Originally posted by Lonehunter187
Other than the Matrix, T3 has the best chase sceens
Not quite. For sheer spectical, Matrix was an amazing chase scene. But, I'd say the best chase scenes, I've seen, were in Ronin. Some very cool "realistic" car chases. Good Stuff.
I liked T3. It did a lot to bring the story full circle. Also, some real clever things to set apart the "female" version of a Terminator. Namely the sort of Manufactured Sway in her Hips and Arms. It was like she was trying to walk like a woman - instead of walking like one, heh.
There were some minor thing that were annoying. Some of the Lighting for the CraneTruck chase scenes didn't match. And, the biggest one was when the 3 of them, suddenly show up, armed to the Teeth, in a Secure Military Facility.
Was also left Wide Open for another Movie.