Originally Posted by darkBerry
Is Daybreak agree with this project?
Because I know the recent Clone Wars Adventures Emu has been cancelled by a legal demand, in 2014
Looking around a bit, I can find nothing about the legal demand against the CWA Emulator, if it even existed. I suspect that it is actually from Lucas Arts, since Soe/Daybreak has a history of being easier to work with. DBG gave their blessing to EQEmu and I know that their agreement with SWGEmu was largely in part to SOE being easy to work with when it came to convincing LA to go along with it. I suspect that once we get off the ground and get something worth presenting to show that we're good custodians of the game, we'll be able to gain SOE/DBG's blessing with this emulator. Again, PS2 is their baby, they care little for PS1.
We're slowly gaining a number of very old names that are interested in helping us out with the project, and that is a good thing for us.
Retired NC CR5, Cerberus Company.
Not currently playing PS2. Anyone with a similar name is not me. My only characters are listed in my stats profile here on PSU.