

i really dont think we can put PS role playing in the same catagory as eq/daoc role playing. yes we play a "role" in PS as a specialized team member. but that is as far as the role playing goes. perhaps it will be better when they make the xp gain more difficult.

br system: unoriginal. eq did it (which is sony but still a different game)

cr system: new finaly a way to have only the most dedicated players be overall commanders. bad side: only a fraction of a percent will ever reach a commander status. my opinion: dont hold your breath to be a commander any time soon especially with the xp system being changed to be slower.

lattice system: unoriginal. how many space combat game have done this already.

base capping: give me a break unoriginal: this goes as far back as 1990 with netrek (the real grandaddy of team based sci fi shooters)

i have been playing games for a long time now. i can tell a quick burnout game when i see one. yes i burned out of enjoying the game. i still like the human interaction of playing as a squad and that is THE ONLY thing keeping me interested at this time after 3 weeks.

I am willing to give SOE a thumbs up with the game. it rocks.
i just hope they dont screw it up by just taking the money and sitting back. They need to keep busy thinking about how to expand this planetside universe.

DAOC Has creativity? woah hehe

The creative thing here is the successful merging of RP elements with FPS elements. The entire CERT/BR system is original, the CR system is original, the lattice and base capping system is original.

If you are burnt out then don't play, the fun part of this game is when you get in an outfit and have organized strikes of 20-30 people that turn the tide on a continent.

In spite of that I would love more content and I am willing to bet SOE will continue to add content just like they have with EQ.
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Old 2003-05-06, 11:44 AM   [Ignore Me] #29
Sig Mastah!
Airlift's Avatar

Hahahahaha, roflmfao... EQ was the least creative game ever written. There was not one single bit of EQ that hasn't been present in every half-assed MUD ever released for free on some college unix box since the 80s. In fact, EQ was nothing more than a 3d graphical front end for any given MU*.

Furthermore, the fact that EQ was MMO has always been a detriment to enjoying the game because it was poorly conceived and ill-designed for its own success. You had me going for a second, because you are right, Planetside is another revision of the first person shooter. However, Planetside flourishes because of its scale and design, not in spite of it like EQ.

Here's the important part: Don't be fooled by the promise of post-release content. If you are not happy with the concept and gameplay, you should not buy it. This game has a very specific market, and the unhappy people obviously are not it.

If you are here for Apartments and Lounges and deep character development, the door is behind you. If you came to join together with friends and fight progressively larger snakes and rats, the door is also behind you. If you want to understand why we are fighting and use diplomacy to win the day, the door... If you want a game where you run against a 15 minute timer and get a score sheet at the end, you are in the wrong place. If you want an Endgame where you can muster a huge force of high level players to battle some epic thing that would slaughter an army of newbs in a single round of claw claw bite, then you are still in the wrong place. If you need an endgame condition where you have beaten the game and can add it to your list of PC game conquests, there be no hope for you here.

For those of us who remain, I'll see you on the HART.
[ Been a while, desu ne? ]
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Old 2003-05-06, 11:48 AM   [Ignore Me] #30
Staff Sergeant

For all those who said this is a FPS not a RPG, ur wrong FPSs need more then 1 hitbox, and dont get me wrong it's not an RPG either, the RPG 'elements' are close to non-existant (the face paced BR system barely quilfies). The fact is, it falls short in both catagorys.

And for the record, Headshot != Skill, Headshot == Low Ping, Big monitor, Fast Machine. It does make people who get headshots feel skilled tho.
Yes but the way it is now, its more for the 56k/lowend comp. The ppl they play on these machines arent 'hardcore' gamers, and will probly not end up paying to play anyway.

And for the whole arguement "if u dont like it dont bitch/play it"
Honstaly some of us have been following this for awhile, and are dissapointed w/ what it is, so why can't they bitch?

And for all the bashing of the ppl who say they wont be subsribing, i want to see how many of these basher are still playing in 6 months, regardless of any updates or expansions (if i can lose interest in this game in less the 2 weeks, a expack thats 1/3 size isnt gonna hold me any longer.)
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