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Old 2003-09-01, 12:35 AM   [Ignore Me] #16
Lieutenant Colonel

Allk your work can be wiped out by one squad? Heck, all your work could be wiped out by one guy. I've taken a whole continent by myself. Although, I've only done that once.
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Old 2003-09-01, 02:02 AM   [Ignore Me] #17
Sergeant Major
MuNsTeR's Avatar

that happens to me soo many times.. thats why i barely have any kills. it really makes me mad. they should give it to the person who inflicted the most damage or something.

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Old 2003-09-01, 04:18 AM   [Ignore Me] #18
Staff Sergeant

Actually, i agree with this guy.

And i did a poll a while ago, on how the BE points should be distributed, and the result was that people thought the system should be based on damage caused, which i agree on.

Can you really hack doing all the work on a enemy max, getting almost dead from it, and then having some guy in a infultration suit run up behind him, take one shot, and kill the max. Yep, that happened to me last night. ( although i was so annoyed, i was forced to rack up some greif points on him ).
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Old 2003-09-01, 11:44 AM   [Ignore Me] #19
First Sergeant

The only thing i have left is
This has happened with damn near every other MMO game out there.
I played EQ, DAoC and Shadowbane at launch and in all of these people were complaining, they claimed there was a high turnover rate, everybody hated the game and it would never last. Of course we all know how untrue this is, at least with EQ and DAoC.
True. Which is why I said turnover is the nature of all online games. However since the devs decided to put those nice population dots on the server select screen it allows us to get a rough idea of the playerbase. What I'm seeing today is barely half of what I saw a month after the games launch. As I said, only SOE knows the real numbers, but if those population meters are somewhat accurate then there is room for concern IMO.

And comparing EQ/DAoC to PS in this regard points back to your argument -- PS is a FPS, not an RPG. RPG's have this thing called content that tend to keep people around much longer. MMPORPGs have been around for years, so the "pay to play" model for them has been accepted. "Pay to play" is new to the FPS genre, and if you want people to continue to pay then you probably need to bring some good stuff to the table other than player numbers.

The major problem I see right now is population. After the launch of the game you could find big battles anywhere. It was then you saw true fun and potential of the game. But now with the severe drop in player numbers you basically have this 3rd man out game.

Team A and Team B get a huge war going on a continent. They pop lock it. Since the population is low this pop lock war hogs up the majority of Team A and Team B's players. Leaving Team C with hardly anyone to fight.

This happens on Markov pretty much every night. TR and NC lock up Forseral while the Vanu go around capping empty bases. But when the population was higher you generally had these huge wars on several continents. 2-4 continents would be pop locked. When is the last time you saw 2 continents pop locked? Now ONE pop lock continent generally hogs up most of the servers players.
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Old 2003-09-01, 12:04 PM   [Ignore Me] #20
First Lieutenant
Nimbus's Avatar

I'm pretty new to planetside so I haven't really seen the population drop, although I don't doubt it's the case. It's normal to have really heavy churn in the beginning. Sony seems intent on adding content so hopefully soon there'll be something to make it more interesting.

Actually, I saw 2 continents pop locked on Emerald saturday night. Dunno how long that lasted though.
*signature eaten by feral snails*
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Old 2003-09-01, 01:24 PM   [Ignore Me] #21
Staff Sergeant
AcidCat's Avatar

Originally posted by shadowseed

Can you really hack doing all the work on a enemy max, getting almost dead from it, and then having some guy in a infultration suit run up behind him, take one shot, and kill the max. Yep, that happened to me last night. ( although i was so annoyed, i was forced to rack up some greif points on him ).
I'm sorry, but you're retarded. You're going to kill an ally for helping you out with an enemy? Nice work.
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Old 2003-09-02, 04:15 AM   [Ignore Me] #22
Staff Sergeant

Originally posted by AcidCat
I'm sorry, but you're retarded. You're going to kill an ally for helping you out with an enemy? Nice work.
He never "helped me out" when i was fighting the damn thing!. I have a enhanced targeting implant, and it took me over a minute of doging fire - re-healing and fighting this camped max, all the time, this infaltraor stayed behind me, he only bothered moving in when i had the max down to almost his last breath. And then he did not engage it until the last moment.
Thats what pissed me off, and thats why i shot him. I cant be sure, but i belive he had a the smae implant and was just waiting for me to do the hard work.

And its not the first time ive noticed people "poaching" kills, not getting into a fire fight until the enemy is weak, the unloading with a fast-fire weapon, hoping there buttets will score the kill.

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