Originally Posted by Warborn
The idea is not that one grunt should be able to take down a BFR, it's for a few grunts to be able to. Yes, one guy shooting a decimator will do little if he's the only one firing at it, and so it should. After all, what's the reacquisition timer on a grunt's loadout?
But if you get a few grunts to fire at the BFR, it should pose a threat. Hell, even right now a few decimators firing in tandem is nothing to scoff at. Even worse is if the grunts get to jam you and then run inside your shields. HUGE damage, those things can do. Once the next patch goes live and there's a 20 second duration for jamming, and decimators do 50% more damage, there is no way in hell I'm going to bring my BFR near a base until it's been secured by infantry. It will definitely be a step in the right direction.
For once I agree with you warborn, like two nights ago I dropped a BFR with a sniper rifle, a bolt driver! (I will admit that it took no skill only luck) and last night I took down a BFR with a Anti Tank Max, ran into its shields blew the Gen, and then finished it off. If you were blessed with a capable squad, then you could easily take down a BFR.
1. Hide and wait untill BFR crouches
2. When BFR crouched, use anything from jammers to emp blasts
3. Guy with deci or anti armor weapon rushes in and destroys shield Gen
4. Squad creates hell for BFR
5. Do the /emote cabbagepatch over the dead BFR
See, very easy.. I almost think the BFR's were the Devs way to convince people to join organized outfits and use tactics.. ooohhh you sly devs you!!!