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Old 2003-09-04, 12:36 AM   [Ignore Me] #16
Lieutenant Colonel

Okay, I've Piloted every vehicle, and gunned on every vehicle, on all sides, even empire based. There IS no problem with any empire vehicle. They all have strengths and weaknesses. None of them are more powerful that the other, per say. Take for example the difference between the Mag, Prowler, and the Vanguard.
Mag has an excellent, almost light speed cannon that's pretty damn powerful against anything, crappy pilot gun, excellent manuverabilty.
Prowler has low manuverabilty, requires 2 gunners, but the Machinegun is powerful against infantry and Air, and the cannon is very powerful against vehicles and Infanrty.
Vanguard has medium manuverabilty, requires a gunner, Has an extremely powerful cannon against infantry and vehicles, and pretty good machinegun against infanrty. poor against air.

Which would you say is better?
The Van? Mag perhaps? The answer is neither. Each is the top of the hill, WHEN IT'S IN THE RIGHT AREA. Vanguard- tops against Vehicles and Infantry. Mag-Tops against Infantry and Seige, and pretty decent cannon against air, when it hits. Prowler-Tops against Air, Medium against Vehicles and Siege, and pretty damn good against infantry. You put 3 or 4 of the same together and you get a mobile artillery force. Nasty against anything that stands in the way. Neither is better than the other, Per say. It just depends on HOW you use it. Anyone driving around in a Prowler half gunned is just an Idiot. Anyone driving a Mag without a gunner is still decent, as it's good against Infantry. The forward gun may suck, as it's hard to aim and drive, but you don't need to shoot when you can run over 7 guys in one crack.
Flammey is offline  
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Old 2003-09-04, 01:02 AM   [Ignore Me] #17

The Prowler is far, far more maneuverable than the vanguard
Queensidecastle is offline  
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Old 2003-09-04, 04:04 AM   [Ignore Me] #18

Besides, the Prowler fire faster, which made up for the increased brute force and splash of the Vanguard.

I was a Vanguard gunner and I found a Prowler with only one gunner (besides the pilot) at close range I fired first, and each of us landed all our shots. I killed him, but after that, my vanguard had less than 10% health. If the Prowler had a third gunnet, he would have probably won . 5 minutes later, the same scenario repeated himself. So, no, I don't think the Prowler is lacking anything.
Soon comes the days all shall be free,
Even you, and even me;
Soon comes the days all shall die,
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Shadowsword8 is offline  
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Old 2003-09-04, 01:15 PM   [Ignore Me] #19

Saying that the prowler is "far far more manuverable" than the Vanguard is over stating it a bit.

They both have roughly the same spin up time to get to going. The Prowler just corners better than the Vanguard.
Mazzic is offline  
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Old 2003-09-04, 02:37 PM   [Ignore Me] #20

No sorry, its far more than that. The prowler can accellerate on hills w/out slipping, and can climb steeper angles. It has a more traction when the outside tips of the tracks are not on flat ground (ditch) capable of turning where a vanguard cannot. It can back out of ditches and holes where a vanguard cannot, and it has a more narrow turning radius.

So what you want to do When in a Prowler facing off with a Vanguard is head into the hills. If you have the skills the vanguard gets stuck, and you dont. Also if he doesnt take the bait, your 100mm guns just got the high ground on him
Queensidecastle is offline  
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