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Old 2002-12-28, 07:21 PM   [Ignore Me] #16
Gnarus Necnon
Validuz's Avatar

Originally posted by Dio

Ok how about we make a new forum rule Hamma, no talk about Tribes and no bitching about something unless you did it or made one yourself.
I was referring to Sierra rushing it out and it not being completed. Dont make me own you Dio
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Old 2002-12-28, 07:32 PM   [Ignore Me] #17
Major General
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"Ok how about we make a new forum rule Hamma, no talk about Tribes and no bitching about something unless you did it or made one yourself."

I second this motion.....
You First. No more Pearl Harbors.

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Old 2002-12-28, 07:48 PM   [Ignore Me] #18
Lieutenant General
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Originally posted by Validuz
I was referring to Sierra rushing it out and it not being completed.
I'm just curious Validuz but when was the last time you made a 3D PC game for thousands of people?

Didn't think so.

I'm not saying T2 didn't launch with a lot of problems, i'm saying unless you work for a dev company then you can't really complain about it. No offense to you it's just that (after the numerous patches you had to download) T2 was one of the best games ever made and i get tired of the PS people bitching about it.

In the words of one of the greatest guys ever (becuz he is making PS)
Originally posted by SmokeJumper
You make T3 and show me what I did wrong, okay?
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Old 2002-12-28, 07:49 PM   [Ignore Me] #19
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*o snap*
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Old 2002-12-28, 08:07 PM   [Ignore Me] #20

Just thought I would add this little piece of info, first off I have no clue where gamespy is getting there intel, but I have 2 copies of PlanetSide reserved. Sony has already put out a release date to Game Stop so people can reserve there copy/copies of the game right now. Game Stop has been told the release date has been set for 3/5/2003. Of course this is subject to change if they have any unfinished beta testing to be done, but untill they have changed it this is the official release date.
Be Safe and Have Fun
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Old 2002-12-28, 08:16 PM   [Ignore Me] #21
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For some reason they always seem to bump theirs up. I don't want to burst you bubble (I really really hope you're right), but they were like 6 weeks early with BF1942. Here's hoping though...
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Old 2002-12-28, 09:27 PM   [Ignore Me] #22
Gnarus Necnon
Validuz's Avatar

Originally posted by Dio
I'm just curious Validuz but when was the last time you made a 3D PC game for thousands of people?

Didn't think so.

I'm not saying T2 didn't launch with a lot of problems, i'm saying unless you work for a dev company then you can't really complain about it. No offense to you it's just that (after the numerous patches you had to download) T2 was one of the best games ever made and i get tired of the PS people bitching about it.

In the words of one of the greatest guys ever (becuz he is making PS)
1.) T3 already has the green light.

2.) Dont put words in my mouth, I NEVER said T2 sucked in any way, but it was CLEARLY not finished when it was released. You have a nice double-standard there; "I'm not saying T2 didn't launch with a lot of problems"..."I'm just curious Validuz but when was the last time you made a 3D PC game for thousands of people?" That same question you asked me, you can ask yourself. Little do you know that I used to play Q3 like a religion until I started playing Tribes. The game is by far the best game out. I was simply stating that it was released to early because of Sierra.

3.) What games have you created?

4.) Why in the flying fuck are you protecting Sierra? The company that FINALLY released the so-called "final patch" a year and a half after the game was released.

Besides the fact that you flatout said that your bugged about people bitching about Tribes problems (which youve vaguely admitted there are), is the one reason you said anything to me.
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Old 2002-12-28, 09:31 PM   [Ignore Me] #23
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/mode #ps-universe +bbb Sierra T2 T3

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Old 2002-12-28, 09:31 PM   [Ignore Me] #24
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(*o snizap*)
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Old 2002-12-28, 09:32 PM   [Ignore Me] #25
Sergeant Major

ehhh.... *cough*yoursigisn'tworking*cough*

"Guess I've drank the planetside kool-aid already, but this game looks like it will be unbelievably good." - Airlift
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Old 2002-12-28, 09:33 PM   [Ignore Me] #26
Gnarus Necnon
Validuz's Avatar
Back to the topic at hand...

Anyways, I doubt that SOE will push for the release of Planetside as long as they've been working on this, and then spit out a game that's half done like Sierra did.

Sounds like everything is going great from what Ive been hearing, and I was very pleased to hear that they will have 99% of the bugs out even before it gets to the beta testers.

I'd seriously just HATE to see another game get ruined by bugs, like T2 was. In all seriousness, there would be at least triple the people playing T2 still if it didnt have all these problems from the beginning. Im really looking foward to this game and I can just hope that beta testers do their job, instead of having the attitude of "wow, i get to play this game before anyone else".

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Old 2002-12-28, 09:35 PM   [Ignore Me] #27
Gnarus Necnon
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Originally posted by Sandtaco
ehhh.... *cough*yoursigisn'tworking*cough*
Ive been meaning to get around to that. heh, ty ;p
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Old 2002-12-28, 09:38 PM   [Ignore Me] #28
Major General
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We should start a whole little section on the main page of the forum, where people can go and rant about how horrid t2 was or how great it was. I don't give a rat's ass. These are PS forums, it's a new, different game. Let it go.
You First. No more Pearl Harbors.

Vist because we're better than you.
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Old 2002-12-28, 09:42 PM   [Ignore Me] #29
Sputty's Avatar

Nearly every game has a patch the first or second to figure out some game is ever truly finished when it's on the PC
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Old 2002-12-28, 09:45 PM   [Ignore Me] #30
Lieutenant General
io's Avatar

Originally posted by Validuz
2.) Dont put words in my mouth, I NEVER said T2 sucked in any way, but it was CLEARLY not finished when it was released. You have a nice double-standard there; "I'm not saying T2 didn't launch with a lot of problems"..."I'm just curious Validuz but when was the last time you made a 3D PC game for thousands of people?" That same question you asked me, you can ask yourself. Little do you know that I used to play Q3 like a religion until I started playing Tribes. The game is by far the best game out. I was simply stating that it was released to early because of Sierra.
Originally posted by Validuz
I don't want another nightmare of a game like T2 was when it came out.
Unless i'm reading it wrong you said T2 was a nightmare when it was released. This to me = you complaining about T2 which is what this whole thing is about. And as i said in the part you conviently didn't put

i'm saying unless you work for a dev company then you can't really complain about it.
Originally posted by Validuz

3.) What games have you created?
I'm not complaining about Tribes either am i.
Originally posted by Validuz

4.) Why in the flying fuck are you protecting Sierra? The company that FINALLY released the so-called "final patch" a year and a half after the game was released.
It has nothing to do with defending Sierra but defending Tribes. I'm tired of people saying it sucked or in your case sucked early on.

Originally posted by Validuz
Besides the fact that you flatout said that your bugged about people bitching about Tribes problems (which youve vaguely admitted there are), is the one reason you said anything to me.
Umm didn't get all of that but i never bitched about T2. I said it has problems at launch but i never said it sucked or called it a nightmare.

Anyway back to the regulary scheduled topic. (i hope)
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