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Old 2003-07-16, 01:09 AM   [Ignore Me] #16
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Originally posted by Jaged
rap and some hip hop.

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Old 2003-07-16, 01:11 AM   [Ignore Me] #17
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^my thoughts exactly^
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Old 2003-07-16, 01:24 AM   [Ignore Me] #18
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ah, no one said anything about my wierd taste in music, any one here listen to They Might be Giants (particle man rocks)

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Old 2003-07-16, 05:41 AM   [Ignore Me] #19
Lieutenant Colonel

The guitar book I'm learning out of has the music in two forms. Tableture and treble clef. Tab is designed for guitar music, instead of notes it's actually written in fingerings, for example:
Would mean you play your highest string (highest pitch, not physically highest) and hold down the first fret.

But really, guitar is a way more interesting instrument than Alto Sax. I mean, you can't exactly join a heavy metal band with a sax, you know?
4 days left 'til 4 more years.
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Old 2003-07-16, 11:43 AM   [Ignore Me] #20
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wow geniuses must write some of those heavy metal songs... yeah lets see we need a guy that cant sing shouting, three simple major and natural minor chords to switch to, and a guy that can keep a beat on the drums.... wooopie
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Old 2003-07-16, 11:45 AM   [Ignore Me] #21
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Originally posted by Mr1337Duck
But really, guitar is a way more interesting instrument than Alto Sax. I mean, you can't exactly join a heavy metal band with a sax, you know?
a.heavy metal sucks
b. sax is more interesting than you think it is. it can go EXTREMELY high and has a very vocal and flexible voice.
c. guitar (other than classical) is the instrument all the people who jsut want to play rock with pick up...
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Old 2003-07-16, 12:17 PM   [Ignore Me] #22

i play drums in a punk rock band. when i say punk rock, i mean all the new punk-pop stuff, like NFG and that kinda stuff. and we have a girl basist, what a novelty! we might turn into a ska-punk band if we can get some horns, like a LTJ cover band.
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Old 2003-07-16, 12:44 PM   [Ignore Me] #23
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Good sax music is good, I'll give you that. My experience with sax hasn't been very good, though. I've really only played Shitty School Band crap, nothing good. But I've had more enjoyment with guitar in the time I've had it than I've had with sax. Maybe I should drop by the music store and grab some music.
4 days left 'til 4 more years.
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Old 2003-07-16, 12:53 PM   [Ignore Me] #24
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thats the problem, for a few years of playing the sax you dont realize what it really is... its just another stupid instrument that a lot of people use in jazz... the sax has always been looked down on, partly because its so new.

sax quartets and ensembles are really a blessing to listen to, as are other classical things.

its a shame that on the classical music stations, they play complete shit. i mean its a light boring crap. some of the early classical/renissance (sp?) pieces are superb, with different parts doing completely differnent things.

My favorite types of music are jazz and classical, but only certain classical pieces.....
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Old 2003-07-16, 01:23 PM   [Ignore Me] #25
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Well I'm been an off and on professional musician since 1978. I started out playing piano when I was young (self taught) - played drums in school - even did a little sax senior year for fun. Joined a classic rock band in 78 as a drummer, switched out and played some bass for a while (had drummers to spare. no bass players) bought a keyboard a while later and played bass with left hand and keys with right. Finally bought an Ensoniq EPS keyboard and have played keys ever since (although I occationally drum for a song or two every once in a while). I got done with my last band last year after about a 7 year run. Have done the club scene for years - been all over my state. Been in the studio a couple of times as well. Played mostly classic rock, but have played everything from country to jazz to blues to well a little of everything. Listen to general rock - not real fond of rap, hip hop, or opera - can handle about anything else. Interesting to see so many musicians in the community. Too bad we all couldn't lay down a track and assemble it somehow. The PSU band would rock!!
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Old 2003-07-16, 01:46 PM   [Ignore Me] #26
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I try to play drums. The easy school band shit is nothing, I have arguments with my brother (who thinks his trumpet is harder to play), they ended when my friend up with the sheets for bands like...Megadeath, System of a Down, Rammstein, etc. Hard as hell.
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Old 2003-07-16, 02:11 PM   [Ignore Me] #27
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I suck at being talented, dont play any instruments.

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Old 2003-07-16, 02:34 PM   [Ignore Me] #28
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Originally posted by Call-The-Gestap
i play drums in a punk rock band. when i say punk rock, i mean all the new punk-pop stuff, like NFG
punk sucks. especially the new shit.


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Old 2003-07-16, 02:37 PM   [Ignore Me] #29
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Originally posted by Hamma
I suck at being talented

I play Clarinet and Mallet Percussion (Xylophones and stuff like that). I play clarinet in my regular school band and I play mallet percussion in my school's indoor drumline. Indoor drum line is by far my favorite of the two.

Indoor Drum line is a fairly new spin-off of Drum & Bugle Corps. It prety much the same except no wind interment(we get electric guitars instead) are allowed and we play in a gym instead of on a football field. Usually Indoor Drumlin shows will have a much more exaggerated "theme" than Drum & Bugle Corps. For instance, last year one of the upper level lines did a show that followed a fictional persons life from Middle School until he dies. Another line did a show about AI.

Indoor drumlins consist of two parts; the Pit and the Battery. The pit is all the stationary stuff and the Battery is all the marching drums. The battery does all sorts of cool formations. Last year one group built a fifteen-foot tall pyramid out of wooden X's and played on top of it.
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